Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 812: Give you a green hat

Chapter 812: Give You A Green Hat

The tyrant can be said to be exceptionally considerate.

Worried that Mengmeng would give Ruan Zhaotian a green knitted hat and be scolded.

When he brought the hat to Ruan Zhaotian, he added ‘He gave it with Mengmeng’.

At that time, even if Ruan Zhaotian wants to get angry, he probably won't get angry.

However, Li Junyu still overestimates Ruan Zhaotian.

He heard that it was a gift from his daughter and son-in-law, and his first reaction was a bit touched.

Although the divorce of the old man and the old lady was awful.

But at least, the daughter is good.

That day, he talked, accidentally said that he was sad, and didn't care about him. He turned around and knew he would give him a Christmas gift.

As for the son-in-law, it's okay.

After all, his son-in-law is a master Li, who is so prominent and can prepare gifts for him ...

"Well, why are you two so kind. You have to buy me a gift for Christmas, really ..."

Ruan Zhaotian shoved, but in fact his face was laughing and blooming.

It was very easy and I opened the gift box on the spot.

The moment he opened the gift box, the smile on the corner of his lips solidified.

"This ... this is ..."

When Ruan Zhaotian saw the green glittering woolen hat in the gift box, his expression was so tiny a second.

"This is a hat. It matches your current hairstyle and is cold-proof." Li Junyu's voice was cold, a serious explanation.

Ruan Mengmeng felt that it was over ...

She bought it to anger her dad and prepared to give it to her in private. The main purpose was not to let her wear it, but to remind her dad gently.

Who knows, Li Junyu actually took the hat directly.

I didn't even say hello, so I sent things out.

The girl closed her eyes, did not dare to look, and felt despair ...

Who knows the next second, her father's voice with a little joy came to his ears: "Oh, good, good, really good. This workmanship, this texture, this fabric ... Hey, Junyu, spend a lot of money ? "

Li Junyu's face was calm: "Well, personal customization."

Ruan Meng Meng brand, customized by private network.

Ruan Zhaotian nodded, took the hat out, and looked at it carefully.

After a long time, I sighed-"Oh, unfortunately, I like the shape of the hat fabric, it's this color ..."

Ruan Mengmeng thought that her father understood in seconds, immediately raised Xing Mu, and nervously looked at his father: "Is this color bad, do you see the problem?"

Suddenly, was his father able to immediately think of the green prairie above his head?

Then I thought of Qin Fang, and then I thought of Ruan Mingyu.

Ranhe can find out that he was given green by Qin Fang, and he became a pick-up man and gave his son to someone else ’s family?

At this moment, the girl can't wait for her eyes to shine.

The bright and clear apricot eyes stared at her dad without blinking, anxiously staring at a flower.

"Cough ..." A tyrant standing next to Ruan Mengmeng gave a cough.

Ruan Mengmeng immediately pleased, holding the man's palm with his backhand.

The moment his dad took the hat to study, the little girl's slightly cold hand dragged the man's big hand into the coat pocket he was wearing outside.

Their hands were entangled, hiding in their pockets.

Huh ... so warm ...

"This color doesn't look bad ..." At this moment, Ruan Zhaotian finally studied the hat and sighed.

"I know your young people now like this bold hue, what does it look like ... tide? Yes, it is tide! I think it's actually pretty good, and it's very easy to mention. It's the color that I wear to look a little tender. Suspect. "

Speaking of this, Ruan Zhaotian frowned and looked up, his eyes fell on Li Junyu's face.

Seeing the cold and handsome face of his son-in-law, Ruan Zhaotian said, "Or else, Jun Yu put it on? Maybe it's more suitable?"

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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