Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 846: I see blood in my belly

Chapter 846: Stomach Sees Blood

"You ... what are you talking about ..." Old lady Li opened her eyes violently, even shaking her lips.

For a long time, for many years no one dared to scold her in person like the second lady of the Wu family.

Old Lady Li couldn't remember, she just knew that since she married Mr. Li, even her former family members did not dare to count on her like this.

In addition to the grandfather, there is also a long-dead father-in-law, looking at the whole country S, no one can dare to reprimand her in this way.

"You, dare you say one more thing ..." The old lady was angry, her eyes widened, and her eyes were bleeding.

The mother Wang and Zhang Bo behind the old lady immediately went out to call the servants and guards.

The remaining Li family members, especially those in the third family room of Li family, looked at them with anger, and looked at Wu Peiwen with that kind of hatred.

They looked at Wu Peiwen's eyes as if they had seen her desolate end.

As for Mr. Li, he was freezing his face, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

My mind is already quickly calculating how much financial resources the Li family will invest to break the Wu family.

However, Wu Peiwen did not seem to realize what kind of tragic situation she would offend Li's family.

She stared back at the Li family who glared at her.

"Huh, what to see! Don't look at me with that kind of eye-catching look-I tell you, you hate me now, and you will be grateful to me later-especially you, old lady Li ..."

She turned her fingers around and suddenly stopped, pointing at the oldest person who had the most opinions about her and also protected Yao Yuqing.

"I tell you, you old dizzy old woman should die early! It is because of your dim and incompetent grandmother that you will get used to hypocritical and disgusting grandsons like Li Jinghui!"

After speaking, Wu Peiwen didn't wait for the old lady to respond, just as Zhang Bo and Wang Wang rushed into the living room door with guards and servants.

Suddenly fluttered forward.

"Oh ..." The old lady was in pain and she was pushed out by Wu Peiwen.

The crowd was frightened, and immediately went to the old lady.

Ke just caught it, but heard a louder scream from the center of the sofa.


When Wu Peiwen pushed the old lady away, Yao Yuqing, who had been guarded by the old lady, was completely exposed.

Unfortunately, at that time, everyone's attention was on the old lady Li who was pushed away by Wu Peiwen.

No one noticed Yao Yuqing's crisis.

"A **** woman, a **** woman ... a **** like you, why do you **** a man with me, Wu Peiwen! You guys, men and women, even my Wu Peiwen dare to count, see if I do n’t kill you and this evil kind in your belly ! "

Peiwen Wu's seven-inch-high heels stepped on Yao Yuqing's huge stomach.

Yao Yuqing is already desperately protecting her belly, but how can a pregnant woman with a big belly feel like Wu Peiwen with a light figure.

What's more, just looking at Wu Peiwen's expression, she was already completely enchanted.

The Li family was shocked!

They had no idea that Miss Qian Jin, like Wu Peiwen, still had such a cruel and fierce side.

Even if those rumors have been heard for a long time, who would have expected it if it had not been seen for the first time.

When everyone responded and went up to the rack, the thick blood had flowed from Yao Yuqing's thighs.

"Ah, blood, blood ..."

"Hurry up, call an ambulance, call a doctor ..."

"My great-grandson, my great-grandson ... nothing can happen, nothing can happen ... !!!"

[Next chapter before 21:30]

(End of this chapter)

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