Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 932: back to the begining

Chapter 932: Back to the Original

"The person I sent to pretend to be a volunteer said that she lived on the first floor of the last building at the end of the alley. She used to be a lady who lived in the entire house at Kaihe Street, and then she only lived in the whole street Dirty, wet inside ... "

Father Ruan was sitting in a wheelchair, and his right hand was fastened to the armrest.

On the back of the mottled and wrinkled hands, there were bulging green tendons.

He was restraining his emotions. He was afraid that he was too excited, and would die on the road before seeing Qin Yue.

He Ruan Zhongqi is sorry for Yu Qinyue in this life, he is not qualified to see her again--

Before she died, she put down everything and dared not to expect anything more, so that she could come here shamelessly and meet her.

He is back……

When Mengmeng pushed him out of the car, when they stepped on this street that will always remain in memory, he really felt that he was back.

Back to where the dream started ...

Back to the beginning of life's first struggle.

There are noisy and lively street scenes, there are neighbors who are enthusiastic about each other ... there are all things that can make Ruan Zhongqi recall the finely broken images of the past.

He looked at the alley over there, where he saved Qin Yue for the first time.

He looked at the embankment over there, where he and Qin Yue's first kiss.

He looked at the small building not far away, where Qin Yue gave him the first time ...

Countless countless, it is every bit of him and Yu Qinyue, those teenagers' sweet memories, finally experienced again today.

"Grandpa, here ..." Ruan Mengmeng's soft voice changed back to the thought of Father Ruan.

He lifted his eyes narrowly, his gaze catching a familiar figure.

It was the last time I bumped into it in the hospital, and he had become as old as Qin Yue.

She was wearing a conservative and old-fashioned style, but she was elegant and looked clean and tidy.

Yu Qinyue was coming out of the corridor, far away, and did not find an old man watching her intently under a big tree across the street.

She stood on the side of the road, as if waiting for someone.

Seeing this, Father Ruan couldn't help frowning.

Why didn't Qin Yue wear the clothes he sent?

Uneasy in heart, for Qin Yue's injustice, the grandfather suddenly said: "Meng Meng, after Grandpa went ... my shares are yours. You must remember, don't give up the shares to anyone, especially your grandma ... ... you obediently, use that money to take good care of Qin Yue ... "

Ruan Mengmeng didn't understand why the old man suddenly mentioned this, and subconsciously refused: "Grandpa, but we said yes, I don't want to share it, and give it to Grandma Qinyue."

"It's no use giving her. Qin Yue wasn't your grandmother's opponent at that time. Now ... how can she be an ordinary woman?"

It would be better to put it in Ruan Mengmeng's hands and take care of Qin Yue.

Ruan Mengmeng knew that Grandpa's emotions were too ups and downs at this time. When he saw that his face became red, he did not dare to argue with the grandfather, and promised in silence.

At this moment, there were pattering footsteps across the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a little girl about ten years old, carrying a schoolbag, and ran out of the corridor.

"Grandma ... Grandma, slow down, wait for me ..." The little girl's voice was crisp and loud, with some childishness unique to this age.

She ran fast, fearing that she couldn't catch up. Yu Qinyue's warm eyes flashed brightly when she saw the little girl.

"Don't worry, grandma is here ..."

"Grandma is so good, Xiaoyi likes grandma most ... Grandma, I hold your hand, let's go together ..." The girl named Xiaoyi grabbed Yu Qinyue's wrinkled right hand with her small hand.

Holding her, his mouth opened a sweet smile, and his grandchildren stepped to the alley.

"That was the child I had to help and adopt for Qin Yue." Father Ruan looked at the man who was beloved, and smiled.

[Next chapter before 23:20]

(End of this chapter)

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