Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2557: Your misunderstanding of Mengmeng's mother should be eliminated, huh?

Chapter 2557 Your Misunderstanding Of Mengmeng's Mother Should Be Eliminated, Hmm?

Mr. Li: "But in the words of Shen Lan, despite that failure, she later found that there was a servant next to your grandma who was still going to your mother's yard. It was suspicious. Now, as long as we can find out that maid , Maybe the truth will be revealed. "

Mr. Li's analysis did not favor anyone, he tried his best to be neutral.

Although he maintained this neutrality to speak with Li Junyu, he was already ashamed.

Although he had thought about using ‘forgetting love’ to influence Li Junyu ’s marriage, everything he did was based on family justice.

In his heart, the one who valued the most was his grandson.

It was learned that the old wife who had been carrying for many years was carrying him, and had done such a thing to the grandson's mother. Grandpa Li faced Li Junyu shamelessly.

At this time for Li Junyu, the story that Chen Qingzhi told that year was finally verified and turned into a reality.

And the evil man in the story, Shen Lan, he could not care.

But Mrs. Li, his pro-grandma, was so ugly that he cared for and cared for his grandma since he was a child.

Chen Qingzhi had told him these things, and he suspected that they had investigated.

But perhaps because the faintness is still kept in the bottom of his heart, Li Junyu did not immediately launch a ruthless investigation into the old lady's care for him at an early age, and did not do anything to the absolute best.

It is true that Ruan Mengmeng was taken away by Zhan Yang at that time. He had to recover his younger wife, which is more important.

But Mrs. Li ... Li Junyu knew that it wasn't because of his momentary hesitation. Perhaps the truth could have been announced long ago.

"Their words at least prove that this matter has nothing to do with Mengmeng's mother. Chen Qingzhi has never betrayed my mother. She was also the victim of my mother's life tragedy ..."

Li Junyu's voice was deep and cold, with a hint of husky.

Ruan Mengmeng felt the changes in the emotions of the people around her. She knew that Li Junyu was suppressing the anger in her heart.

Ruan Mengmeng's little hand is being tightly held by Li Junyu. She silently scratched his palm with her fingertips, telling him that she is right next to him and will always give him support and warmth.

Li Junyu received the care from the little woman around her.

In such a heavy atmosphere, he glanced down and murmured in Ruan Mengmeng's ear: "Rest assured, I'm fine ... everything is fine, at least it proves that your mother has nothing to do with this matter."

Li Junyu's voice was hoarse in a husky voice, inexplicably making Ruan Mengmeng's nasal astringent and distressed.

She knew that as the long-family grandson of Li's family and the elder brother of Li Junting and Li Junche, at this moment he must stand in front and handle everything with reason.

However, he is actually the most difficult person among his parents and his mother.

Compared with Li Junting and Li Junche's indifference to Li Junting and Li Junche, Li Junyu and the two old people actually have feelings.

"I'm okay ..." Ruan Mengmeng's soft voice had just come out, Li Junyu had straightened his waist, and looked back at the Duke of Redington with an upright and powerful momentum.

Li Junyu: "Well, so far, your misunderstanding of Mengmeng's mother should be eliminated, eh?"

The truth urgently needs to be explored, but before that, Li Junyu still put Ruan Mengmeng in the most important position.

Even with the presence of Shen Zi, even though the Duke of Redington said that he would no longer be stopped, Li Junyu always believed that Ruan Mengmeng was negligent.

(End of this chapter)

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