Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 868: Things reverse

Chapter 868: Reversal


Shen Lan choked a few times before taking a breath.

"Okay, I said ... I said ... what else can I say? I don't know why it turns out to be true, those people, the videos, the arrangements ... I, I don't know ..."

Shen Lan showed a confused and stern look. She looked at Du Bin and others who had just accused her, and then looked at Li Junyu, and finally fixed her sight on the old lady and Li Hongyang.

"You also saw ... My father's housekeeper suddenly ran out to testify, saying that I had arranged those things, and I ... I had no idea what to say. I didn't know this from beginning to end I don't know why my father arranged it this way, let alone how they told Jinghui this way. "

"From the beginning, like everyone else, I thought that Jinghui had gone abroad. As for Jinghui, he said in that video that he had listened to me ... I wonder if it was what his father wanted to do , So I deliberately misled Jinghui in my name. "

Shen Lan said, shaking his head, the expression of unbelief and unbelief, it was the ultimate.

Even Ruan Mengmeng, who was sitting at the back watching all this happen, couldn't help but admire Shen Lan's resilience and that ‘acting’.

This woman, Shen Lan, is really amazing.

The first sentence pushed things to Shen Zhen.

The second sentence thought that she was going to push Li Jinghui, but the next sentence pulled Li Jinghui back.

Judging from her words, it was as if everything was arranged by Shen Zhen. She deceived her and Li Jinghui from both sides, and both of them were kept in the dark.

Just as Ruan Mengmeng secretly determined that Shen Lan's heart was fierce, Shen Lan's next sentence revealed her apparently weak and sinister intention.

"But ... my father should not be that kind of person. Although he is a little confused about the relationship between men and women, he is not confused about major events. I, I don't know, I don't even dare to think about ... who will all this The conspiracy is a deliberate misleading arrangement. "

Speaking of which, Shen Lan's eyes turned, and those tear-stained eyes glanced at Li Junyu.

But she only dared to glance, and after a second, she looked away like a great threat, and turned to Du Bin and others in prison uniforms.

Although Shen Lan didn't say anything, she only made her old lady and Li Hongyang think a lot with the hint of her eyes.

The old lady lowered her face and asked, "You mean, you and Jinghui are not aware of this. You are still likely to be the victims ... Do you suspect that someone has deliberately designed to frame you behind you?"

"I ... I didn't mean that, I didn't dare ..."

"Shen Lan, you guess what you guessed! You are so vague, how can we help you clarify!"

Li Hongyang couldn't help it. He saw Shen Lan crying with injustice and saw his son's angry look, but he was still a little uneasy.

Especially the analysis by Shen Lan just now, it is really strange to think about it carefully.

Du Bin and others are Shen Zhen's confidants, how could they suddenly betray them.

And so early, Du Bin, they don't come early or late, but they have to come today when Yao Yuqing gave birth to a child.

Could it be that--

Because of Shen Lan's words, a thought flashed through my mind.

The old lady and Li Hongyang were secretly surprised, and turned to look at Li Junyu inadvertently.

The old lady couldn't help but even say, "Jun ... Jun Yu ... this, isn't it ... you will arrange it?"

[Before 21:10 in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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