Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2500: Why don't you tell Mengmeng the truth?

Chapter 2500 Why Didn't Tell Miss Meng Meng The Truth?

Sure enough, Zhan Yang said nothing after Ruan Mengmeng said this sentence was almost equivalent to showing weakness and pleading.

There was silence.

After a long time, a crystalline tear dripped from Ruan Mengmeng's eyes, she blinked and nodded gently: "I see ... disturbed."

The strength of the body seemed to be evacuated in an instant, Ruan Mengmeng leaned on Li Junyu's body weight, and turned hard.

She knew that at this point, Zhan Yang said that he would not budge if he said nothing.

I can't get my brother's body back, and I won't see her brother again ... Ruan Mengmeng went out step by step, her stubborn back straight, but her tears fell like a broken pearl.

Li Junche walked a few steps slower than her.

He took a deep look at the man sitting on the sofa and saw that Zhan Yang was still indifferent and indifferent, and for a moment he just wanted to rush to grab the opponent's collar and ask him if he had any intention.

Why, fight against war like that ...


But Li Junche finally restrained the impulse in his body.

He only saw the man who gave birth to War Desert last, followed Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junyu, and never left.




Ruan Mengmeng was gone, Duan Xiuhui and Jia Jia's mother and daughter were sent away. The three members of the Duan family dragged Duan Yuanxun out of the villa with their tails clamped, letting everything go, and then drove away without fear of returning.

During this period, Zhan Yang has been sitting on the only clean couch in the living room, staring at the door in a fixed direction.

There was sunshine coming out of the open door, and Zhan Yang stared quietly, not remembering how long he hadn't seen the sun.

He imprisoned himself in the bedroom in pain, closed all the curtains, and did not see the sun all day.

Because he saw the sun rising every day, he was jealous.

Why the sun can rise every day as usual, and he may never open his eyes again after falling asleep one day.

Why, a person like him would be choked by fate!

When Zhan Qingze returned from the outside, what Zhan Yang was wearing was wearing a black nightgown and leaning on the sofa.

A slight obscurity and frowning expression appeared on his expressionless face before he walked to Zhan Yang and said in a cold voice, "Master, Duan Xiuhui and Zhan Jiaer have sent them as you ordered. I Send someone to follow them and never let them leave without permission. "

"It doesn't matter." After hearing Zhan Qingze's report, Zhan Yang didn't even raise his eyelids.

"The mother and daughter have reached such a point that even if you don't send someone to watch, they have no courage to leave the only place of residence. They are all canaries who have been retired. Even if the owner does not close the cage door, they dare not fly. Take a step. "

For Zhan Yang's evaluation, Zhan Qingze made no comment.

His expressionless face was only slightly involved because of what he thought of, showing an expression of restlessness.

Such an expression can't escape Zhan Yang's eyes, Zhan Yang said coldly: "What's the matter?"

Zhan Qingze: "The indifferent thing ... why don't you tell Miss Mengmeng?"

As the most trusted subordinate of Zhan Yang, Zhan Qingze certainly knew the truth behind everything.

No one knows that he received an order from his host early this morning, taking someone into the private hospital to control a group of medical staff, and prevented a heart swap operation.

When he arrived, Mo Shao was already lying on the operating table.

(End of this chapter)

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