Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 948: There are still two hours to go to the college entrance examination!

Chapter 948 There are two hours left for the college entrance examination!


Ruan Mengmeng listened to Li Junyu's words, and the last light of persistence in his eyes went out little by little.

Those twinkling, translucent, always full of sunny eyes, can no longer raise the warm little sun.

The moist apricot eyes became hollow ...

The sweet and smart eyes that laughed, lost their luster from this moment.

The girl blinked and blinked again ... as if she couldn't even shed tears.

Ruan Mengmeng's dark, tight body suddenly lost her strength.

Ruan Mengmeng fell down when she was stingy.




Ruan Mengmeng dreamed.

Still a terrible nightmare.

"Ruan Mengmeng, let's break up ..."

In the dream, Li Junyu stood in front of her and said coldly.

In an instant, Li Junyu became hysterical Mrs. Ruan: "You are not a child of our Ruan family, you are a wild seed born by Chen Qingzhi!"

"Mengmeng, promise grandpa ... take care of yourself and Qinyue ... you will always be granddaughter of grandpa, grandpa ... grandpa went ..."

The grandfather died, clutching her hand and telling painstakingly.

But in a blink of an eye, he became Ruan Zhaotian with a frown and a sad look on his face.

"Meng Meng, I'm sorry ... Dad is sorry for you ..."

Ruan Mengmeng is speechless, her lips are constantly trembling, I don't know what to say.

Just then, a familiar figure appeared before her eyes.

"Meng Meng, my sister has been a bit busy recently. I will take you to try a new drug when I am busy. The new drug developed in the laboratory may be useful for your" stun calculation ". You wait for your sister, in a few days ... "


Before Ruan Shi's poems were finished, a large truck emerged out of the dark.

The truck was too late to stop, so he hit Ruan Shishi in front of Ruan Mengmeng.

She looked at her sister and was run off by a truck—

When she wanted to catch her sister, she was too late to see the burning fire, her sister fell to the ground, and the flesh was blurred.


She shouted that she wanted to rush into the fire and rescue Ruan Shishi's body, but with the sudden appearance of a tall figure in the air, she lifted up her sister who had already lost her breath.

"No, don't take her away and give me back my sister ..."

Ruan Mengmeng wants to stop that person.

The man was dressed in black and black pants, and it looked like black impermanence. She was afraid that her elder sister would be taken away by her soul, and desperately stopped her.

But how can a person compare to a ghost? She couldn't stop it, she could only see her sister being carried away by that dark figure.

"No, don't ... don't go ..."

The flames extinguished, and the surroundings became dark again.

Ruan Mengmeng slowly, slowly, shrinking a little bit, shrinking in the corner.

Suddenly she became timid and timid, the light under her eyes was completely extinguished, and she never dared to use those beautiful eyes, but looked at the dark and dark world around her.


"Ruan Mengmeng, you get me up! When are you going to sleep! Get up quickly, get up ..."

The body was shaken desperately, and the ears were constantly urged by female voices.

This voice ... so familiar, like mother?

No, it won't be mom. How could mom talk to her in such a tone?

"When will you pretend to die, there will be two hours to go to the college entrance examination! Get me up soon, hurry up!" It was another violent shaking, and Ruan Mengmeng was finally shaken by the man.

She opened her eyes narrowly, her empty eyes, but Chen Qingzhi's exaggerated anger was facing her.

[Before 22:10 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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