Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2453: War desert has another deal

Chapter 2453 Zhan Mo has another deal

Seeing that Ruan Mengmeng didn't respond, Li Junting said, "That's what your grandpa gave you. Your grandpa was killed by them and he is still lying in the hospital. Could you just give them everything like that?"

"Speak, Meng Meng ... in the end you say a word, you have been dumb for a day, you will never continue to this day ..."

"Don't say it, I have a decision ..." Ruan Mengmeng finally began, his voice was cold and there was almost no mood swing.

She said in a very smooth tone: "I am the owner, I don't want to."

"You ... you don't need it? Have you ever thought of doing this yourself, it is all in the way of Zhanyang."

Li Junting felt that Ruan Mengmeng was so irrational and couldn't help advising: "I know you are for the mini-charger, but do you think you do n’t want to be the main character of the house, can the mini-charger come back? Mengmeng, don't be stupid Now, Zhan Yang is not such a good speaker ... he is lying to you, you can't make a hide with the tiger! "

"So what else can I do !?" Ruan Mengmeng suddenly said, her voice was not as mild as usual, but there was a kind of determination.

Ruan Mengmeng: "I know Zhan Yang may be lying and lie to me. I know I can't cooperate with him, but what else can I do? Do I have a choice? Xiao Chong is in his hands. Do you know what he told me today while holding the child? He said, let me not talk nonsense, or he would worry that he accidentally slipped his hands and dropped the child ... I ... what else can I do ... also What can you do ... "

Tears, squeezed back into the eyes hard.

Ruan Mengmeng doesn't want to cry or show weakness, but her small charge is in the other's hands.

In the hands of the man who can do everything.

Even if Ruan Mengmeng knew that she could not show weakness or weakness at this moment, she still couldn't support it.

She's so tired, so tired, she doesn't know what to do ...

Li Junting stopped talking because he had no stand to blame.

Li Junche didn't speak, he could only accompany him silently.

Zhan Mo ... The emotions flowing under his eyes grew deeper and deeper, and at a certain moment, they turned into a firm dark shadow.

It's time for him to do something for Mengmeng.

That night, everyone fell asleep, Zhan Mo went out of the guest room alone, and in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the moonlight dialed a phone.

"Hey, it's me, Zhan Mo ... you'll be interested in a deal with you."


The third day is also the last day of the clan conference.

Ruan Mengmeng is ready to give up his position to Zhan Yang after the day.

But before that, she also had to do something she wanted to do long ago.

Although she couldn't recognize Xiaochongchong, she had to be in the presence of everyone and be in the status of Xiaochongchong.

She will use action to tell everyone on the scene who Xiaochongcheng ’s child is!

As usual, Zhan Yang and Zhan Ningning gave the podium to Ruan Mengmeng after making their statements.

In accordance with yesterday's practice, Ruan Mengmeng will step down as soon as he comes to power.

But today, it is very different.

Not only did she stand on the podium herself, but she also brought two small dots-a small talk and a small gift. Her twin sons were held by the babysitter and went to the podium together.

"Ruan Mengmeng, this is the venue of the clan conference, it is a formal occasion ... what are you doing with your child?" Zhan Ningning's voice came from the stage, filled with dissatisfaction.

Ruan Mengmeng: "Zhan Yang also took the child to the scene, and it was only three days before he held it. I only brought my baby to the scene for the first time. Is there anything wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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