Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2497: Zhan Jiaer turned into ...

Chapter 2497 Zhan Jiaer turned into ...

At this moment Duan Xiuhui just wanted to confirm Zhan Jiaer's safety.

She didn't think so much, let alone Zhan Jiaer was lying on the operating table for heart replacement surgery. Even after the anesthetic had passed, Zhan Jiaer after the operation could not make such a big noise.

Until, Duan Xiuhui ran to the entrance of the corridor and saw the **** man running out of the corridor madly ...

"How can this be ... how can this be ... this is not me, give it back, give it back to me ... people, where have all the people gone, you come out, give it back to me!"

A woman covered in blood, a woman in a surgical gown, ran out of the corridor.

She looked terrible. Her surgical gown was stained with blood, her black hair was scrambled over her shoulders, and a pair of dark, black eyes were scattered with **** eyes and helpless and full of anger.

She ran out until she saw the man standing at the end of the corridor.

She saw, Duan Xiuhui--

"Mom, mom ... Mommy save me, mommy, save me!" The woman in surgical gown and loose hair pounced on Duan Xiuhui.

And looking at the **** person who flew towards himself, Duan Xiuhui was shocked.

Until that person was about to meet her, she suddenly reacted, and ran away in the opposite direction as if seeing the plague.

"No, don't come over, don't come over ... don't touch me!"

Duan Xiuhui was frightened. She was so scared that her tears and snot came out.

Compared with the time when the **** was begging for battle, the tears were more urgent and fierce, and it was almost embarrassing to crawl towards the living room.

"No, don't, don't come over ..."

In the living room, in addition to Zhan Yang still indifferent, the rest of Duan Xiuhui's crying and panic-grabbing voice attracted everyone.

Ruan Mengmeng frowned slightly, I don't know what medicine Zhanyang and Husband sell.

But when they heard the voices of Zhan Jiaer and Duan Xiuhui, their eyes were full of disgust. They were all relatives of Zhan Mo, but they gave up Zhan Mo together.

Li Junyu clenched her hand tightly: "Don't think too much, look first ..."

Li Junyu's hand was clenched tightly, suppressing the aversion in Ruan Mengmeng's heart.

She turned back and said, ‘hm’.

At this moment, Duan Xiuhui finally rolled back and cried and ran back.

The attention of the crowd was immediately behind her, and she wanted to know what she saw so that she could ignore even her favorite Zhan Jiaer and ran back so busy.

Who knows, this is the look that almost surprised everyone.

I saw a shawl radiating and wearing surgical clothes, and the figure of a young girl from the figure came out from behind.

But the most embarrassing thing is that the young girl is wearing a surgical suit full of blood, and her face is actually skinless, only a **** flesh is blurred.

The black eyes were trapped in the flesh and blood, the mouth opened and screamed, and the pale teeth were exposed.

And her face had been bleeding, she was constantly seeping blood down, and the whole surgical gown was red.

"Mom ... Mom ... I'm Jiaer ... I'm Jiaer, why do you run mother!"

The 'blood man' wailed in pain.

When she said her identity, let alone the rest, even Ruan Mengmeng could not help but take a breath.

Duan Xiuhui, who had been scared, did not even have the courage to approach.

[No. 6 on March 22nd, there will be a chapter later, around 23 o'clock]

It seems to be written smoothly. I'll try another chapter to make up the whole yesterday ~ Wait a minute

(End of this chapter)

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