Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2485: All for Ruan Mengmeng!

Chapter 2485 is for Ruan Mengmeng!

However, other people in Duan's family think differently.

However, Zhan Jiaer heard Duan Xiuhui's questioning, she looked as usual, without the slightest guilt and anxiety on her face, but she felt relieved and said, "Yeah, this heart is indifferent and he gave it to me personally.

However, he is still my brother, and he lied to him that he hurts me the most, and in the end it was not for Ruan Mengmeng who would give me a heart ... "

"You ..." Duan Xiuhui's complexion was pale and white, her body trembled back in two steps, and she almost stood still.

Fortunately, Duan Yuanxun helped her.

She stood firm and held her heart for a while before she could say: "You ... Jiaer, what you just said is true? This heart is really ... is it war desert?"

"Yeah, it's Zhan Mo. If it weren't for Zhan Mo, how dare I, and how dare I go to the operating table easily." Zhan Jiaer not only did not have the slightest guilt, but his eyes showed a sense of pride.

After hearing her words, Duan Xiuhui closed her eyes, almost all her internal organs were crushed with pain.

Tears burst out ...

That is actually the heart of Zhan Mo, the heart of Zhan Mo.

Even if her son is deeply disappointed, even if Duan Xiuhui is more distressed about Zhan Jiaer, Zhan Mo is her son after all.

Zhan Mo's heart is in Jiaer's hands. How can a person live without his heart ... So, Zhan Mo is already ... gone.

Zhan Jiaer announced the source of the heart, and she was in a hurry to arrange surgery.

But when I saw Duan Xiuhui leaning on Duan Yuanxun, she cried so much that she felt very sad and sad, and suddenly felt dazzling.

She had already taken two steps, and turned back again, and got together with Duan Xiuhui to pat Duan Xiuhui.

Duan Xiuhui opened her eyes and saw her daughter's unfamiliar and delicate face after artificial carving, and then tears burst out again, more sad and desperate.

Zhan Jiaer frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "Cry what cry, don't you say that you love me and hurt me, is it not enough for me to even give me the whole world? Now my brother is willing to give me the heart, you should I'm just happy. Don't cry, laugh, laugh at me ... I wish my surgery a success, and open my eyes when my surgery is over. I want to see the whole world smile for me! "

Zhan Jiaer's heart, which has been demanding for many years, is finally in her hands.

Her plan was so thrilling that she could lose all her efforts if she didn't get it right a little bit, so now she saw that the winning ticket was in her hands and her heart was already extremely distorted.

Duan Xiuhui didn't expect her daughter to become like this, and her tearful eyes were unbelievable.

Duan Yuanxun couldn't help but say, "Jiaer, how can you force your mother like that? It is the heart of Zhan Mo, your brother ... You can trade your brother's life for you, your mother can Can you laugh?

And you, Jiaer, don't you feel guilty and sad, and you won't be sad for Zhan Mo, how can you be so relieved that Zhan Mo can give you your heart.

That's war desert ... from the youngest to the most hurts you, the best brother to you ... "

Zhan Jia'er: "What is good, he only treats Ruan Mengmeng, and only treats Ruan Mengmeng as his sister hurts!"

Duan Yuanxun didn't mention this sentence. When mentioning Zhan Mo's goodness to her, Zhan Jia'er's mood was provoked, full of jealousy.

She retorted loudly: "If it wasn't for the risk of being liquidated by my father, I secretly took out Ruan Mengmeng's child and gave it to him, how could he be willing to give me his heart! All he did was not for me, all For Ruan Mengmeng, for that cheap seed! "

(End of this chapter)

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