Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 912: No. 1 in college entrance examination

Chapter 912: College Entrance Examination

In a small meeting, the father and daughter of the Shen family easily determined the life and death of a woman.

And Yao Yuqing, who was staring at them, thought that they could finally live in a high society, where Mrs. Gui lived.

I don't know yet next week, she will be stunned and thrown into the sea by someone sent by Shen Zhen, making the illusion of getting drunk and falling into the water.

The rain is coming from the wind.

Just when Li Yun's side was treacherous, Ruan Mengmeng was taking the last class in school.

Today is the end of this class, and all the seniors will be on vacation.

After a week of self-review at home, the college entrance examination will be ushered in.

At this time, Ruan Mengmeng was having a headache. Looking at the podium, she became more and more excited, and excited to Gao Hanqiu, who was already in tears ...

"You are the worst graduate I have ever taken. But heaven and earth, after years of hard work, you have gone from the worst to the most proud of the teacher. And this kind of Pride will continue to the college entrance examination, until your grades are released! I believe that you will continue to work hard to achieve excellent results in this college entrance examination, and win glory for teachers, schools, and yourself !!! "

After some high-pitched speeches, the students got up one by one, took turns in front of Gao Hanqiu, shook hands with him and said goodbye.

Every student will get his encouragement after passing him. Even Ye Feng and Yan Chen, who return to school this week, will be treated the same.

The only difference is Ruan Jiaojiao ...

Ruan Jiaojiao has not been to school for a month.

I heard that she gave up the finance department she had originally planned to study in, and instead took the art test in preparation to go to the acting department of the Department of Intelligence.

From a talented student in the financial department to a performance department ... Ruan Mengmeng didn't know what Ruan Jiaojiao had been given, and she actually raised the star dream.

Perhaps it was Qin Fang's idea?

"It's your turn, marshmallow ..." Li Junche's voice came next to remind Ruan Mengmeng.

The young girl found out that other students had already gone up to say goodbye to Lao Gao, and she was sitting with Li Junche in the last row.

After Li Junche reminded her, she got up and went over.

Lao Gao grabbed his hand and couldn't wait for the “Old Tears”. Li Dingche urged Li Junche to perform well, play normally, and give them the honors of the senior class.

Ruan Mengmeng's turn--

"Sister, little sister ... You and Jun Che are the double insurance of our class this time! It is the two of you who have won the college entrance examination in S city, even the provincial champions! This is your brother and me, the closest to the contract The top one or two in the province, when it was the most glorious ... you ... you must give your brother a fight !!! "

Gao Hanqiu held Ruan Mengmeng's hand more vigorously than Li Junche.

The class he led was excellent in wisdom every time, but no one had such a good seed this time.

What ‘worst session’ I just said was an intentional motivation to those children.

In fact, just Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junche are enough to make his senior (1) class look down on the crowd.

Not to mention, this class also has children like Ye Lingxi and Jing Xiangjin who gather their energy.

"Okay, Lao Gao, you pay more attention to your body. Why are you crying at such an old age ... Rest assured, I will give 100% of my strength on the day of the college entrance examination to win you glory. You can make a banner first and wait at home. what……"

Ruan Mengmeng appeased Gao Hanqiu, but what she thought was her tyrant.

Uh huh, she will be Mrs. Li by the day of the college entrance examination, and she is still quite justified.

At that time, let her tyrant send the test in person and give her ‘love dear’ outside the test room!

[Next Chapter 21:40]

(End of this chapter)

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