Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2473: War desert disappeared

Chapter 2473: War Disappeared

If he could spend more time with Wen Jin at the beginning.

If he didn't sink into the battlefield at the beginning, if there were no bad news to go home, and if he could handle all the accidents, Wen Jin would not be stimulated in such circumstances, and died of dystocia.

The past is rushing into my heart, but it is in the heart of President Zhan Kai.

He knew that his Wen Jin never blame him.

He knew she would always be so dignified and gentle, but he blame himself.

The powerful old president was finally hit by the past, showing his fatigue: "Xiao'an, you are right ... I was sorry for your sister."

"Not only at the beginning, but now!" Zuo An was holding a cane and accused without hesitation: "You didn't kill your sister enough, you still want to kill her only son now. Have you thought about your sister's feelings!"

"I ..." President Zhan Kai said, "I don't ... Zhan Yang is not worthy of being Wen Jin's son. He is not worthy, Wen Jin will not want such a son ..."

"Whether it's worth it or not, it's your sister!" Zuo An was a little emotional, and his gray hair trembled with his words. "I've been with A Yang all these years, taking care of everything for him. I looked at him, It ’s just looking at him instead of my sister. As long as he can live well, my sister has only this wish. I do n’t care what Ayang does, he is willing to do anything. You are not qualified to execute him. Qualifications let me call you brother-in-law ... Zhan Kai, can you let Ayang go! "

Let go ...

How to put it!

Zhan Yang did so many wrong things and shouldered so many crimes. In that year, a Qing ethnic extermination case almost caused civil unrest in the country.

Just let him leave like this, how can President Zhan Kai, who always takes the safety of the people as his own duty, get out of his mouth.


He was not sorry to anyone in his life, but he was only sorry to Qi Wenjin.


He couldn't make Wen Jin sad again.

That's all.

"Everyone let go and let them go." Finally, Zhan Yang won.

He already knows people's hearts and plans for the worst. As long as Zuo An is beside him, he can grasp the whole body and retreat.

Zhan Yang just like this, relying on the last move, and led his people to leave in the presence of everyone.

Although President Zhan Kai's concession was compelling, looking at his back, Ruan Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief.

For a moment, she was so worried that Grandpa would insist on leaving Zhanyang, and she was afraid that Xiao Chongchong would become the victim of confrontation between the two.

Yes, Ruan Mengmeng knew that Zhan Yang should be arrested by tough means.

But she couldn't do anything like her grandfather. At that moment, she was a mother and she was more worried about her children.

"Don't worry, Xiao Chongchong will come back." Li Junyu whispered comfortably from the back. He has been holding Ruan Mengmeng tightly, and can naturally feel the softness of her body at this moment.

At the moment when Xiao Chongchong was held up by Zhan Yang, Ruan Mengmeng's bones were completely detached, scared to almost lose power.

Ruan Mengmeng nodded gently. She still had a lingering fear and had not recovered yet.

Only regard this as the relief of Li Junyu.

She did n’t know whether Xiaochong could come back, but at least she was n’t allowed to see her child fall in front of her.

Therefore, Ruan Mengmeng did not find out that when Li Junyu comforted her, his gaze was looking in the direction of a figure leaving.

But at this moment, the war desert that should have been with them, did not know when they had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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