Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 969: Shameful (2)

969 Shameless Eyes (2)

When Chen Qing looked at it, he laughed: "Oh, who am I? It is Mu Yuanhong. You are truly Ruan Zhaotian's best friend. Come on in this kind of time. Ruohua? Why didn't you see Ruohua? We haven't seen her for more than a decade, and we blame her. "

Mu Yuanhong is Mu Jingxing's father.

Mu Yuanhong's original wife, Deng Ruohua, was Chen Qingzhi's best girlfriend at the time.

Because of Qin Fang's death of Chen Qingzhi, Deng Ruohua hadn't given Qin Fang a good look for years, even Ruan Zhaotian would have to be counted by her.

Because of this, Qin Fang deliberately encouraged his cousin Cao Wei to seduce Mu Yuanhong.

Just want to report Deng Ruohua to her face to see this personal hatred.

"If Ruohua ... Ruohua she ..." Deng Ruohua was mentioned without expecting Chen Qingzhi to meet, and Mu Yuanhong's face was stagnant.

Ruan Mengmeng snorted in her heart and said to Chen Qingzhi, "Mom, Aunt Ruohua and Uncle Mu have divorced."

"Divorce, how could it be divorced?"

Her girlfriend and Mu Yuanhong, but the exemplary couple, are very loving.

Ruan Mengmeng's beautiful Xing Mu stared, staring at Cao Wei who was standing behind Mu Yuanhong and dressed more expensively than before.

She looked much richer than the last time she met. Standing there with a big belly, she looked at least seven or eight months pregnant.

"That's the woman with the big belly." Ruan Mengmeng's voice was crunchy, shaking everything she knew.

"Uncle Mu took advantage of Auntie Ruohua's hospital work and secretly raised a small child outside. The woman now has one in her belly, and it is said that she had two children outside, a ten-year-old son and an eight-year-old daughter. … To put it all together, at least eleven years ago.

The word 'Stealing Love', Ruan Mengmeng bit very clearly, so that everyone present could hear it clearly.

The girl's character is not particularly overbearing. She cleaned up Qin Fang's family last time and let it go.

But today, seeing her mother trembling all the way in front of her, so much anger for her, all the fire that was suppressed in her heart were all spit out.

The hatred of her good friend Mu Jingxing has never had a chance to report.

Since Uncle Mu stood up by himself, let's solve it together today.

"Secret love! Mu Yuanhong, you can. You used to urge Ruan Zhaotian not to hang around, but you didn't expect you to be a pious hypocrite, and you were also raising a Primary Three outside? Are you worthy of Ruohua? Don't forget yourself How did the buckets of gold that started from scratch come from Ruohua's daily overtime wages to supplement you! Without Ruohua, there is a fart Mu Shi, there is a fart Mu Yuanhong ... "

Chen Qingzhi, who still maintains the style of a noble lady, even at this time, finally broke power.

She never dreamed that her girlfriends would have gone their own way and be deceived by such a man!

Knowing this, she shouldn't have been ruthless about clarifying the relationship with everything in the past.

If she had known that Deng Ruohua had been bullied into this way, she ... she must have used Mu's name to suppress Mu's poverty, and see where Mu Yuanhong's money came from to find a woman!

Mu Yuanhong did not expect that Chen Qingzhi would tell him in public about his loan from his ex-wife.

He suddenly felt that the eyes of others around him had changed, and he even felt complacent.

At first, he liked Cao Wei to treat him like heaven and idols, and always looked at him with worshiping eyes.

The ex-wife Ruo Hua never did that.

The most important thing for a man is his face.

He originally found a sense of dignity with Cao Wei, but now, when Chen Qingzhi said that he had money from his ex-wife's post.

Immediately let him shave his face.

Mu Yuanhong was speechless for a while, but Cao Wei, who was standing behind him, came out with a big belly: "This is our family thing, what does it have to do with you, why are you an outsider, why do you say my husband!"

Oh, one is not enough, and another one is dead.

There was a hint of irony in Chen Qingzhi's lips, and he said coldly: "When I met Mu Yuanhong, you didn't know where it was cool. Is there a place for you to interject? Oh ... I don't know who is coming today What kind of people are you? One of them is all three. You know, I understand that this is Old Master Ruan Lingtang. I do n’t know, I thought I was in the wrong place. I came to the fox hole. "

[Beyond 1300 words: add one more today, 23:20 before the next chapter]

Really added more, and the 6 chapters written earlier are almost 7000 words equivalent to 7 chapters ~ so babies, please vote when you have a monthly ticket, at the end of the month ~

You do n’t have to worry about the plot. You really have to write it to look good. You must write it here. If you really do n’t want to watch it, you can skip it. I think it ’s very cool and I want to add more ~

(End of this chapter)

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