Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 904: Chen Qingzhi's fox spirit ...

Chapter 904: Chen Qingzhi's fox spirit ...

"I know that you are a smart person and you do n’t need my old man to call. But ... these days, I am asking you to come back out and move around, and Hongyang has not mentioned you about divorce anymore. I am afraid that your mind is lively. stand up."

The old woman squinted, as if to fall asleep.

But Shen Lan knew that such an old lady was the most terrible.

Whenever this is the case, it means that the old lady is really moving. In front of this, after all, she is the old lady of Li family who accompanied the old man through most of his life.

When people are old, they may be confused for a while, or they may lose their ambitions when they are young, but the true details will not change.

Shen Lan nodded immediately, lowering her eyebrows and expressing her eyebrows: "Mom, don't worry ... the last thing I did was my fascination, I admit it was all my fault. You also know that our three bedrooms are more difficult than the big one A lot. I know that you love Hongyang, and also a few of Hongyang's children ... I, I am just a big heart, afraid of their father and son in the future ... "

"Well, don't say ..." Shen Lan sighed deeply, her eyes full of regret and annoyance.

"I really know what was wrong in the past. Mom, do n’t worry, you look at my performance in the future, I promise ... I wo n’t care about anything in the future, I ’ll take good care of your two elders, take care of Hongyang, take care of three The child and Chaochao ... As for other communication, I can give it to Yu Qing. She will always be on her own in the future, and I will let it go completely when I teach her ... "

What Shen Lan meant, it sounded like to withdraw from the front line of Lijia Sanfang's diplomacy.

There is quite a bit of meaning to return to the family.

The old lady narrowed her eyes and blinked slightly.

For a moment, she wanted to stop Shen Lan's words, but ... thinking of the advice of the old man, she finally stopped the stop in her mouth.

"Yeah, it ’s good if you have this heart. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Do n’t worry too much about it. You will let Jinghui and Yuqing give up on the three-bedroom affairs ... Although Yuqing ’s birth experience is better than you, But she is a super-mother, so you can teach it and you will always get started. "

Shen Lan nodded docilely, thinking that it was over.

Who knows, the old lady turned sharply: "By the way, the fox spirits of the old people have recovered and returned to your country. Have you seen it?"

Shen Lan's low, gentle eyes twitched slightly.

She raised her eyes and shook her head: "No, my situation is not suitable for walking around ... It has been a long time since I have been socializing with people outside."

The old lady nodded, and there was a hint of approval in her eyes.

No matter what Shen Lan has done in the past, in the past few months, she is indeed safe and secure.

"If you don't see it, go and see her ... take a message for me. I thought the fox spirit hadn't lived for a few years. I had the boss's wish and let her stay. Huh ... who thought of her It was a fox of a thousand years, and she had such a strange disease. Even the doctor said that she had died a lifetime, and she let her come back alive. "

Thinking of this, the old woman's cloudy eyes flashed a shadow of Yin.

"You know what happened back then, if it wasn't for ... for that person, I wouldn't allow such a woman to stay with the boss at all. Go and tell her ... if you don't want me to shake it out, she'd better An'an divided it, and hid me in Liyuan. Don't think of the earth-shaking, this Li family can't turn her Chen Qingzhi on!

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Bo hurried in from the outside.

"Old lady, Madam is here ... she said, a special trip to greet you."

[Next Chapter 21:20]

(End of this chapter)

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