Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 838: That's Yao Yuqing

Chapter 838: Yao Yuqing

"Grandma, you are not allowed to drive your elder sister ... My elder sister is very good. My elder sister can accompany Xiaoxi, and her sister is not in Xixi and do not stay!"

The little boy hugged the old lady and lowered his voice.

It belongs to the boy's milk. The sound of milk gas has not changed, and it sounds very clever in the ears of the old lady.

In these days, besides taking care of Yao Yuqing in Li Yuan, the old lady's biggest gain was to get closer to Xiao Xi.

In the past, she only felt that Xiao Xi was born of Chen Qingzhi's woman, and she must have been on the stage and had a bad mind.

But get along these days, but found that although Xiao Xi and the unfamiliar people are cold, but as long as they are familiar, this child will dig into your heart.

Especially that small face is handsome and delicate, and a small mouth is sweet and cute. What kind of grandma in this world can I refuse?

Like the old lady, Li Junxi also changed the old lady a lot.

At first, he felt that grandma was high and unreasonable, but after a long contact, he found that grandma just had a hard mouth and a soft heart.

Many times, like a child, he has a terrible temper.

However, Grandma's heart is not bad, and her mouth is scary, but she always secretly cares about his life.

Xiao Li Junxi didn't understand grandma at first, but later she got along a lot. In addition, she accidentally heard grandma asking Wang's mother and secretly boiled him soup.

Gradually, Xiaoli Junxi also found a way to get along with grandma.

"Stupid child, who said grandma was going to drive your sister away. Today is New Year's Eve, your sister is here and it will be a family ..."

The old lady was happy looking at the little grandson's face, and softened her attitude towards Ruan Mengmeng.

"You ... you sit down, all are family, you don't need to be restrained."

Unexpectedly, the old lady almost called out the three words, ‘female nezha’.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, he closed his mouth and was regarded as shameless.

Because of the change in the attitude of the old lady, naturally nobody would say anything more.

Ruan Mengmeng obediently followed Li Junche and sat on the small sofa in the back row.

She sat side by side with Li Junche and Li Junting, quietly serving as a background board.

Unlike Li Junxi, who pleased the old lady, he was left on the big sofa in front.

Even more like Li Junyu, he was pulled directly by the old man and sat beside him.

Everyone sits down and naturally talks.

During this period, Li Junyu turned back several times, passing Ruan Mengmeng inadvertently.

The girl sitting in a fairy dress obediently felt the sight of the man, but she did not look up at him.

In the end, Li Junting and Li Junche couldn't stand his brother's vote, and they could eat people's eyes.

The two quickly pinched left and right, and hit Ruan Mengmeng with their arms together-Ruan Mengmeng was impatient, and moved to the left and right.



Two beeps suddenly came from behind everyone.

Old lady Li frowned and looked back: "What happened to you, why did you fall to the ground?"

On the small sofa at the back, Ruan Mengmeng was dressed in a fairy skirt, sitting in the middle of the sofa obediently and innocently.

Around the sofa, Li Junting and Li Junche just got up from the floor covered with expensive carpets.

Li Peacock patted his body gray, his face didn't matter: "It's all right, all right, you don't need to care about us, you continue, continue ..."

Both Mr. Li and Mrs. Li frowned.

The big room is good, but the second and third are bad.

A dangling lang tang, a little introverted, very strange.

Just as the two old men turned around, there was a noise from upstairs.

Wang Ma's elated voice was uploaded from the stairs at this time-"In the future, grandma young, you have to go slowly ... This one in your stomach is our little golden grandson of Li Family, but I can't fall."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a slightly heavy, fiery red figure appearing at the entrance of the stairs.

Ruan Mengmeng lifted her eyes-is that Yao Yuqing? !!

[Complete the update, please be considerate for a temporary business trip, wait for me to add more at the weekend ~]

Tomorrow is still old time, update at 20 pm~

(End of this chapter)

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