Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 907: Not to mention a slap, even a ten slap!

Chapter 907 Don't Say It Is A Slap, Even A Slap!

"Pretend?" Chen Qingzhi turned back, showing a surprised look.

"Sister ... I don't understand, what are you talking about ..."

"Huh, you don't understand? Chen Qingzhi, just in front of the old lady, you deliberately said those words, your ability to play pigs and eat tigers is much better than in the past-intentionally stopping Li Junxi's schoolwork and then making It looks like she doesn't understand anything so that the old lady feels that you don't deserve to discipline Li Junxi. "

"Oh ..." Shen Lan sneered.

"You go out for your son. Even if you pretend to be stupid by the old lady, you still have to send your son to the upper stage. Chen Qingzhi ... Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. Among Li's juniors, only Li Jun Yu was brought up by an old man and an old lady himself. You—you want Li Junxi to take office, don't you? "

"Hey ... oh, huh, huh ... siblings, are you watching too many palace dramas ... oh, I ca n’t understand these words, I really do n’t know how to answer them.”

Chen Qingzhi smiled lowly, and there was no clue in the gentle and spotless apricot eyes.

What if Shen Lan said yes?

What did you say?


"My brother and sister are okay, don't stare at me ... I have heard of it abroad. I'm afraid I have had a hard time in recent days. My brother and sister should worry about it, it's Jinghui of your family ... Oh, no ... Jinghui is out That kind of ugly thing, marry a wife who is not on the stage, I'm afraid it is already a waste. In this way, my brother and sister can only rely on Jing Yao ... Unfortunately ... "

Chen Qingzhi shook his head and said in a very pitiful tone: "It's a pity that your family Jingyao doesn't have the heart to inherit the family business. Li Jingjing is left, a girl ... not to mention."

"Chen Qingzhi, who allows you to comment on my children arrogantly! Don't think that Li Junxi is tying up the old lady, you can go to heaven. I know what you are thinking-your heart is big, you want Li Junxi to replace Li Junyu, You want your son to sit on the throne of Li's house owner! I tell you Chen Qingzhi ... you are just a dog I raised with the old lady, you have no money ... "


Before Chen Lan finished speaking, Chen Qingzhi's face was slapped by the sudden slap and fanned aside.

"You ... you dare to hit me !!!" Shen Lan covered her face in astonishment, unbelievable.

She, Shen Lan, is really a noble girl with a high door, and the family is born with thousands of dollars.

It's different from Chen Qingzhi's fox spirit who serves people.

Chen Qingzhi ... **** ... why did she hit herself!

Shen Lan stretched out her hand to fight back, but Chen Qingzhi firmly grasped her wrist.

"What happened to me hitting you? I'm your sister-in-law, and you dare to speak to me like this, it's the following offense ... don't talk about beating you with a slap, even with ten slaps-Shen Lan, I tell you, I am not In the past, Chen Qingzhi, don't think you can ride on me like ten years ago! "

Having said that, she shook Shen Lan's hand fiercely, and almost let Shen Lan step on the air.

"You ... Chen Qingzhi ... you ..." Shen Lan half supported the wooden frame aside, and couldn't believe that Chen Qingzhi in front of him would be the humble and poor woman ten years ago.

Shen Lan still remembered clearly, remembering that year-just in this flower room, Chen Qingzhi humbled in front of the old lady and listened to the old lady's percussion with a low eyebrow.

At that time, Shen Lan was standing behind the old lady, looking coldly at the woman who was about to become her sister-in-law.

Despicable contempt.

[Next chapter before 22:50]

(End of this chapter)

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