Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2427: There is a problem with the small charge

Chapter 2427: Small Charge

This floor originally had only the three brothers of Li's family plus Ruan Mengmeng's room.

Later, Ruan Mengmeng's room was “stained” by Yao Yuqing, and she remodeled it into a small tea room after her marriage.

Li Junyu's room became a wedding room.

Later, in order to make it easier for them to take care of the baby nearby, Li Yaoyang waved Li Liting's room into a baby room.

In this way, the only two people who can live on the entire floor are Li Junche and Li Junxi's rooms.

"It's weird, youngest. I remember that there was a room available next to your bedroom, but Dad didn't let me live ..." Li Junting muttered, passing by a door suddenly holding the doorknob, trying to open it.

"This is my room." I don't know when Zhan Mo appeared to Li Junting's side, holding his right hand firmly.

The natural divine power from the blood of the warring family almost made Li Junting's unruly handsome face distorted.

"Pain, pain ... let go, you let go first ..."

The peacock's hand bones were almost crushed by the war. He was also a tall and mighty Master Lijia outside, and it was never a problem to deal with a few nightly junkies, even when he was boxing in a boxing club. The presence.

Unexpectedly, this war desert was as terrible as his brother Bingshan, and he almost exploded his one hand!

My second Olympics, is not everyone in the family as a big brother, are monsters!

Zhan Mo finally let go, Li Peacock was so painful that he stomped his feet, and Li Junche was called, leaning on the shoulder of his youngest child, howling: "Oldest, hurry up, rub the second brother ... Hey, it really hurts me. As for It ’s so hard, just open the door and take a look ... If I knew that this guy was living next door, I would n’t even touch the doorknob ... wait, no ... ''

Li Junting said that there was a sudden pause, the evil black eyes were faint and faint, and he turned to look at the third brother who was leaning on him.

Li Junting and Li Junche both inherited the highest quality genes of the Li family and the Redington family. The two brothers leaned together, one unbridled and one handsome, and at first glance it was a beautiful scenery.

But this scene fell in the eyes of Zhan Mo, but it made the man frown, his face more deeply.

Li Ershao's thinned lips were close to the ear of the third child, and he whispered, "Younger, how did dad let him live in this room?"

Li Junting finally found out that the situation was wrong.

"Isn't this the room for my future three siblings? Why was this guy stayed?"

He thought he lowered his voice and kept his voice low, but Zhan Mo and Ruan Mengmeng heard him clearly.

Ruan Mengmeng: ...

Under what circumstances, is this room left by Zhan Mo for Li Junche's future wife?

The handsome young man has just returned to normal and his face has become red.

And the original cold war desert, at this moment, the corners of the lips are slightly curved, giving the illusion of a good mood.

"I ... how do I know, it was ... my father arranged ... your hand still hurts. If it doesn't hurt, move it by yourself. I went downstairs."

Seeing that the third child was about to leave, Li Junting, who was still swollen in his right hand, stopped people.

Li Junting stopped people: "Don't go away, help me get things first ..."

"Sister, sister, please take a look ... Xiao Chongchong is wrong ..." Just then, the baby's room door suddenly opened behind the crowd.

Li Junxi hurried out, his delicate handsome face with deep anxiety.

When he first came out, he saw Li Junting stunned, called ‘Second Brother’, and hurried to drag Ruan Mengmeng: “Sister, go in and see Xiao Chongchong.”

(End of this chapter)

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