Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2554: That video was sent to Li Junyu

Chapter 2554 The Video That She Was Sent To Li Junyu

She was terrified for a moment, and she precipitated her emotions before she said with a trembling voice: "That video ... is the surveillance that I installed in her villa in order to prevent Yue Xuexin from stealing people."

Mr. Li still remembers that when Mrs. Li said that she installed surveillance, the words she told him were to prevent her from poisoning them again.

It turned out that from then on, she was only guarding against the derailment of the daughter-in-law.

"Continue." Mr. Li had a deep voice.

The old lady quickly said, "From beginning to end, I just wanted to take medicine to make Yuexue confused. When I found the right medicine, I left the matter to Shen Lan.

Because there were other important matters at that time that I needed to pay attention to, so for a while, I forgot to ask Shen Lan's results. Until later, after a while, Shen Lan came to me and told me that the effect was almost the same.

I opened the monitor with her to see, and sure enough, I saw some unconscious symptoms in Yue Xuexin's time. Shen Lan also told me that Yue Xuexin seemed to be down on everything and was unwilling to call a doctor, but she sent someone to see that she had symptoms of depression.

At that time, although I knew that Yue Xuexin might be suffering from depression, it was not too conscious. Because I know the medical technology of the Redington family is amazing. As long as Yu Xuexin is willing to divorce and leave Jun Yu to leave Li's house, she can live well. I thought so until one day ... "

Re-telling the scene of that year, the old lady Li also seemed to have some worries.

She gasped slightly before continuing.

"Until one day, I sat with Shen Lan as usual and turned on the monitor to look at Yue Xuexin's condition, but unexpectedly discovered that she fell off the stairs. At the same time, the monitor captured that Chen Qingzhi pushed her back.

Seeing this scene, Shen Lan and I were panicked at the time, because Yu Xuexin in the monitor had already rolled down the stairs and fell into a pool of blood. Her head was full of leaching blood, and I knew that she couldn't be saved just by the amount of bleeding. "

Yue Xuexin's death came too suddenly, which was completely an accident for Mrs. Li.

"But at that time, I had no doubt about Chen Qingzhi at all. The surveillance camera intercepted by me privately could only take an angle. From that perspective, it seemed that Chen Qingzhi pushed Yue Xuexin a bit. But in Before that, I threatened Chen Qingzhi countless times, and her loyalty to Yue Xuexin can be said to be far more than I expected.

I guess she might have medicine against Yu Xuexin because she was threatened by me, but I'm sure she won't have the idea of ​​taking Yu Xuexin's life. "

The old lady Li only started from the perspective of her experience.

Chen Qingzhi approached Shen Lan and questioned about the drug becoming poison. Shen Lan did not report to her.

So she didn't know that Chen Qingzhi did not agree to work for her at all, let alone put the medicine in Yue Xuexin's meals.

Mrs. Li: "I didn't receive Shen Lan's return at that time, and I didn't know what Chen Qingzhi was looking for in her confrontation. But even then, I didn't doubt Chen Qingzhi, so I watched this video I thought it was an accident.

But Shen Lan, she accepted this video, maybe it was a guilty conscience. Later, she really sent this video to the big room and the Duke of Redington. "

[The update is completed on 4.6, and it will start to change after 0 o'clock on 4.7, uploading chapters and chapters will be a bit slow, and everyone will be patient when the time comes.]

Recommend Su Yingyang's "Ferocious Mu Shao, Please Truce! "Overnight, Xu Miaomiao accidentally provoked the decisive and powerful President of the Empire!

Recommend Mu Anan's "Hidden Marriage Husband, see you tonight!" "She was being calculated and lingering on him," Are you in love, the one that breaks up after you sleep all night. "

The man's voice was low and mute: "I'm afraid not enough for one night."

At present, they are free new books, you can check them out ~

(End of this chapter)

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