Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2543: How could it be derailed!

Chapter 2543 How could it be derailed!

Yue Xuexin was accused of poisoning the two elders of the Li family that year, the Redington family knew, Li Yaoyang knew, and even Li Junyu and Ruan Mengmeng had heard of it.

However, this incident has been considered by them to be a misunderstanding.

Because everyone thinks that Yue Xuexin has no motivation to do this.

And today is the first time they heard that when Yue Xuexin did so, the so-called motive-

Derailment, how could it be derailment!

Yue Xuexin and Li Yaoyang loved each other. Before that, they had given birth to the three brothers Li Junyu, Li Junting, and Li Junche. Yue Xuexin is the young lady of the Redington family. If she really does not love Li Yaoyang, why should she be wronged? You can say it directly, don't get married.

"Impossible, this is impossible ... Xue Xin cannot do something that is sorry to me ..."

Li Yaoyang murmured to himself and never believed that this was true.

Li Junyu's whole muscles were tight at this moment. Ruan Mengmeng felt his anger and couldn't help holding his hand to comfort him.

And Li Junche, he seems to have been stimulated a lot.

The biological mother was wronged and derailed, and she even poisoned her elders at home because of derailment. This is the so-called imagination in Li Junche's life.

His body trembled slightly, his trembling right hand rubbing in his pocket, but he couldn't hold anything.

Fortunately, Zhan Mo found it in time.

He quickly felt a few pieces of chocolate from his pocket, unpacked the outer packaging, and fed it to Li Junche's mouth, only to make his trembling body stabilize.

Zhan Mo's eyebrows stared at the beautiful teenager around her.

Although he has developed a habit, carry some candy chocolates with him in case of emergency.

But these days, Che has no longer needed these sweets.

He said that he would no longer be afraid to tremble with himself.

But now, seeing the fine sweat on Li Junche's handsome face, the color of Zhan Mo's eyes became deeper.

Compared with Li Junyu, who was comforted by Ruan Mengmeng, and Li Junche, who had the care of war and indifference, Master Li's second master was the most angry and unconcerned at this moment.

He rushed to Shen Lan angrily, grabbing her collar and furiously said: "You say panic! My mother is not such a person, she is not ... she would not even hurt a small animal, how could she give two Old things are poisoned! Not to be derailed, not ... she is so beautiful, she will not ... "

Although Li Junting could not be confused, the memory of his mother in his memory kept the most innocent and beautiful.

He had forgotten many things, but he still remembered hiding behind his mother with Jun Che when he was young, listening to the old lady Li's harsh reprimand.

Obviously, her mother is the young lady of the Redington family. She has a high status. Even if she smashes against the old lady, Li's family can't treat her.

But the mother never did, she was always gentle and kind to the old lady to make trouble.

After that, when the old woman left, she would smile and educate him and Jun Che not to remember to hate grandma, and to respect and care for grandma.

How could such a kind mother poison the two elderly people.

How could it be, for some reason of derailment!

Li Junting didn't believe it, he didn't believe it!

Shen Lan: "Believe it or not, what I'm talking about is just the facts I know. It's not just me who knows it, but also the second and third people!"

(End of this chapter)

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