Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 986: Li Junyu, your old illness is back

Chapter 986 Li Junyu, Your Old Disease Relapses

"Step aside--"

Looking at Bo Hanyuan who was suddenly approaching him, Li Junyu's face changed smoothly.

He pressed his throat and scolded heavily.

But Bo Hanyuan ignored it.

As he approached Li Junyu, he had taken off the white gloves on his right hand.

A clear, slender palm with a bone ring exposed.

Bo Hanyuan pressed his left hand on the sofa armrest where Li Junyu was sitting, leaning down.

The right hand touched Li Junyu's wide shoulder.

The next second, no surprise, Li Junyu suddenly got up.

Without mercy, he punched Bo Hanyuan's tough and firm abs.

If Bo Hanyuan had not been prepared for another person, I would have hugged his stomach and fell to the ground in pain.

And he just groaned and stepped back instinctively.

Li Junyu got up and stayed away from his gap.

Bo Hanyuan was puzzled.

The deep cold pupil passed a sigh of sorrow badly: "Your disease really has recurred ... Li Junyu, I told you to control your emotions. If you find symptoms of relapse, you must tell me. You know I don't know how much effort I spent that year to stabilize your condition for you, you ... "

"My emotions are well controlled, as long as you are far enough away from me." Li Junyu did not push his friends away for himself, and shot himself too hard.

He sat indifferently to the other side, raised his cold eyes, indifferent but alert, looking at Bo Hanyuan.

Bo Hanyuan: "..."

He must have owed Li Junyu countless debts in his lifetime, and in this life he would disdain anyone, but he could not treat him like others.

"Since you don't want to let me see, I don't force you. But at least you have to tell me the cause of recurrence. What happened, can you stabilize the disease without recurrence for five years?"

Bo Hanyuan decided to take a step back.


"No comment." Li Junyu's voice was low and decided.

There is no room to slow down.

Bo Hanyuan looked for a moment: "Li Junyu, I'm not joking with you, I'm talking to you as a psychologist. When you touch phobia, this disease can be as big or as small. You used to be impatient. Woman touches, look at you now-even when I touched you just now, you show extreme disgust. "

"In this way, you are likely to still be tired of the world and even tend to self-harm!"

"It's very nice, unfortunately ... Bao Hanyuan, don't forget that you are the best representative of the world. You are a psychiatrist who hates all living things. Why do you think I accept your treatment?"

Bo Hanyuan raised an eyebrow.

Obviously, Li Junyu is evading the topic.

He was reluctant to say the real reason for the relapse.

At that time, when Bo Hanyuan was young, he showed strong medical talent and was treated for Li Junyu.

At that time, the same young Li Junyu never resisted his help.

And now ...

After five years of cure, when Li Jun's old disease relapsed, and it was more severely delayed-

He turned out to resist the treatment completely.

Bo Hanyuan's eyes sank. For the first time, he became very interested in the 'factors' that caused Jun Li to relapse.

"You don't want to mention it, then forget it. It's almost time, go and see Li Junting and Li Junche."

Bo Hanyuan ended this topic relentlessly.

Get up and take a brand new pair of gloves from the side drawer.

To be honest, except Li Junyu and Ruan Shishi.

His hands did not like touching, other living things.

[Next chapter before 22:50]

(End of this chapter)

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