Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 851: Want his son to inherit the big house business

Chapter 851: Want His Son to Inherit the Real Estate

"Oh, Jun Yu ... Look at the kind of question you asked, how do I answer it?" Shen Lan's face changed slightly, but her lips drew back quickly.

"Sansao is really confused ... I don't know what you mean. Now our family Jinghui was made like this by Miss Wu Er, when it is really a mess, Junyu, don't let Sans deliberately I'm embarrassed. "

Shen Lan's words were leak-free, and she said that she finally leaned back behind Li Hongyang, as if she was bullied by Li Junyu, and she was afraid to answer.

When she said this, she was just saying that Li Junyu deliberately fell into the well while bullying her by a womanhood while taking advantage of their three-room chaos.

When Li Hongyang heard it, he immediately took Shen Lan into his arms.

"Jun Yu, how did you talk to your third wife! We are still in a mess here. Your own daughter-in-law didn't know to care about your own daughter-in-law, and came to ask you what the third wife was doing?"

"The words you said just now are messy, and you don't know what you're talking about ... what a real thing, I can't understand what you're talking about, and you're still pulling on your third uncle ..."

Speaking of which, Li Hongyang turned to look at Father Li, narrowed his eyes slightly, and complained to him.

"Dad, Jun Yu is so fierce your daughter-in-law, you don't care about it ... Look at him like this, this is the attitude of talking to his uncle and uncle ..."

Mr. Li San is the younger son of the old man and the old woman, so they are always eccentric and caring.

Elders often said that Hongyang was young and let the two brothers above let him do everything.

But this let the let, but gradually became the person who let the big room and the second room, let them all three rooms a little.

For such a long time, instead, the third child has developed the habit of occupying the big room and the second room cheaply, and also likes to complain.

"Okay, what are you doing at this time!" Father Li made his face grow old, disappointed with the three sons he had born.

This incident clearly shows that there is a problem, and Jun Yu's attitude also clearly shows that the problem lies with the oldest daughter-in-law.

Father Li sees the score, he believes that Jun Yu and the second child both see the score.

This is the third child, but at this time, he is still confused, it is really ... it can't help the wall.

Thinking of this, Mr. Li also said to Li Junyu: "Jun Yu, you can make it clear, don't say so vaguely ... your uncle can't understand, you explain it to him!"

There was probably a guess in the old man's heart.

He guessed that Li Jinghui might have done something sorry to Wu Peiwen. Because of this, the girl of the Wu family would not hesitate to offend Li's family and make such a big farce.

As for why Wu Peiwen's girl took the cord blood of Jun Yu's son, the old man didn't think about it.

Maybe it was just because Miss Wu Jiaer was so extreme that she wanted to get revenge, so she even retaliated with her big house?

Mr. Li frowned, and with the information he could know, he could only infer such a situation.

As for whether there is any inside information left, we must listen to Jun Yu.

"Okay, since it was Grandpa's request, then I'll make it clearer—" Li Junyu raised his thick black eyebrows and looked at his third uncle.

The line of sight fell on Li Hongyang's half-belly on Shen Lan's waist, protecting her big hand.

There was a dark, ironic sneer in the corner of the man's lips.

The third uncle of his family did exactly the same as he reasoned. On the other side of the three bedrooms, it was treated as a waste and he was caught in the drum.

"Uncle San, this matter is actually simple enough to spread out. But your good son Li Jinghui is too ambitious. He can not let go of her strong Wu Peiwen, and wants to keep his son to inherit the big house business ..."

Li Hongyang: "Inherit and inherit Dafang's family business ... Jun Yu, how can I not understand what you are talking about?"

[I have to go out temporarily, the next chapter will be 21:30 later, and I will write in advance if I come back early, why?]

(End of this chapter)

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