Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2507: Brother and sister

Chapter 2507: Brother and Sister Reconciliation

War desert room.

Ruan Mengmeng is sitting by the bed, nervously examining the physical condition of Zhan Mo.

"What's this, what's this?" She reached out and compared the numbers, letting Zhan Mo count one by one, for fear that the anesthetic would hurt Zhan Mo's brain.

Zhan Mo just woke up, and it was difficult to accept such a 'surprise'.

He was accustomed to Ruan Mengmeng's indifference to him, and his sister who had all the concerns on his face like this now made him somewhat flattered.

There was a short gap in the memory when she just woke up, but Zhan Mo quickly remembered what happened before lying on the operating table and gradually losing consciousness.

"This is three, this is seven ... Meng Meng, this kind of question is too simple, even if I answer all the questions, it can't prove anything." Zhan Mo's eyes were petting, and the situation that was concerned by her sister like this was in the past An extravagant hope.

He wants to cherish such adorableness.

Ruan Mengmeng was anxious to hear what he said, and quickly stretched out his small hand to poke his forehead and check his pulse again. "Then I will let the doctor check it for you. It is best to have a full physical examination."

"I'm okay ... but my brain was a bit sluggish when I just woke up." Zhan Mo slightly drew his lips and grabbed Ruan Mengmeng's hand, and some were reluctant to let go. Jiaer exchanged her heart ... I should be gone. "

"You're okay to say!" Zhan Mo didn't mention this. It was okay. When mentioning this, Ruan Mengmeng, who is already the mum of three children, couldn't help but cry.

Her eyes were flushed, and now she complained and felt heartache: "Who told you to use your own heart to exchange a small charge with Zhan Jiaer? Yes, I was very reluctant to charge a small charge, but I ... "

He is her elder brother.

But the most important thing is not his blood-related family ties, but his affection for himself.

Ruan Mengmeng hated the cold and cruel war desert, but also felt his change clearly.

He really knew it was wrong. He changed a lot, became gentle and warm, and became discerning right and wrong no longer by the strange thoughts of the native family.

When everyone makes a mistake, she should give him a chance.

"What are you talking about? Mengmeng ... you say it again ..." Zhan Mo glanced at his eyes with surprise.

When he woke up, his sister's "gentleness" had made him a little bit unbelievable, as if in a dream, and now ... Hearing what his sister said, his angular features trembled slightly, and the lines on his face stood out. I can't help it.

Ruan Mengmeng whispered and repeated again: "I ... I said, I can't bear you ... You and Xiao Chongchong are as important to me as you are my most important relatives."

"Meng Meng ..." Zhan Mo's indifferent face became unaccustomed with excitement, and he embraced his sister's petite figure.

"Cough, cough ..." Just then, the bedroom door was opened from the outside.

Li Junyu appeared coldly outside the door, and Li Junting followed Li Junyu with a playful expression, intentionally coughing to remind Ruan Mengmeng inside.

The warm and beautiful atmosphere was destroyed, and the touch of Zhan Mo's eyes was covered by the alienated indifference. He looked up at Li Junyu, his eyes hostile.

It is said that the daughter was the father's lover in the past, but for Zhan Mo, the sister is the little lover that the brother should care for.

This 'love' has nothing to do with ambiguous men and women, but a pure, pampering, caring, and loving.

(End of this chapter)

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