Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2549: In addition to Yue Xuexin's secret, there is also Chen Qingzhi's secret

Chapter 2549 In addition to Yue Xuexin's Secret, There Is Chen Qingzhi's Secret

Mrs. Li: "But it is ridiculous that Yue Xuexin didn't know that both Shen Lan and Chen Qingzhi heard this. She thought that the only person who knew the truth was me.

And when I was out of the flower room, I happened to bump into Shen Lan and Chen Qingzhi who hadn't recovered from the shock, so I caught them both.

Shen Lan is my daughter-in-law. Just a few words will make her shut up obediently. At that time, I was not worried that she would disclose it at will. However, Chen Qingzhi, she is an outsider, she can't help but talk nonsense, I have been trying to find ways to pinch her. "

At that time, the old lady Li did not want to say anything.

Because she knew that speaking out would make Ruan Mengmeng hate, and even make Li Junyu and Li Yaoyang feel cold.

However, to explain all this, she must say.

The most important thing is that she said that she can sell Ruan Mengmeng a feeling, because doing this is equivalent to using her reputation to wash the grievances for Chen Qingzhi.

Mrs. Li: "In the beginning, I just tried to intimidate and threaten Chen Qingzhi. She was timid and lived in our family. Plus she was loyal to Yuexue's heart, in order not to affect this situation. The reputation of the heart keeps the secrets very well.

But then, I occasionally heard rumors outside and started to suspect Chen Qingzhi's leak. In my opinion, it's useless to use intimidation to lure, and you must hold her handle to sit back and relax. "

Speaking of this, the old lady Li sighed and turned to look at Mr. Li.

"It happened at this time that something happened to the family. When the old man from the Bo family came to visit Li's house, he found that both of us had been exposed to a chronic poison, and after a check, all the evidence pointed to Yue Xuexin. This incident, Do you remember? "

Upon hearing this, Mr. Li heard his eyes darkened, and bowed his head: "I remember ... I asked Mr. Bo's back and forth, inside and out, to inspect it carefully. With Bo's shots, it would never be wronged for the daughter-in-law. This kind of chronic poison is hard to get on the market. It is only available in Europe. She brought it. "

It was also because of this incident that Father Li was finally provoked.

Because he was afraid of the forces of the Redington family, and he could not directly divorce his son and Yue Xuexin, he personally ordered him to be placed under house arrest alone.

At that time, witnesses and physical evidence were all there, and Li Yaoyang could not defend his wife even if he did not believe it.

Can only watch as Yue Xuexin is under house arrest.

Mrs. Li: "Well, that was ... that time, all of you thought that Yue Xuexin poisoned us for the Redington family. And this motive, the Redington family did not believe it, Yaoyang Don't believe it. But ... I only know it.

She was poisoned because she feared I knew the truth, because I held the photo in my hand. But this matter, I can't tell the old man, nor can I tell Yao Yang, so I can only break my teeth and swallow blood, and I keep hiding from others. "

This is why the old lady Li strongly agreed that she must be under house arrest but could not convince the Li Yaoyang and Redington families.

She hid the secret and could not speak at all.

"But now, I want to tell you all this secret ..."

Mrs. Li: "In addition to what you care about, the secret of Yue Xuexin's death, and the secret of Chen Qingzhi. The secret of Chen Qingzhi ... After Yue Xuexin poisoned us, I finally decided to do that ... "

(End of this chapter)

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