Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2408: Let you see a proof

Chapter 2408: Let Me See You Again

She had been abandoned by Li Junyu, and she had once rejected this man from her heart.

She had learned to love someone in him, and she had been bruised.

All that has become their love, not only sweetness is love, but sourness, pain, regret, and growth are also part of love.

It took many, many things, and everything combined to achieve her and Li Junyu's feelings.

Therefore, even if the test results of Li's and Redington's are in front of her, she still believes Li Junyu.

Unless, the man told her personally ... No, he had lied to her when he broke up and said he didn't love her, so even if he said it himself, it didn't work.

Unless, it was her heart that really felt his heartlessness.

Unless ... until she dies.

Otherwise, she has believed in Li Junyu all her life!

Ruan Mengmeng looked at Qiu Ningning with a sullen expression, with a cold look: "It's not like data has gone wrong. Modern science is so advanced. Who knows if you have any trouble with this child.

What I believe is my heart, my heart won't lie, it trusts Li Junyu as much as I ... not to mention, you seem to want to see me angry and jumping, and leaving with anger.

As Mrs. Li Jiazheng, who makes you hate itchy but helpless, I am even less likely to make you wish. "

what! what! Ruan Mengmeng actually wanted to oppose her, but still believe Li Junyu?

What is she like?

I thought you could deceive yourself blindfolded! ?

Qiu Ningning didn't expect Ruan Mengmeng to have this attitude at all. She was not angry, but the more angry she was, the more calm Ruan Mengmeng became.

The Duke of Redington looked coldly at Ruan Mengmeng and Qiu Ningning's reaction. For a moment, he was convinced by Ruan Mengmeng's performance.

If Xiaozi also believed in him like Ruan Mengmeng, maybe their couple would not be separated for seven years.

As a man, he would envy his nephew at this moment.

Ruan Mengmeng looks soft and kneadable, but relatively small, she is tender and amorous, strong and strong.

But when they really faced the same thing, this little girl who looked soft and kneadable was actually more firm than his small posture.

At this moment, the dark blue eyes of the Duke of Redington became complicated and unpredictable.

Qiu Ningning wanted to maintain her perfect image at Li's house, but Ruan Mengmeng's unexpected actions have broken her heart.

Her face sank abruptly, and the original peach blossom eyes pulled down, revealing a little bit of shame.

Because of anger, Qiu Ningning's actions on the baby in his arms became rude.

She flipped the baby in her arms, revealing the little face of the child exactly like Li Junyu.

Qiu Ningning said angrily: "Ruan Mengmeng, you are still obsessed with it ... well, since this is the case, then I will let you be completely disheartened.

You don't believe in the results of scientific measurement. You have to deceive yourself, I know ... you must think that I have manipulated the results to change, you must think that this child is your so-called savage. Then I will let you see clearly, see for yourself, does this birthmark on my uncle, do you have a short-lived son! "

When he was very angry, Qiu Ningning ignored the disguise and shouted the most real thought in his heart.

She brushed it up to lift the baby's coat and smashed down her pants, revealing the child's vast white skin.

Because of her excessive pulling action, the baby's delicate skin was torn by the jewelry on her hand, causing the sleeping child to cry again miserably.

(End of this chapter)

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