Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 2561: Li Junting's life is also questionable

Chapter 2561 Li Junting's experience is also questionable

And this kind of thing, she will not show up in person, only to her confidant.

Mother Wang was at a loss: "I don't know ... I never took over ..."

Mother Wang immediately looked back at the old lady who had changed her face: "Old lady, who did you look for those medicines of that year? Come on, tell the facts, or you can be clean!"

"I ..." The old lady Li's face became blue and white for a while, and her face was heavier than Wang Ma.

"I ... I don't know ..."

"Don't you know?" Father Li almost laughed. "You poisoned people. You don't even know where those medicines came from?"

The old lady Li quickly explained: "I, I really don't know ... I almost forgot to say this. The medicine ... that medicine was not bought by me, but was sent by the anonymous person who sent me the picture."

Medicines from anonymous people ...

Is there such a thing?

Not to mention Father Li's disbelief, even Li Yaoyang and the rest of Li's family couldn't believe that the old lady could say such a reason.

Mr. Li: "Do you think, I will easily believe in your explanation? A person who sent you photos anonymously, why did you prepare the poison. What exactly does that person want, and how does he know that you need these poisons? "

"I, I said that it's not a poison, it's just a drug that can make people unconscious and dull." The old lady Li panicked and wondered where to start.

At this moment, she found that she seemed to have stepped into the trap of the anonymous person, and she seemed to have become a **** in the hands of others.

The old lady Li recalled hard: "I received that anonymous letter that told me Yue Xuexin that she was disloyal to Yaoyang and derailed within the marriage ... At that time, I was in a complicated mood and desperately forbeared. Later things, You all know that after I showed off to Yue Xuexin, she actually poisoned us and wanted to kill people.

This incident ... thoroughly angered me.

At that time, the old man didn't know the inside story, and although angry, he blamed Yue Xuexin's actions on the giants' internal fighting. But I know, I know she hates us, and I know she is afraid that I will tell Li Junche, and even that I will tell Li Junting's life ... "

"Mom, the more you say the more you go, this ... how is this related to the second child!" Li Yaoyang's voice was shaking with anger.

Yes, he admits, compared to the two brothers, Ache's facial features are more handsome and feminine, more like Yue Xuexin.

But that's it, Li Yaoyang never doubted Li Junche's birth.

The old lady doubts Li Junting's origin, which is even more outrageous.

Although the second child and Li Junyu are ten thousand miles apart, their features are extremely similar.

Although it will not be carved out of a mold like twins, anyone who sees it will know that they are two brothers.

Under such circumstances, the old lady could even doubt Li Junting's head again, and Li Yaoyang was very disappointed with his mother.

The old lady Li said, "Huh, no wonder I doubt him, because then the mysterious man who secretly told me everything sent another anonymous letter. He said in the letter that Yue Xuexin and the derailed object were more than dew marriages. This bad relationship lasted a long time.

In that letter, there was also a certificate from Yue Xuexin's dealings with that man long ago. Not only Li Junche, but even Li Junting, she may be the child of another man! "

(End of this chapter)

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