Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2410: Another test report

Chapter 2410 Another Test Report

He has another test report in his hand--

"Miss Ruan and the child's monitoring results also came out, and it turned out that Miss Ruan had no parent-child relationship with this child."

"Yes, the results on our side are also coming out ..." The medical staff of the Redington family happened to be holding a new report at the moment.

Medical staff: "Ms. Ruan and her child have more than three DNA loci, so Ms. Ruan cannot be the biological mother of this child."

A person has 23 pairs of 46 chromosomes, and a pair of genes at the same position on the same pair of chromosomes is called an allele, usually one from the father and one from the mother.

Using DNA for paternity testing, only a dozen to dozens of DNA loci need to be tested. If all are the same, the parent-child relationship can be determined. If there are more than 3 loci different, the parent-child relationship can be excluded.

Therefore, the accuracy of the DNA paternity test is almost 100% for negating the parent-child relationship, and the accuracy of the positive paternity relationship is 99.99%.

This is an accuracy that cannot be achieved with traditional blood tests. If Qiu Ningning falsified his blood, he could not escape the “law eye” of DNA identification.

And the DNA locus between Ruan Mengmeng and this little baby named Xun has more than three differences, so this child can never be a small charge.

"Oh, hear it ... Ruan Mengmeng, you want to grab my child, but unfortunately, he is not your son at all." Qiu Ningning's lips angle was higher, and his proud smile deepened.

She dressed the child's clothes slowly, and didn't care if the child would be cold.

Ruan Mengmeng frowned gently at this moment.

She was still digesting the news she had just heard.

This child looks so much like a small charge, but his birthmark does not have a small charge, and his DNA does not match his own, but he is Li Junyu's son.

Even though I kept comforting myself, I was not allowed to shake, but at this moment, Ruan Mengmeng's heart could not help falling.

"Yes, that ... there's something else I don't know if I should say ..."

At this moment, the family doctor who felt the tension at the scene felt a little awkward.

He looked at Ruan Mengmeng and Qiu Ningning.

Family doctor: "That ... I accidentally mishandled it a moment ago, and accidentally tested another comparison. Then, I found an accident ..."

The family doctor said, handing Ruan Mengmeng a report that had been pinched in the palm of her hand.

When Qiu Ningning heard the doctor's words, he felt a panic in his eyes and couldn't help stretching his neck to look.

Unfortunately, even if Ruan Mengmeng held the report flat, Qiu Ningning couldn't understand the dense comparison data above.

On the contrary, Ruan Mengmeng's eyebrows frowned.

Seeing her reaction, Zhan Mo couldn't help but started to look at the report carefully, and then she also revealed her solemn expression like Ruan Mengmeng.

Li Junche couldn't help it, so he got together.

But because Ruan Mengmeng was sitting on one side of the sofa and Li Yaoyang was standing next to him, he could only lean over his head from the other side, so that half of his body leaning from the back could lean on the shoulders of Zhan Mo.

Zhan Mo, who was touched by others and did not like others to approach him, lowered his face subconsciously and was about to move his body.

But I heard Li Junche Qingyuezhong with a startled voice, sounded from behind his ears, blowing bursts of numbness--

"Qiu Ningning, who the **** are you? Approaching my uncle, big brother, and our Li Family ... is your conspiracy at all!"

[Updated on 2.27, see you tomorrow night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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