Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 854: Peiwen Wu is back

Chapter 854: Wu Peiwen Is Back

The old lady just watched Wu Peiwen **** the blood of her great-grandson's umbilical cord, just when she was dizzy.

Because of this, the old lady had no energy at all and went to the old man to the outside living room and told Li Junyu and Li Hongyang what they understood.

At this time, I suddenly heard Shen Lan ran over and said something.

The old lady who finally recovered from the horror that she had just lost was suddenly unhappy.

"What, Jun Yu doesn't want to recognize this child? No, how can he not want this child, but this is his biological flesh ..."

The old lady ignored Shen's help and grabbed Shen Lan's hand.

"Leave, Shen Lan, you help me over ... I tell Junyu myself!"

The children are all born, how can Jun Yu not! !! !!

The old lady Li couldn't accept Li Junyu's decision, and she couldn't accept the great-grandson who had just appeared. Even her father had never seen her before, and her father would veto it.

The old lady took pity on the poor little great-grandson ... Relying on the help of Shen Lan, she walked firmly towards the grandson.


When the old lady walked in front of Li Junyu, before she said anything, she saw her beloved grandson lower his head and looked coldly at her.

The old lady Li shuddered.

"Grandma, it's best for your elders not to travel in this muddy water ... otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to take your blood pressure later."

Li Jun's eyes were cold, and he glanced lightly, but there was a sense of coldness that he could not dare to look at.

Shen Lan was glanced by Li Junyu's eyes, and there was an illusion of tight scalp when she was stunned.

She hid backwards, and the old lady Li just blocked her.

"Jun Yu, how can you talk to grandma like this! Have you forgotten how your grandma taught you when you were a kid? You ca n’t be like this, even if you do n’t like Yu Qing, you ca n’t have children ... Also, you take you What's wrong with Sansao? Your Sansao listened to grandma's words before taking care of Yu Qing for you. "

"You have three good intentions, you can't anger her because of this. You ... if you really want to blame, then blame grandma! Anyway, grandma has an old bone and is not afraid of you blame-anyway, this child, grandma It's reserved! "

The old lady, who had long been heard by Shen Lan, had a heart on her great grandson.

She just felt that the grandson's everything to find faults and difficulties was because he didn't want to be responsible and didn't want to recognize the great-grandchild who got out of Yao Yuqing's stomach.

Li Jun smiled, his lips were cold.

"Blames me, you must be blamed. Grandma, you're right. I don't just blame Misaki, I will also blame Grandma ... because grandma, you have been persecution of your grandson, and recognize the one that does not belong to him. Bloodline. "

"You, what are you talking about?" The old lady Li who had just wanted to use herself as a shield, forced her grandson to obey.

She opened her eyes in amazement and couldn't believe what she heard.

She ... she loves the grandson who values ​​her most, and she would say-yes, to blame her?

"Jun Yu, how can you ..."

"Of course he can!" A sharp, inexplicable voice, came in from the door.

That voice was so familiar, it only belonged to a crazy woman.

I was still paying attention to the confrontation between Mrs. Li and Mr. Li Junyu. By coincidence, I heard this voice and looked towards the door of the living room.

Each of them is very concerned about what the master of this voice is going to do.

Because of this voice, belongs to a woman.

That woman was Wu Peiwen-Wu Peiwen who surprised, shocked, and unexpected everyone came back!

[Before the next 0 o'clock ~]

(End of this chapter)

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