Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 830: Tyrant can't wait

Chapter 830: Tyrant Can't Wait

The beautiful boy said so, but sold Ruan Mengmeng in an instant.

Seeing the girl walking away, she touched her phone and reported it to her brother.

Li Junyu, who was in a meeting with high-level officials, saw the message from the third child, and Mo Mei gently tufted it.

"Pause and rest for twenty minutes."

Li Junyu's face was solemn, and he quickly left the conference room.

Just now, Li Shao emphasized the efficiency fiercely, and the seniors who did not even dare to go to the toilet suddenly looked at each other.

Li Junyu, walking back to the office with a cold face, reached out his cell phone.

His dark and deep eyes were icy cold.

Yao Yuqing-a troubled woman.

Originally used only as a gift in honor of the "Three Sisters", but now it has affected his relationship with the little milk cat.

Li Junyu, who did not take Yao Yuqing seriously, was already impatient.

He took out his cell phone and called the second child.

The call was connected, and Li Junting's casual voice came over. The background sound was accompanied by loud music.

Li Junyu asked coldly, "Where are you?"

"I? I'm on KTV, what's wrong, brother ... you look for me ..."

The loud music behind him almost drowned Li Junting's voice.

It was at KTV during the day, and it seems that the work arranged for the second child last time is not enough.

Li Junyu's face was even heavier. "Give you a minute, find a quiet place and call again."

After that, Li Junyu simply cut off the phone.

He was hung up somehow and Li Ersha felt a bit wronged.

But grievance is grievance, he dare not offend his brother.

Li Peacock can only leave a friend in the private room, find a balcony outside the corridor, quiet and will not be overheard, and beat Li Junyu over.

The call is connected again.

Li Junyu's indifferent cold voice came: "Li Junting, Wu Peiwen, can you handle it?"

Brother Wannian Iceberg broke his head and covered his face.

The scary peacock almost frowned!

Oh, his peacock hair is almost scared ...

"Big brother, aren't you? Are you irritated? I'm your brother, my own—would you let me go and **** that woman?"

Wu Peiwen, Miss Wu Jiaer, couldn't rub a grain of sand into her arrogant and fierce eyes, and she was definitely not allowed to look at others more.

The Wu family is a veteran family. When the family was at its heyday, they could even compete with the Li family.

Their third concubine, Shen Lan, sought the marriage partner of his eldest son, Li Jinghui, this Miss Wu Peiwen.

"I'm asking you to 'get her', not asking you to 'get her', Li Junting ... everything you think in your head all day long."

Women outside said that Master Li's second master Li Junting was a walking hormone.

Oh, Li Junyu said, stupid and ridiculous like a second child, but a walking IQ detection machine.

Only women with inadequate intelligence will like unreliable men like the second child.

"Oh, there is a difference between" getting done "and" getting done. "I didn't hear that noisy." Li Erchao leaned against the balcony and drew her hair to conceal her embarrassment.

"But brother, you asked me to get it ... what did Wu Peiwen do? She's not Li Jinghui's kid's fiancee. They're about to have an engagement banquet at Yutang in March. We all said it last time. Yao Yuqing took him there so that Li Jinghui's kid could eat his fruits. "

"March ..." Li Junyu's dark eyes became deep.

"March is too late. I can't wait."

Yao Yuqing didn't agree with anyone, and agreed with his young wife.

In this case, let the powerful and overbearing Miss Wu Er of the Wu family find out what happened.

"Second, you listen ... this is how it is done ..."

[Before 22 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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