Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 936: Ruan Mengmeng is not a child of the Ruan family at all

Chapter 936 Ruan Mengmeng Is Not A Child Of The Ruan Family At All

Ruan Mengmeng broke his heart.

Compared to her father's slap, it was his questioning that completely broke her heart.

‘Why kill your grandpa? ’

Hehe, hehehe ...

It turned out that in Dad's mind, was she such an untrustworthy person?

Killing Grandpa ... How could she kill Grandpa?


Dad, why do you say such things in your mouth ...

The girl narrowed her eyes and tears of helplessness fell down.

Despite her deep disappointment, she had to explain clearly on this issue.

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Mengmeng said dumbly, "I didn't harm Grandpa. I just gave him up and wished ... The reason why Grandpa gave up treatment was because he chose the conservative side last time ..."

"Ruan Mengmeng, don't quibble anymore!" A voice suddenly sounded fiercely, interrupting her.

The girl turned back and saw Qin Fang, who seemed irritable and could not help but walked up.

Under Qin Fang's seemingly angry face, the ambition of the victor was hidden.

With a revealing tone, she stretched out her index finger and pointed at Ruan Mengmeng's face: "You shameless so-called granddaughter, unscrupulous foreigner, you just want to occupy the nest!"

"Ruan Mengmeng, stop acting-I know what you are doing for this. You want to take possession of the Ruan family's property and want to kill our family! Oh, you are really terrific. You have been lying to us for so many years ... "

Qin Fang's words came inexplicably and suddenly, even if Ruan Mengmeng knew that Qin Fang was targeting her, she could not guess what tricks she was playing.

The girl just knows that her heartbeat is getting more and more visible, from the sadness just now, to the heartbeat now.

It's all because Qin Fang suddenly said the word 'foreigner'.

Qin Fang ... what is she talking about?

What does she want to do!

"What the **** do you want to say? When you have something, say it straight away, make it clear, don't pretend to be a ghost here!" The girl remembered her grandfather's instructions to her.

Grandpa said Qin Fang's words could not be believed.

Yes, I can't believe it ...

Ruan Mengmeng took a deep breath, forcing her spirit to look at Qin Fang.

She told herself silently, to be calm, to be cold ... can't panic.

"Oh ... pretend to be stupid? Yes, this is your best move. But today, I'm afraid it won't work. Ruan Mengmeng, since you are going to be stupid, that's fine ... I'll let Look at the evidence in my hand— "

After Qin Fang finished speaking, his right hand went into the purse.

At this time, Ruan Zhaotian, when he heard the word 'foreigner', suddenly looked back.

Yes, he complained that Mengmeng was ignorant and reckless, complaining that she had killed the old man.

He also complained that Mengmeng helped his father's first love instead of helping his grandmother.

But—but he wasn't prepared to expose that!

Ruan Zhaotian never told Qin Fang the truth. In this family, only he and the old man knew the whole truth of the year.

Although he complained about Mengmeng, he had already regarded Mengmeng as his own daughter--

Knowing exactly what harm Mengmeng would say when he said all this, Ruan Zhaotian blocked: "Enough Qin Fang ... the old man's bones are not cold, you are making trouble here!"

"I ... I'm troublesome?" Qin Fang turned back, seeming to be very unbelievable.

Her eyes crossed Ruan Zhaotian, looking at Mrs. Ruan behind him, and her tears slipped down: "Mum ... I ... I just can't get accustomed to Ruan Mengmeng. She is cheating you. Mom ... Ruan Mengmeng Not a child of the Ruan family at all. I have cultivated wild seeds for others for so many years. You ... you have to decide for me! "

[Before 22 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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