Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2368: Reality can't believe it

Chapter 2368: Another Reality Can't Believe

Li Ping was almost dragged to the ground by Cao Meifeng, her head was a little confused.

She looked at Cao Meifeng with an inexplicable expression: "Mom, what are you talking about? Now this matter has nothing to do with Qin Fang, it is a problem between me and Qin Gang.

For so many years, I have worked hard to take care of your Qin family, even if I have no credit for it, how can you say that I ca n’t catch Qin Gang! ? "

Li Ping was really sad.

She always thought that although her mother-in-law didn't make sense to the outside world, she was still good to herself.

Unexpectedly, when Qin Gang raised the third child, Cao Meifeng actually blame her husband for not thinking about it.

Cao Meifeng: "Well, what cares for the young and old, when did our old Qin family treat you harshly and take care of you! My son and daughter make money outside and feed you to feed you and support you. You should have served our family.

What ’s wrong with Qin Gang raising a small man outside, a man should have three wives and four widows if he has money. You ca n’t catch your husband ’s heart, why would you call us Qin Gang! "

After speaking, Cao Meifeng disdainfully pushed Li Ping to the ground, his eyes were full of disgust.

"Mom ... you ... what are you talking about!" Li Ping fell to the ground and stunned completely.

But she couldn't bear the pain, but looked at Cao Meifeng in disbelief.

As a daughter-in-law of the Qin family, she confessed that she would take care of the Qin family's daily life more comfortably and safely than ordinary people.

Although Cao Meifeng has no culture likes to curse, Li Ping has always taken care of her filial piety as her own mother.

Qin Fang, a young aunt, likes to be stubborn, and she never cares about her husband's face.

Asking herself, Li Ping has been a cow and a horse in the Qin family these years. Apart from her son's good future, she has little benefit from the Qin family herself.

But Qin Lang is her son and Qin Gang's son, a son of the Qin family!

She never planned for herself, why when Cao Meifeng said such words, it was as if she had benefited from the Qin family!

"Mum ... Qin Gang is supporting him outside, he found a young woman behind me, he ..."

Li Ping hasn't completely given up, she still has a glimmer of expectation and hopes that Cao Meifeng can take the lead in herself.

Cao Meifeng rolled his eyes, not concealing the disdain of his eyes.

With her IQ, until this moment, she did not discover what the evidence presented by Ruan Mengmeng represented.

Cao Meifeng, who did not know that the catastrophe was imminent, only thought that Ruan Mengmeng wanted to separate his son and daughter-in-law through this kind of thing.

She can't let outsiders watch the Qin family's jokes, and she can't make Ruan Meng cute.

Cao Meifeng said to Li Ping that she was right: "I know that young girl, Qin Gang brought me to see it. To tell you the truth, that girl is a college student, more culturally savvy than you. You are not too young, except Qin Lang. Our old Qin family laid an egg.

The female college student took the car and the house and was willing to give birth to my family Qin Gang's son, and now she is pregnant with her belly, so you don't want to be upset anymore.

You can stay at home with peace of mind, and you can also take care of your child when you are born. You need a bite to eat anyway.

If you do n’t know how to make a fuss here, and let someone outside see our joke, do n’t blame me for asking Qin Gang to sweep you out! "

Cao Meifeng finished her speech in a voice, thinking she could suppress Li Ping.

But I did not know her words greatly stimulated Li Ping's nerves.

(End of this chapter)

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