Chapter 892: Right Wrong

As soon as the words fell, I saw a long figure coming into the door with a white wedding dress with a big tail and a luxurious flair.

Behind him is the tall Ling Nan, who is being called by him as a coolie, holding a big tail behind his wedding dress for him.

"Little peach, come on, try it ... eh? Dad, why are you back? Aunt Qing is back?"

The moment Li Junting stepped into the lobby, he felt a strong slaying spirit.

He looked up alertly, and immediately found Li Yaoyang sitting on the sofa opposite the door.

Li Peacock quickly changed his mouth, and pushed the wedding dress to Ling Nan's arms behind him, and went to Li Yaoyang with a romantic smile.

"Yo, Aunt Qing's illness is all right? Congratulations Aunt Qing, I have already said that someone as beautiful as you is, God must not be willing to accept it. See, is it right now, I'm right, fully recovered? "

Li Peacock didn't have a normal shape in his mouth, and he raised his hands to show his stance.

However, it is a sincere blessing to Chen Qingzhi.

After all, Chen Qingzhi has been married to Li's house for so many years, and has always been a gentle and beautiful woman.

It has always been frail and sick, but it is soft and considerate, and it has not been as stormy as other stepmothers.

Basically, Li Junting has no opinion on this stepmother.

"Thank you Junting, I have fully recovered. Thanks to Xiao Xi's father for taking care of me, I did not give up even when I was seriously ill ..."

"Well, you're here again, say something blindly-" Li Yaoyang frowned, interrupting Chen Qingzhi's words.

"I said that you are my Li Yaoyang's wife, and it is my responsibility to take care of you. No one will give up because his wife is seriously ill, I Li Yaoyang is not such a person."

"Look at it, I said that our father is the most handsome and the most MAN ... Sure enough, Dad is just as responsible as me in treating women."

Li Peacock's big face boasted that Li Yaoyang slapped him on the head.

"You're embarrassed to say something, how did I tell you before I left? Want you to treat Meng Meng well ... what about your wedding dress? It won't be your elder brother's marriage, you want to end it?

Li Yaoyang said something, and asked the peacock so hard that he didn't say anything, and by the way, Ruan Mengmeng also asked so aggressively.

Sitting on the side of Li Junyu, his deep eyes sank.

Li Peacock just felt the back of his neck cold, and that cold chilling intent hit him again.

"Yaoyang, what are you talking about? Why is it related to Mengmeng ... I don't understand." Chen Qingzhi asked with a smile, his voice soft.

Curious glance, gently swept Ruan Mengmeng, with a touch of inquiry.

Li Yaoyang sighed, and his face was embarrassed: "Well, because you have surgery abroad, you should not be affected by outside influences. I kept telling you something. In fact ... Before we left the country S, Junting Follow ... and follow Mengmeng. "

"What !?" Chen Qing could not help but take a breath and let out a startled expression.

"Don't worry, don't worry ... you are just sick, the doctor said to keep your mood peaceful, and your mood should not be too ups and downs."

"No, Yaoyang ... how did Mengmeng and Junting ... what the **** is going on, tell me ..."

However, compared with Li Yaoyang's calmness, Chen Qingzhi seemed to be greatly impacted.

She pulled Li Yaoyang's arm tightly and asked very excitedly.

Hearing Li Yaoyang's words, Ruan Mengmeng then reacted.

Yes ... Before Li Yaoyang left Country S last time, he always thought that he and Li Peacock were a pair.

Thinking of this, Ruan Mengmeng immediately looked up at Li Junyu.

I saw her tyrant sitting firmly on the side of the sofa, her whole body became cold and cold.

[Next chapter before 21:30]

(End of this chapter)

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