Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 876: Ask for a hammer

Chapter 876

Bo Jinkun waved his hand and refused Li Hongyang's support: "No need to sit, I came here because the boy Junjun invited me to testify for him. As you all know, I retired, and the group was all managed by my son and grandson. Go back to my old business. "

Bo Jinkun's so-called old business is actually biotechnology research.

The Bo family started with high-end technologies such as medicine, biology, and chemistry. Bo Jinkun himself is a genius.

The top private private hospital in country S is the industry of the Bo family.

Bo Jinkun was the youngest doctoral graduate of the top foreign medical university in his early years. Later, he abandoned medical practice because he wanted to inherit the family industry.

But for so many years, his accomplishments in medicine have not been abandoned.

In his later years, he gave most of his business to his son and grandson Bo Hanyuan, and freed up time to set up a medical laboratory and engage in research.

"I've heard everything about Junyu-since you can't believe it outside the organization, then I will do this identification myself. It happens that I recently asked the guy from Hanyuan to get me a new set of equipment. The latest technology can get DNA test results in five minutes. How about it, I'll do it, can you trust it? "

Mr. Bo smiled and smiled. In the early years, he was obviously a ruthless and ruthless character. When he was old, he took on a kindness.

But if that's the case, he thinks he's a good talker and bully guy, and he's wrong.

"Reliable, how can you not believe it. But in fact, we already have the result of this matter, and the DNA does not have to be tested, otherwise let's just forget it?"

This fact is too shameful, and it is also shameful to Mr. Bo.

The old lady Li said nothing and did not want to test it again.

There is nothing obvious about the child's left ear, the obvious attachment.

No one in the big room has ever grown this kind of thing. Instead, every child in the third room has it. Even if the old lady is unwilling to believe it, she can only recognize this fact when she sees the child's left ear.

"No, the DNA must be checked, so that no one will make a fuss about it in the future. Whose child is who, grandma ... don't you want to hug your great grandson soon?"

Li Junyu's cold voice came, and the decision was unquestionable.

Since it is going to be hammered, it must be hammered, and Shen Lan and Li Jinghui will never be given the chance to turn over again.

To save the future, the two men ran out, saying that the child's left ear was inherited from Yao Yuqing.

At that time, some people in the Yao Yuqing family had faked evidence with ears, and forced the children to be stolen on him.

Because of Li Jun's tough attitude, the old lady Li is not good at saying anything.

You can only ask Bo Jinkun to inspect it in situ.

Fortunately, the Bo family has a relative with the Li family, and the two grandfathers are cousins.

The two families are inextricably linked. Even if Bo Jinkun knew it, it was not a shame to the outsider.

Mr. Bo collected blood from Li Junyu, Li Jinghui and the newborn, and soon-the experimental results came out.

Bo Jinkun took off his mask and gloves and walked to the old lady, solemnly saying:

"Brother and sister, congratulations-you finally have your great-grandson. This child, Li Jinghui's genetic matching rate reached 99.99%."

Speaking of this, Father Bo's deep eyes swept everyone.

"My Bo Jinkun can use his life's reputation to guarantee that this child is only related to Jun Yu, but only the most common kinship. He and Li Jinghui are the father-son relationship, he is Li Jinghui's biological flesh and blood."

[Next chapter before 21:30]

(End of this chapter)

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