Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 999: Sorry, I am late

Chapter 999 Sorry, I'm Late

"I ... may be a bit difficult ...

Ruan Mengmeng bit the fritters and said lowly.

Almost all of her subjects were scored perfectly.

But science ... even if luck broke the table, he only got the multiple choice question right.

The big question is completely empty. In this way, the total score is still a little bit worse than the intellectual score line.

"What? How is it possible ... aren't your grades good? I remember you telling me that every time you take the exam, you are the first year grade. Even in a place like Zhixue High School, you can take the first year grade. How come you can't even pass the college of wisdom !? "

Just like taking gunpowder, Chen Qingzhi suddenly got up from the stool and overturned the dining table.

Soymilk and fritters spread all over the floor.


"Do n’t call me Mom, I do n’t have a daughter like you! Ruan Mengmeng, did you lie to me in the past? When you were in Liyuan, why did you take the first test every time? Why came out, you You can't even pass a university, you tell, why! "

Chen Qing had already had enough of such poverty.

She has long been unaccustomed to suffering like this.

This old and broken building, this cheap food, this ... this smoky living environment.

She is used to the life of Mrs. Gui.

Someone is waiting to get up every day.

Someone brought her tea, water and brocade, and her life was excellent.

What's more, if there is no money, if Ruan Mengmeng is not admitted to a prestigious school like Zhixue, what will Xiaoxi do?

Although Chen Qingzhi thought highly of herself, she wasn't stupid enough to think that at her age, she would still be able to hook up with powerful men.

A woman who has no job and no man to rely on, how can she regain Xiaoxi by herself?

Although Chen Qingzhi knew, leaving Xiaoxi at Li's house was the best choice.

But these days, whenever she thinks of her son, she always secretly wipes her tears.

Today, her only hope can only rest on Ruan Mengmeng.

At least, Meng Meng looks good and young.

If you can get into the wisdom school, you will not only be able to learn the skills yourself, but maybe you will also encounter some golden turtles.

At that time, marry a rich and powerful man, maybe ... maybe you can get Xiaoxi back.

"Mom, you can go to other schools without intellectual studies. I can also look at other ..."

"How can other schools compare with Zhixue! Zhixue students are either rich or expensive. Why, you stinky girl, can't you work harder, harder ..."

Talking, Chen Qingzhi began to cry.

Tears fell to the ground.

In front of Ruan Mengmeng, she still has a little bit. Before, she was aggressive in Ruan's house, and she looked like everyone else.

Chen Qingzhi cried sadly, tears were raining, and Ruan Mengmeng was sour.

She approached slowly, trying to persuade Chen Qingzhi.

But pushed away by Chen Qingzhi's annoyance--

Just then, there was a sound of clapping outside the door.

The door was rushed, and Chen Qingzhi was crying on her own, ignoring it at all.

Ruan Mengmeng has no problem, fearing that the outside sound will affect other neighbors in the corridor, and quickly went to open the door.

When the road was shaped like an empty wooden door, it was opened.

Seeing the people standing outside the door, the girl had a moment's nagging.

The next second, she was held out by the man's open hands.

The boy's arms trembled and he tried his best to hug her tightly as if he was afraid to lose her again.

That strength was so fast that it hurt the girl's soft waist--

"Meng Meng, I finally found you ..."

Mu Jingxing tightened his arms and choked.

"Sorry for making you feel wronged. I'm late ..."

[The next chapter before 0:20]

(End of this chapter)

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