Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 993: Meng Meng ...

Chapter 993: Meng Meng ...

Li Junting: "..."

At this moment, Li Junting was deeply shocked by Li Junyu's dark eyes.

The chill emanating from the bottom of Li Jun's eyes almost made Li Junting shudder.

Even if he was a brother, at this moment Li Junting didn't dare to stop any more.

Because, he was clear from Li Junyu's eyes that were cold and persecuted by Feng Shuang, as deep as a cold lake.

I saw a kind of terrible cold and bloodthirsty from the heart.

At that moment, Li Junting didn't dare to approach.

As if approaching a little bit, he would be hurt by the sharp ice front, leaving him incomplete.

Li Ershao's thin lips trembled, as if to say something.

But in the end, he didn't dare to put a word on it, opened the door and left at an unprecedented speed.


The door closed.

When everything returned to silence, the entire study was silent.

Li Junyu was still sitting there, keeping his back straight, still, looking straight at the posture of the study door.

Long time, long time, no more moving.

He was like a man who had lost his breath, and like a towering stone statue, standing there.

It wasn't until a long time later that the man's fingers on the table moved slightly.

Li Jun Yu Fu's forehead, slender fingers, rubbing in the eyebrow.

The calm and self-sustaining mask on that cold and indifferent face finally collapsed.

Deep remorse, passing under the dark and deep eyes.

"Meng ..."

A low whisper, the most beloved word.

Hardly dared to force.

Dreamy and precious like a bubble.

As if a little louder, it would scare the girl he cherished and burst the bubble that was extremely luxurious to him.

No one expected that he would have such a day.

There will also be a day when I want to be careful and deeply in love with someone, but I dare not admit it.

"Meng Meng ..."

Trying to call two words, that's her name.

There was a dull pain, but it followed.

It was like being held with a sharp blade and inserted straight into the atrium, and still fiercely stirred a few times in the bottom of the heart, bringing heartbreaking colic.

Li Junyu has never been so painful to breathe like this moment.

Even taking a deep breath will evoke the deepest pain in my heart.

Meng Meng ...

He could no longer admit that he loved the girl deeply and was no longer qualified to call her by name.

It's not just to protect her, it's not just to be unable to face the mother who died.

What's more, he is long unfit.

Lose her like this, push her to the cliff, and then let go and hold her hand.

When the truth came out, he finally knew how deep he hurt the girl.

"Meng ... Meng ..."

The man closed his eyes in pain, and for the last time, read her name.

Tell yourself this is the last time ...


This day is the day when the results of the college entrance examination are obtained.

The college entrance examination candidates of all S countries are stunned, either waiting in front of the computer or in front of the phone.

Both the Internet and the telephone can check the results of the college entrance examination. After finding out the results, you must fill in the college you want based on the results.

First volunteer, second volunteer, third volunteer ...

Estimate the score line for each school and the number of applicants for each science department.

On such an important day, parents and students are either nervously waiting to check their grades, or the whole family is sitting together and carefully analyzing how to fill out the volunteer.

Ruan Mengmeng was not at home, but she was playing games in an Internet cafe.

She was sitting in the most competitive area of ​​the Internet cafe game.

[Before 20:40 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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