Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 997: It ’s a pity not to be an anchor

Chapter 997: It's A Pity Not To Be Anchor

"Little girl, I think your talent is very good and the operation is very good. Since it is making money, why only play this upset game?"

"Now, like" pesticides "," alliances "," eating ducks ", and" ground city ", these games developed and operated by Yuyao Technology are particularly hot and profitable. If you want to pick up a single generation, you should play it. These games. Compared to the upset game you just played, these games are much faster. "

The bearded boss is kind.

He felt a little distressed at the girl, sitting silently in the corner of the Internet cafe, staying up all night.

I did n’t talk about it, and I did more with less to make so much money.

"Thank you boss, I'm stupid, I can't play games developed by big companies like Yuyao Technology ... hey, I can only play this upset game and make a little extra money."

The girl grinned, but her smile didn't reach her eyes.

When those original bright eyes mentioned the word "Yuyao Technology", they trembled slightly.

The boss was puzzled: "How come, I saw the operation you just made, but it's comparable to the professional players, the sniper and flying sniper of the great god-level professional players. Even if you can't play several other games, go and play ' Eating duck 'is definitely no problem. It's similar to the game you just played, but it's hotter and more profitable ... "

"Uncle ... I'm right to ask you a question. What's 70% of 6000? I'm bad at math, you can help me calculate."

The girl raised her eyes and interrupted the boss of the Internet cafe.

Her dark and moist eyes were raised, looking at the boss, almost looking at the boss's eyes.

"Oh oh, 70% of six thousand, you wait ... uh ... it's four thousand two."

The boss frowned as soon as he figured it out.

"Little girl, really, listen to an uncle's advice. The uncle watched you spend two weeks here, and then you got four thousand two hundred dollars. It's really not worth it. Just take your operation and don't Playing that kind of popular game may also be a professional player ... no matter how bad it is, you can also be the anchor, the game anchor! "

Speaking of which, the bearded boss's eyes brightened.

Yes, now even if you are not a professional player, you can earn money as a anchor.

The little girl is so beautiful, and her face can attract a lot of local tyrants to reward.

If the game is still good, maybe they can debut in minutes!

"Boss, I really don't need it ... Then what, I suddenly remembered the results of the college entrance examination tonight. I'd better get off the plane and go home."

Ruan Mengmeng knows that her boss is kind, but she has no computer at present, and she also talks about the game anchor.

Mom and her two people, now only she has the ability to make money.

There are also tuition fees to attend college.

After school, if I live in the bedroom, I don't know if I have the opportunity to stay up all night and make money like this.

She really has no spare money to buy a computer again.

"What, you are still a freshman for the college entrance exam !?" The boss burst into a sudden burst of drink and almost startled the people around who were playing games.

"You little girl, what are you still doing here? Aren't you getting a college entrance examination result tonight, hurry ... hurry up and check it!"



Out of the Internet cafe, Ruan Mengmeng's mood was a bit complicated.

At this moment, the sky just shone slightly.

She followed the familiar trail, step by step, to the cabin where she and Chen Qingzhi lived.

That's funny.

When she came out of Lingtang that day, she obeyed her grandfather's will and sent her ashes to Yu Qinyue's house. She and her mother actually lived on the Kaihe Channel.

The reason for staying here is simple.

Because the rent here is cheap enough.

Coupled with the large number of hawkers around, the overall price level is low.

So she and her mother lived here without extra savings.

[About 23:10 in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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