Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2385: The collapse of Zhou Zhengji (1)

The 2385th chapter Zhou Zhengji collapse (1)

Before he retired, he had touched the core force of the League of Nations, but after he retired, he took a good job outside, but he had no real power.

Originally, he thought that while the old President Zhan Kai was seriously ill, the entire Alliance of Alliances had fallen into his palm.

But at this moment, seeing this group of young and elite warband elites, Zhou Zhengji discovered that he knew very little about the true war alliance.

He didn't even know where these people came from!

The person brought by Mu Jingxing has firmly grasped the situation. He looked coldly at Zhou Zhengji, with contempt in his eyes: "Who am I? I am Mu Jingxing. Ruan Mengmeng's best dead party, she is the most Important friend. You bully my Mu Jingxing friend, of course I have to deal with you. "

Zhou Zhengji confided the truth in a panic: "No, I am not asking this, I am asking your identity! Your identity in the war team! Why have I never seen you!"

It is easy to take so many elites out of the battle team to carry out missions. This Mu Jingxing is by no means as simple as a sister-in-law.

If you had known that Ruan Mengmeng had such a character around him, how could he dare to act like this?

"Oh, you asked this, it's very simple ..." Mu Jingxing turned to the cufflinks on his uniform's cuffs. After looking around the audience, he finally came to the answer--

"I, Mu Jingxing, is currently serving in the 32nd War Regiment of the Northern Theater as a commander and elite trainer. But today, I appear here because I have an additional level of identity.

That is, the War League Alliance Senate sent a special Overseer. Zhou Zhengji, me, is the one specially dispatched by the Senate to arrest you. "

"Yuan, Yuan Sen Yuan ... Special Overseer ... Why, how can there be such a position? There is really a Sen Yuan inside the Alliance of Alliances. Does n’t Zhan Kai's old man say that this was created by the Alliance to scare people? Department ... how ... "

Zhou Zhengji's eyes were shocked with a shock.

The turbidity was about to burst, and his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes fixed in one direction seemed to suddenly think of something.

In any case, Zhou Zhengji did not expect that Mu Jingxing actually assumed the senior post of the Senate ...

No, most importantly, he suddenly realized that he might have been deceived by Zhan Kai's old thing a long time ago!

"Elder House ... Elder House ... Zhan Kai! You lie to me, you dare to lie to me! I am Zhou Zhengji to save your life, and I will do my best for you all my life. You dare to lie to me!"

Zhou Zhengji was suddenly reluctant to Yangtian Changxiao, he understood everything, everything.

It turned out that Zhan Kai had never believed him. From the time he joined the war team to the retirement, he thought he had the supreme power, but never touched the real center of power!

Langzhong, Zhou Zhengji seemed to suddenly see the stubborn and stubborn old man.

They seemed to be back together when they were young. Under the fortresses of guns and bullets, in the trenches of **** killing, he rang the quietest time of the night, and Zhan Kai had said to him.

At that time, Zhan Kai told him--

"Zhou Zhengji, do you believe the legend of the Senate in the alliance? I heard that only people who are dedicated to the country and the people are eligible to enter the Senate. I used to believe it, but today I was a little disappointed ... because the President told me The Senate is just to frighten the people below. "

(End of this chapter)

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