Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 895: Fully exposed

Chapter 895: Fully Exposed

Ruan Mengmeng entered the dressing room, and the servants helped her to put on her wedding dress.

When she wore that pure trailing wedding dress and walked out of the dressing room-Chen Qingzhi's bright apricot eyes became brighter.

The girl's skin in front of her wins. Even without any makeup, the cherry lips are still pink and delicate, showing the atmosphere of a young girl.

Those sparkling apricot eyes seemed to speak.

The whole person went to that station, a bottle of delicate and beautiful doll.

"It's beautiful, so beautiful ... Meng Meng, you are indeed your mother's daughter. You don't know how many boys will break through the threshold of the Ruan family and come to propose marriage."

Chen Qing's face was filled with praise, she approached, holding Ruan Mengmeng's hand, just like every mother who saw her daughter get married and put on a wedding dress, her eyes flashed with water.

Ruan Mengmeng saw the movement of her mother's eyes and could not help but sore her nose.

People thought that she was fake in her wedding dress, but she knew it was true ...

At this moment, her mood is not trying on wedding dresses for others.

It was a feeling of being married by my mother.

Thinking of the day when she got married, her mother would know the truth ... Although Ruan Mengmeng was nervous, she was more expectant.

Mother should bless herself.

Just now she heard that she was in a relationship with Er Shao, and her mother was so anxious that she must be very nervous.

Thinking of Chen Qingzhi's reaction just now, Ruan Mengmeng still felt a little warm.

She can see that her mother loves Uncle Li, and usually she will not object to Uncle Li's opinion.

But just now-although this is not so kind to Li Peacock, my mother mistakenly thought that she was against Li Uncle after she was with Li Peacock.

Ruan Mengmeng knows that this is because Li Peacock ’s reputation is not good, and her mother must be worried that she will be hurt by Li Peacock, so she protected her.

The young girl thought so, and her mother's eyes became softer ... thinking about her mother's death.

Ruan Mengmeng is even thinking about taking this opportunity to tell her mother to go to the graveyard with her to visit her sister.

"Meng Meng ... you are so beautiful in this wedding dress ..." At this moment, Chen Qingzhi's voice interrupted Ruan Mengmeng's thoughts.

The girl raised her eyes, just facing Chen Qingzhi's confused eyes.

She asked subconsciously, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Chen Qingzhi shook her head, "Nothing, my mother just feels ... This wedding dress, the more I look at it, the more I think it's tailored for you? The body size is just right, you see ... These tailoring lines are completely with you Be compliant. "

"This ... this is what I tried on. I tried it on several times before, and it all changed according to my figure. Of course it is suitable."

Ruan Mengmeng's heart rate has no reason, and began to accelerate.

Looking at her mother's look, it seemed like an ordinary question, but she didn't know why, her heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

Afraid of Chen Qingzhi's disbelief, she also added: "Big brother just said, I'm similar in shape to his fiancee. I just tried wedding dresses for them, all designers changed."

"Huh ... is that it?" Chen Qingzhi nodded, seeming to believe, but his voice was doubtful again.

"Well, since our family Mengmeng said yes, that's it."

The girl let out a sigh of relief, and finally sighed.

Who knew that Chen Qingzhi suddenly said again: "Hey, Mengmeng ... this on your neck ... what is this?"

Speaking, Chen Qingzhi's hand has directly touched Ruan Mengmeng's neck, and rubbed her neckline at the wedding dress.

This time, it was hidden under the concealer, and just a little bit of shadow was accidentally exposed, and it was completely exposed.

[Next chapter before 23:20]

(End of this chapter)

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