Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2456: Meng Meng, I am back

Chapter 2456: Meng Meng, I'm Back

The man who suddenly appeared looked cold and solemn, but his eyes were tender, because those eyes had been fixed on Ruan Mengmeng and never left.

In the presence of everyone, Li Junyu stepped onto the high stage and came to Ruan Mengmeng.

Ruan Mengmeng, who has not recovered from the shock, can only look at the man walking towards her.

"Li ... Lijun ... how do you ..." The words blocked in his throat, Ruan Mengmeng stared at Li Junyu who had come to his eyes, his eyes were full of tumultuous disbelief and full of disbelief.

These days, Li Junyu hasn't heard anything, everyone told her, wait, wait, wait.

She was caught too much when she wanted to rescue Li Junyu, and she didn't even know how to do it.

Mu Jingxing said that things were not so simple, wait a second; Brother Feng said that all methods had been tried and no one could help; Brother Jing said that he would wait and see what happened.

She looked for everyone she could find, not even the chance to meet Li Junyu.

But I didn't expect, I didn't expect ... He would appear on this most important occasion today.

"Meng Meng, I'm back." Standing in front of Ruan Mengmeng, Li Junyu's dark eyes almost turned into a clear spring. He looked at her, and the temperature under his eyes was all spoiled.

Ruan Mengmeng bit her lower lip: "..."

She didn't know if he was real.

The man appeared so suddenly that she couldn't believe it.

Li Jun's eyebrows dimmed slightly, and the smile under his eyes deepened: "It's true ..."

He seemed to see through Ruan Mengmeng's thoughts and whispered, "I don't believe it, you touch it."

The man's slender big hand gently held the little woman's small hand hanging to his side, the big hand wrapped the little hand, pinched her forefinger, and gently poked her with her forefinger in her lower abdomen.

The temperature from the fingertips was so real, and the stiffness of the muscles was just right, which was her most familiar touch.

Li Junyu, really Li Junyu ... He's back?

Ruan Mengmeng suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the deep black eyes of the man tightly, as if he wanted to see him through.

Ruan Mengmeng, who was able to stand strong and brave on the high platform the other day, was suddenly drowned by the ache in her heart.

Her eyes were red and she was drowned by grievances.

"Li Junyu ... hate ... hate ... how do you show up now, you know how hard I am alone, how scared ... ohh ... ohh ..." Ruan Mengmeng plunged into the arms of a man, Xing Mu's tears couldn't stop.

She is not a weak woman, but she will only show her grievances in front of the man she loves most.

Ruan Mengmeng's tear-stained face was in Li Jun's arms, and the ironed shirt on his body was wrinkled with tears.

The weight of the entire body almost fell into the arms of each other.

"Good, don't cry ... Meng Meng, it's me wrong, it's me who left you alone and made you scared." The man's generous and slender big hand patted Ruan Meng Meng's shoulder, he rubbed her soft and petite body Hug, almost to be integrated with her.

Ruan Mengmeng's body was immediately enveloped by the familiar breath belonging to Li Junyu.

This breath made her feel secure, and the unprecedented sense of security finally let the heart that has been hanging these days steadily settle down.

She was so tired and aggrieved and hard, but after all, she stood strong here, straightened her back, and couldn't complain to anyone.

Not only is Li Junyu's wife, she is also a grandson of the warring family, a mother of three babies, and Ruan Mengmeng, who must be alone.

(End of this chapter)

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