Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 988: Unexpected condition

Chapter 988: Unexpected Condition

"Lack of loyalty to feelings, distrust of women ... Simply put, this is an emotional loss."

When he heard Bo Hanyuan's deep and cold voice, he read the words from the medical record word by word.

Li Junting's eyes were narrow and narrow, shimmering.

Sure enough, as he expected.

Bo Hanyuan, like those who were carefully covered up by him, was deceived by the so-called 'psychological answer' answer.

"Brother, what to do ... It seems that in your life, you can't see me marrying my wife."

Li Peacock looked at Li Junyu, who was sitting beside him without a word.

The pride of my eyes was almost overflowing from the expression of those eyebrows.


This smugness has not been maintained for a long time, and was crushed relentlessly by Bo Hanyuan's next sentence.

"However, all this is just the condition that you want to show us after precise calculations. Li Junting, your real situation is not the case. Even you, this person, are not the you shown on this medical record. Condition ... "

"Bao Hanyuan, I warn you, you can eat anything you want, you can't say anything. If you dare to slander me, believe it or not ..."

Li Junting suddenly got up from the sofa, his expression turned blank, and he stretched his fingers toward Bo Hanyuan.

But Bo Hanyuan was like he did not see Li Junting.

Perfectly ignore him.

Turning around, Li Junyu, who was sitting next to the sofa, said: "If you are seriously injured as a child, you may cause severe psychological disorders. Li Junting's performance seems normal than Li Junche, but it is actually a scam."

"The two of them are facing such an impact at the same time. One cannot be serious enough to cause subpersonality, and the other is just a minor fault. So ... I have given him some traps in today's psychological test, and now I have found him. Hidden, the real condition. "

"Bo Hanyuan, give me a break-big brother, don't listen to him!"

Li Junting tried to stop, but his iceberg just lifted those dark phoenix eyes and gave him a cold glance, and he dared not speak.

The **** Bo Hanyuan continued.

"Simply put, your brother has a serious psychological disorder, and the most direct manifestation is that he cannot complete his sexual life."

None, Law, Finish, Success, Sex, Life, Live!

Unable to complete **** 丨 life! !! !!

Li Junting could not wait to dig a hole and bury himself.

He worked hard to make girls and bars, and shaped the image of the little prince in the nightclub.

He also worked hard in psychology, thus hiding all psychiatrists.

He finally managed to hide his true cause, why the big devil, Bo Hanyuan, wanted to reveal his privacy!

"Bo Hanyuan, I fight with you!"

Li Junting didn't care whether he had fought Bo Hanyuan too much or whether he was invited by his elder brother.

Throw off your blazer and roll up your sleeves, and you have to fight with Bo Hanyuan.

Who knows--

Li Junyu, who had been sitting indifferently aside, suddenly spoke at this moment.

His voice was cold and faint, with a chill that made people dare not peck.

"Unable to complete sexual life, Bo Hanyuan ... I want to know, what does this sentence mean?"

Li Junyu's eyes narrowed, staring at Bo Hanyuan deeply.

An idea came out of his already dusty heart silently.

Bo Hanyuan saw Li Junyu's seriousness and said coldly: "It is a sexual dysfunction caused by a psychological disorder. In other words, Li Junting has no ability to go to bed with anyone at all. His dandy image, I think, is just to lie you guys."

"Bo Shao is true?" Li Junyu turned back and looked at Li Junting fiercely.

That deep gaze almost frozen Li Junting.

[Sorry, the plot is a bit heavy, writing was 10 minutes slower ~ update is complete, we will see at 8 tomorrow night ~]

On the last day, ask for a monthly pass ~~ The truth is really coming out, what I said is really an unexpected situation, exposed ~

(End of this chapter)

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