Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2379: Ruan Mengmeng's rescue comes ...

Chapter 2379 Ruan Mengmeng's rescuer arrived ...

When did Zhou Zhengji stand behind?

Behind Zhou Zhengji is the door of the conference room, and the person he brought has already kept the door leak-proof. Even a fly cannot fly out, how can anyone come in! ?

When Zhou Zhengji heard Ruan Mengmeng's words, the first reaction was that Ruan Mengmeng had been playing tricks to scare him.

But after a little hesitation, he suddenly felt an inexplicable anxiety.

Zhou Zhengji turned his head back, Cao Meifeng, Qin Gang, and others looked at Zhou Zhengji behind him in horror because of Ruan Mengmeng's words. Even the reporters and police officers present couldn't help focusing on the door.

However, no one appeared behind Zhou Zhengji, and there was still a closed door that remained motionless and nothing.

"Ha, ha ha ... Where are you Ruan Mengmeng, where do you play and play with children? You want to scare us, my son-in-law is a grand master, you think you can scare us with a few words ? "

Cao Meifeng turned back after a moment's sleep, showing his unconcealed pride and scorn.

At that moment, she was really frightened by Ruan Mengmeng's words.

Seeing Ruan Mengmeng's brazen expression, she thought that Ruan Mengmeng really had a killer to deal with herself, the noble son-in-law, but, unfortunately, everything was just a trick that Ruan Mengmeng did.

Zhou Zhengji's face returned to indifference, even with a touch of ridicule: "Ruan Mengmeng, if this is your plan, I advise you not to waste time. I really don't know why that person will give you a high look. It ’s not worth your little trick to entrust you with your whole life. "

Who is the "that" in Zhou Zhengji's mouth? He knows, Ruan Mengmeng knows.

Seeing Ruan Mengmeng's complete pediatric performance, Zhou Zhengji only felt ridiculous, and her original vigilance turned into contempt.

Ruan Mengmeng heard Cao Meifeng's taunt and Zhou Zhengji's scorn, but Xingmu was even more shining.

She didn't speak, just stared at Zhou Zhengji with watery eyes ... or, looked at the closed door behind him.

Cao Meifeng, Qin Gang, and others were still laughing at her, and Zhou Zhengji shook his head in disdain, as if she looked down on her.

But Ruan Mengmeng still stood there, without saying a word, until her pair of apricot eyes saw Zhou Zhengji becoming more and more uncomfortable, and she felt more and more hairy.

Until the smile on Zhou Zhengji ’s lips solidified into a deep fear, he suddenly turned back—

"Go, go and open the door!"

No, the situation is wrong.

Zhou Zhengji suddenly alarmed the masterpiece.

He looked at Ruan Mengmeng's calm smile and suddenly felt that the situation was not good.

He ignored it!

His men who stayed outside the door had always been in touch with the men inside, but not long after he entered the conference room, he did not receive any information from the door.

"Quickly, open the door!" Zhou Zhengji felt an uneasy feeling in his heart.

Upon hearing his order, his two henchmen immediately came to the door and were ready to push out.

But two powerful young men of Kong Wu used their full strength, but the two closed doors remained motionless, and the door of the conference room was locked from the outside!

Zhou Zhengji's eyes showed fear: "Come on, look at other exits!"

Several other doors were also locked from the outside.

Zhou Zhengji originally thought that he had many people and could use the power in his hands to control the people who attended the press conference today.

(End of this chapter)

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