Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 872: This kid is not Li Junyu

Chapter 872: This Child Is Not Li Junyu

It was originally planned to have Yao Yuqing give birth to children in the engagement banquet of Li Jinghui and Wu Peiwen in March next month, and then asked the gentleman to make an identification on the spot.

But because of today's accident, the child came out within seven months.

How could he grow so clean and healthy if his elder brother hadn't poisoned the child and added a lot of tonics to him.

"No, it's not ... Grand Master ... Hey, old lady, you ... don't say anything ..." Wang's mother gasped, but suddenly she took hold of the old lady's arm.

With this pull, the old lady's hand slipped down, and the little baby she held in her arms almost fell and fell.

Fortunately, Li Hongyang and Li Mingyang, who were surrounded by their eyes, were very sick and both reached out to frame the child before they fell.

The old lady was angry: "Mother Wang, what are you doing! I hold the child, can this be pulled? Look at you, you or the old man around me, why are you so careless that you almost fell off my great great grandson! "

To say that the old lady hates Mother Wang, it certainly isn't. She doesn't know how much better she is to other mothers.

But when a person is angry, his voice is naturally loud and even his voice is heavy.

The mother was snarled by the old lady, thinking that the old lady was angry, she had to explain subconsciously.

She was going to hide in her heart, and if she wouldn't say it in public, she didn't put up her mouth: "I, I'm in a hurry ... I'm afraid you'll put this child back to the young master. This is not the young master of……"


The mother suddenly took a breath.

Oops, she told her, why did she tell her!

This kind of thing, even if you have to say it, you have to wait until everyone is gone, and you can say it when no one else is there!

"What did you say !?" Sure enough, when the old lady heard what Mother Wang said, she suddenly changed her face.

Not only the old lady, but even Li Hongyang and Li Mingyang have faced up.

"Mother Wang, make it clear, how do you know that this child is not King Royal ..."

"Yes, Wang, how did you know this child was born. Have you been secretly inspecting it?"

Li Mingyang thought deeper, and even wondered if Jun Yu had taken advantage of outsiders' attention and arranged for people to identify the DNA.

"This, this ... I ..." Wang's mother regretted it and wished to slap herself.

Why can't she be so sullen and say it all!

The old lady was finally relieved at this time, and she felt that her heart was stunned and her head was dizzy.

Afraid that she could not stand the stimulus, she immediately called the second daughter-in-law.

"Wanyu, you ... come here, you help me hold this child. I'm dizzy, my hands shake, and I can't hold it securely."

Zhang Wanyu, who has not had any sense of presence, came over and took the child carefully.

Seeing her hold, the old lady finally let out a sigh of relief and looked at Mother Wang: "Well, Mother Wang ... now you say, tell me clearly, why isn't this kid king?"

The old lady thought a lot, and added a sentence: "You slowly say, why do you know-is it the same as the second child said, you have tested the DNA in it, who sent it, and whether the emperor sent someone in ... "

"Oh, feed my old lady, what DNA is still tested. I know at first glance that this child is not the seed of the young master. If you ... if you don't believe it, you can open the hug wrapped around him ... One glance, one glance, you can understand what I say. "

[Before 23:10 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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