Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 816: IQ plummets and becomes stupid

Chapter 816 The IQ plummets and becomes more stupid

"Ruan Mengmeng, grandma regrets asking you to go home for dinner, how can you not go? Because you, grandpa and grandma divorced, do you know how sad grandma is now? It's such a time, you don't know how to comfort her Elderly, do you have filial piety? "

Ruan Jiaojiao immediately raised her voice when she saw Ruan Mengmeng leaving.

She has drifted a little too much lately, since last time I overheard Ruan Mengmeng called.

He thought that he had grasped Ruan Mengmeng's handle, not only did not need to be afraid of Ruan Mengmeng, but also killed her.

Ruan Mengmeng had originally left, and when she heard Ruan Jiaojiao's words, she suddenly stopped.

She turned and turned to look at Ruan Jiaojiao: "Ruan Jiaojiao, if you have a bad brain, go to the doctor as soon as possible, and don't treat other people's IQs as stupid as you all day long."

She's really annoying people like Ruan Jiaojiao now.

If you have something, say it well.

"You ... who do you think is bad? I'm just persuading you. Do you need to hurt people like this?"

Speaking of which, as soon as Ruan Jiaojiao closed her eyelids, tears began to flow.

She sniffed and said in a crying voice, "If it wasn't for you, how could grandpa and grandma divorce? You have hurt grandma, why are you so embarrassed to say these rumors here!"

Ruan Jiaojiao's volume did not decrease, and she even intentionally raised it a few degrees, a sad expression that could not be understood.

Now, Ruan's old chairman broke up with the original wife, and even gossip about the divorce has been rumored.

The classmates around have long stopped because of the dispute between the two people. They didn't even look at the list. They all came together to see the excitement.

Ruan Jiaojiao was more proud of it.

Huh, she held up her chest and deliberately assumed the most perfect posture.

The more people, the better, so that everyone can see the true face of Ruan Mengmeng, and by the way, how beautiful is his own home compared with Ruan Mengmeng.

Ruan Jiaojiao believes that she has an absolute advantage.

As long as you let everyone know that grandpa and grandma divorced, it's all because of Ruan Mengmeng-hehe, by then, one person and one spitting star can drown Ruan Mengmeng!

Unfortunately, Ruan Jiaojiao's wishful thinking is completely wrong.

When Ruan Mengmeng heard her accusation, she immediately smiled politely.

"Well ... Ruan Jiaojiao, aren't you? You think grandpa and grandma divorced because of me? Do you think of me too much, or do you despise grandma too? If she married grandpa for fifty years, if she could divorce because of me How did those fifty years go? "

After all, thanks to her grandmother's abuse on the TV news, now the world can't wait to know that she is at odds with her grandma.

If she works, she promises that she will sue her grandfather as early as ten years ago so that her grandmother can also taste the abandonment of her mother.

"I ..." Ruan Jiaojiao was dumb for a moment, unable to answer.

Yeah, if Ruan Mengmeng said something to work, then grandpa and grandma might have divorced long ago, how could it still be until now.

Ruan Jiaojiao knew that her speech was full of loopholes, and she found that all the students around her were whispering because of Ruan Mengmeng's words, and she froze there for a while.

Ruan Mengmeng saw this, her lips were slightly raised, and she did not conceal the ridicule of her eyes.

"No wonder your recent results have plummeted. It turned out to be even more stupid because the IQ has plummeted."

The girl shook her head, sweeping Ruan Jiaojiao's face and body full of modern craftsmanship with a hopeless look.

[3.4 Update Begins ~]

(End of this chapter)

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