Hidden Assassin

Volume 1, Section 10: A Pure Accident (Part 2)

"I think... we have to go..."

Bind the hands and feet of the wailing triangular eye, Zhang Yahan said so, while Jiaming ran out on the grounds of taking back another tent. Based on his impression, he touched the pistol that fell under the other tent. In the crazy torrential rain, Scar's wailing came faintly from below.

Before setting up camp, Jiaming had taken a good look at it. There was a grassy slope next to the tent. Now that it was raining so much, the grassy slope was slippery. He was already submerged in the water, but the shot broke his right hand, but not his leg. Should he shoot again?

Turning his head and looking back at the dim light in the tent over there, he lightly raised the gun, opened the safety, and put it down again after a while, that's all, there's no need to worry about it...

Walking over with difficulty under the dismantled tent, Jia Ming had already carried three backpacks on his back, two of which belonged to them, and the other belonged to the two gangsters, in addition to money, biscuits, bacon, etc. There are many. When he walked to Lingjing's side, the triangular eyes with his hands and feet tied were wailing miserably, and his appearance was so hideous that Lingjing was so frightened that he dared to hide behind Zhang Yahan. Jia Ming immediately took out his pistol and shouted, "Stop screaming!"

Probably because Jia Ming's image at this time is not deterrent enough, the triangular eyes are still screaming. Zhang Yahan turned around: "You, you picked up that man's pistol?"

"Hmm." Jia Ming's hands trembled slightly, "I told you not to bark, didn't you hear?".

The man on the ground kept yelling, but Zhang Yahan stretched out his hand carefully: "Come on, give me the gun...it's not used like this, the safety is still closed..."

"Insurance? Where?"


"Where? Here..."

"Ah, yes, you little..."


After the gunshot, the world suddenly fell silent.

The three of them shrank their necks subconsciously, blue smoke came out from the muzzle of the gun, and the bullet passed through the neck of the triangular eye and shot into the ground. The man who was howling just now became stiff all of a sudden. Make a little noise. After a long while, Jia Ming said in a nasty voice: "Uh...fire escape..."

"Uh, hehe, it's okay, it's okay...Come on, give me the gun, give me the gun..." Taking the gun in her hand, she quickly turned off the safety, Yahan felt a little safer. This kid is too weird, no matter what gun he gets in his hand, he will go off.

At this time, both guns were in his hands, and he felt that everything was settled, so Yahan gave up the idea of ​​leaving here, and tied the triangular eyes even tighter, making sure that he couldn't break free, and then he and Jiaming took the flashlight Carefully go down to find the severely injured scar.

She took the pistol and gave Jiaming the dagger with triangular eyes, and followed the faint wailing sound down the grassy slope, where the water was rushing down, and it had already become a stream. When he got closer, the wailing sound of the scar suddenly disappeared. Jia Ming next to him suddenly turned off the flashlight: "Be careful, he still has a knife in his hand!"

In the rainstorm, the voice couldn't be heard very clearly, the rain was pouring on his face, and even his vision was a little blurred: "What? You..." Before he finished speaking, Jia Ming had already rushed out of the darkness, He bumped her to the side, and as soon as he turned around, the tall man with a dagger was passing her by. If Jiaming hadn't bumped into her, she might have been stabbed.

The flashlight fell to the ground, and the surroundings suddenly returned to darkness, Yahan's body also fell into the stream, and in panic, large swaths of stream water poured in from her mouth and nose. The water in the stream is actually not high, but she is not good at water, and at this moment she is in a state of panic, as if she has fallen into a deep pool, waving her hands and feet desperately, but it only makes more rainwater pour in. In the darkness, the sound was chaotic. …

I don't know how long it took, someone pulled her out of the water and lay on her back on the grass next to her. The rain was still pouring down like crazy, and before she could catch her breath, two heavy punches hit her on the lower abdomen. Suddenly spit out several saliva.

"It's all right? A lot of words" The flashlight was turned on in front of her eyes, and Jia Ming's face appeared in front of her eyes. She struggled to get up, and then she heard the moan of the scar coming from not far away: "You , Why did you hit me? What happened to him?"

"I'm afraid you'll be drowned, so...if it didn't work just now, I'll use artificial respiration taught by the teacher. He..." Jia Ming hesitated a little, hearing the words artificial respiration, Yahan But he didn't have to touch his own lips, and then he saw Jia Ming shaking his hand and said: "It's none of my business, he bumped into it himself, I... I hacked a few times, and the dagger disappeared. So I want to come back and get the pistol..."

Yahan was shocked. When she fell into the water just now, both the flashlight and the pistol were lost. She and Jia Ming went to look for it. Fortunately, the pistol was found soon. She opened the insurance, and then dared to approach the groan with Jiaming.

Under the light of the flashlight, I saw the scar lying on its side under a big tree. On the right hand was the one after being shot, but the left arm was cut, and the bone was visible. There was also a scar on the calf. Jia Ming But the dagger was inserted into the man's buttock until it ran out of handle.

Chopped a few times...Yahan looked at Jia Ming who was also dumbfounded in surprise, and then looked at the bloody scar that looked extremely miserable... This child is too exaggerated, he can't be a legend The god of destruction is reincarnated, and I am really lucky...

With such a serious injury on his body, it seems that he has no ability to resist. The two dragged him up to the grassy slope, and after he was tied up, they took out some bandages from the backpack to stop the bleeding, so that he would not die. Lose.

A tent that had been dismantled was put up again at this time, and the dying man with the scar was put in. As for the slightly injured triangular eye, he was directly tied to a tree and let him get wet in the rain. After finishing the work, both Jiaming and Yahan were drenched. It was only midnight, Jiaming took off his jacket and trousers, hesitating for a while, Yahan also took off his jacket and trousers after turning off the flashlight. The trousers were taken off and hung in the tent. The three hugged each other and fell into a deep sleep after a while.

When I woke up in the morning, it was still raining. Yahan looked along the light, and saw that the tent door was opened a little, and the boy named Jiaming had already dressed, and was sitting there watching the rain while eating. Turning around, he looked at himself, but he was only wearing a bra, a pair of underwear, and a pair of hiking shoes, and his face blushed. When the little boy woke up just now, he must have seen everything on himself... hurriedly wiped the half-wet, half-dry After wearing the clothes and pants, there is a trace of stability in my heart...

After eating some biscuits, Yahan took a pistol and went to see the situation of the two gangsters. His triangular eyes were drenched in the rain with a sluggish expression. After being drenched in such rain all night, he would kill half his life if he wanted to. But she dared not put the two thieves in the tent—if a child could untie the knot, she would not be sure that she had tied it securely enough.

As for the knife scar in the tent, there were wounds all over his body, and he probably couldn't escape even if he untied the rope. However, when she saw these injuries, she suddenly had a doubt in her heart: Is it all too coincidental...

When the two children were tied up, I also saw that their hands and feet were tied tightly, and I couldn't break free no matter what, but why was that boy able?

When he failed to steal the dagger, he was the first to pick up the gun...

When the man with the scar was alarmed, the boy fired his gun and hit the right hand of the scar...

When the man with triangular eyes was about to pounce on him, he slipped strangely, and the dagger was directly inserted into his thigh...

When Scar was about to sneak attack for the last time, he pushed himself away, and when he fell into the water, he seemed to hear... Except for the sound of rain, there was only the scream of the man with Scar, was it a hallucination, but the scar The three swords of people are too coincidental...

If this boy is responsible for all of this... How is it possible, it's just a child...

Squatting in front of the trembling and moaning man with the scar, Yahan's expression was uncertain, and after a long while, she shook her head helplessly, maybe she was overthinking.

Back in the tent, looking at the two children sitting together whispering, she pondered for a while, and finally expressed some displeasure in her heart: "Gu Jiaming, why did you tell them about my family yesterday? You know I don't know, do I know..."

"Uh." Jia Ming was stunned for a moment, and then said immediately, "I, I don't know... I just said it casually... I'm sorry..." Ling Jing also said, "Yes, Jia Ming didn't mean it. "Sister Yahan, don't blame him."

Yahan nodded, and originally wanted to say "I was almost insulted because of this sentence". Before the words came out, he was suddenly stunned: Wasn't it because of that sentence that they let him go? This child, could he have expected...

After a while, she finally shook her head, but saw the child's expression froze, and looked up. After a while, some strange sounds mixed with the sound of rain came, and Yahan rushed out of the tent. When she looked up, a helicopter was coming from Walking through the rain, someone on the helicopter waved to her vaguely.



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