Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2467: His granddaughter didn't let him down

Chapter 2467: His Granddaughter Did Not Disappoint Him

"Child, let you suffer ... Grandpa is late."

When President Cang Kai was greeted with sobs and solemn solemnity, only when he saw Ruan Mengmeng, who was in tears, his eyes moved with resentment.

He already knew everything that happened during his coma, and when everyone couldn't help it, when all the power was suppressed, when he was in danger, and his life was short, he was the one who turned the tide, resolutely resisted, and held the last line of defense.

His granddaughter, the girl who did not want to bear the surname, was indeed the child he personally chose.

She is firm, sincere, and kind, with a clear heart.

"Mengmeng ..." The old president's wheelchair had been pushed in front of Ruan Mengmeng, and he grasped Ruan Mengmeng's trembling hands.

"Grandpa ..." At this critical juncture, Ruan Mengmeng just wanted to feel the power of the grandfather when she grasped her with both hands.

This is her grandpa, not the president, not the head of the family, just grandpa.

The grandpa who still exists ...

His hands and her temperature and strength were so real, and his mottled face, with mottled fine lines, was rejuvenated.

Ruan Mengmeng once sent away a grandfather who was so good to himself.

She didn't want to come again and see the world's closest elders leave her again.

Countless emotions came up, even if she knew that Zhan Yang should be dealt with at this moment, and more and more things should be done, but she still couldn't restrain the sourness that came from her heart, and bent down and hugged President Zhan Kai.

Grandpa ... Grandpa ...

You're fine ...

You're still alive ...

As long as you are alive, it is more important than anything ...

The impetuous Ling Ran, wrapped in countless anger and frost, also showed rare tenderness at this moment.

He hugged the child in his arms, hugging her weak shoulders, and patted his palms behind his shoulders to caress all the bitterness the granddaughter had suffered in these days.

Mengmeng, his granddaughter, has done well enough.

Next, leave everything to him.

After a while, Ruan Mengmeng's emotions finally subsided, and President Zhan Kai gave his granddaughter who had stopped tears to Li Junyu.

"Take care of her," he said to his granddaughter-in-law, who had already been recognized.

Li Jun imprisoned his head and took his young wife into his arms.

At this moment, a little bit of blame.

Had it not been for Zhan Yang's surprise and he was worried that Meng Meng could rejoice, he would have told Meng Meng that he had convinced Bo Hanyuan to let Ruan Shishi rule the disease for Zhan Kai.

In these days, the reason why he has not been out of the police station lately, in addition to coordinating the adjustment, the most important thing is to operate in private.

Being detained is just a blindfold, and treating the president is not easy and quick.

Even after persuading Bo Hanyuan, he was not sure.

Even Mr. President, he just woke up this morning.

Outsiders don't know the inside story, let alone know how much effort it took to rescue President Zhan Kai. It can even be said that the care of the heavens can make the old president recover at such an old age.

The crowd only saw Mr. President's presence intact here, and naturally thought that everything was just a good show created by President Zhan Kai's invitation to Jun and being behind the scenes.

Even the shocking Zhan Yang thought so.

"Father, you actually ..."

His voice was dumb, but he did not continue.

After a few moments, I looked down and murmured: "Yes, I should have thought of it ... you are Zhan Kai, it is that Zhan Kai, you did not fall so easily. Even I was deceived by you ... Oh, this It's your turn to win. "

[There is something temporary today, 3.15 will be changed first, and 3 will be changed at about 20 o'clock ~]

(End of this chapter)

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