Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 114 Accidents


The music that stopped at the end made the quiet audience in the banquet hall stunned for a moment. Lingjing wanted to continue playing, but when she heard Jiaming also stopped, she hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face in embarrassment. Then, Jia Ming picked up the ball and stood up with a smile.

"Uh, sorry, we're here, so... who's next?"

He was smiling brightly on the stage, but the people in the audience had already reacted and shouted repeatedly: "It's not over yet, it's not over yet..."

"This song feels so good..."

"Sing it again! Sing it again!"

Amidst the clamor, Jiaming smiled and said, "Uh, sorry, I came here to pick up someone and I haven't had dinner yet. Uh, who's going to sing? By the way, I just saw that person over there The beauty raised her hand very high, I seem to have inadvertently snatched her acting opportunity, hey, go on."

No one raised his hand below. He smiled and threw the colored ball to the side of Dongfang Road not far away. Dong Danwen was still surprised and in a daze. "This...that..." She originally wanted to perform her own writing in front of two musicians, but after listening to the song "Dongfeng Po", she really didn't dare to come out and make a fool of herself.

However, it is true that no one pays attention to her now. More than half of the people in front of them are asking Jia Ming to finish singing the song or sing it again. Dongfang Lu looked at the person on the stage with a bitter face. Standing up from his seat, he walked slowly towards the stage. However, Jia Ming is not a person who cares about other people's opinions. Once he finished speaking, he turned around and stretched out his left hand, regardless of the demands of the crowd below: "Let's go."

The tears on Lingjing's face were still wet, but she couldn't hide her beautiful smile. She trotted over and put her right hand into his hand. It is undeniable that the performance just now was a romance that no girl could resist.

Fortunately, this was just a simple carnival, and Jiaming and Lingjing were not considered famous idols. After stepping off the stage, although many people regretfully asked to sing again, there were not many people who stopped them, even if there were one or two A person ran around asking about this and that, and introduced his identity by the way. Jia Ming fiddled with it casually. Now that the crowd is crowded, no one would notice that even if he used a little more force, no one would notice that something was wrong. However, when they were approaching the door, the two The middle-aged man squeezed over from the side, Jia Ming was about to push, but Dongfang Lu suddenly appeared.

"Jiaming, Lingjing, wait, wait..."

Strangers can push around, but for acquaintances, you can only keep polite when you look up and down at school. Although Dongfang Road was suppressed by Jiaming from almost all angles in terms of singing, he still smiled brightly at this time, and it seemed that he didn't care too much about it. He first praised Jiaming, and then began to sing. Introduce the identities of these two middle-aged people. They are all well-known figures in the music world. It is a sin for ordinary songwriters in China to not know them. Lingjing didn't know about this, but seeing Dongfang Lu's respectful attitude when he introduced the names of the two, he also greeted them politely and said, "Hello." Jiaming just nodded lightly.

"Uh, hello both of you, then... let's rush back to eat, shall we..."

This attitude was clearly asking the two to make way, and the faces of the two were suddenly a little unhappy. The water in the music world is very deep. No matter how good your songwriting and lyrics are, if no one helps you, if others don’t want your songs at all, then they are worthless. As a songwriter, who doesn’t want to be famous? These two, who just so happen to be the fastest route to fame

As leading figures in the music world, if they are interested in a certain singer or author, even if the other party has not eaten for three to five days, they will probably sit in danger and listen to the teachings. Then Zheng Zepei smiled: "Uh, actually, first of all, we want to ask, is this song... really written by you?"

Jiaming smiled: "I don't need to explain this. I'm sorry, it's past nine o'clock. I haven't eaten anything tonight because I'm busy. Lingjing, are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry too." Ling Jing's tone was a bit stiff, because of Zheng Zepei's words, she was now angry.

"Well, then..." stretched out Zheng Zepei who was in front of him, but before he retracted it, Huang Lao who was on the side had already reached out and held Jiaming's hand. The reason why Jia Ming didn't dodge was because he was already considering whether to kill these two guys tonight.

"Well, I'm sorry, but since this song was written by you, Gu Jiaming, you should know the significance of this song to today's music scene." Huang Lao's tone was a little excited at this time, "I can hear this song The song is a simplified version after your adaptation. As you said, there will be pi, erhu and other instruments involved in the song... Uh, sorry, I didn’t bring my business card out today, but we can make an appointment for a detailed talk, The style of this song will cause a storm in the current music scene..."

"Oh, I understand, I understand..." Jia Ming nodded impatiently, "If you like it, I will sell you this song next time, but now... we really have to leave, goodbye." Jiaming led Lingjing to the door, and at the door, he turned around and waved his hand: "Then goodbye, Senior Dongfang, have a good Christmas Eve." Lingjing also waved with a smile, and then, the glass The goalkeeper separates the inside and the outside into two worlds.

Suddenly stepped out on the snow-covered street, Ling Jing gasped desperately in her hand, Jia Ming unlocked the bicycle, then took out a pair of gloves from his pocket and handed it over: "Hey, I passed a small shop when I was repairing the tire just now. , I just remembered that your gloves are too small, Christmas present, don't be disgusted."

"Hehe, thank you." Even though it wasn't expensive, Lingjing still seemed very happy to receive Jiaming's gift. Putting on the gloves, the size was just right, and the fronts of the five fingers were exposed. It was the type that could play the piano after wearing it. .

Quietly looking at the happy Lingjing, inside the glass door, Dongfang Lu's eyes were a little disappointed, the gloves that he gave her with all his heart, it is said that she generously gave it to others as soon as he changed hands, and now he received such a pair of gloves , I chose to wear it immediately, I am very happy. Not long after, Lingjing sat on the back seat of the bicycle, hugging Jiaming's waist with both hands, and under the reflection of street lights, car lights, neon lights and snow, the bicycle gradually moved away along the street.

***************************************************** *****

Putting both hands into Jiaming's clothes pockets, Lingjing leaned on his back intimately, recalling the scene when he played, his heart was still sweet, after a long time, he felt that wearing gloves actually cut off Jiaming's body temperature , She took off the new gloves and put them in her pocket, and asked curiously: "Jia Ming, did you really write that song?".

"Of course, who else would it be if it wasn't me?"

"I'm wondering if sister Yahan wrote it, you...hmph, no wonder that ugly middle-aged uncle suspects you..."

"Hehe, then you are so angry?"

"If someone doubts my husband, of course they will be angry! But, is it really Miss Yahan? I will ask her when I get back."

"Please, Lingjing, if you want to insult me, don't insult that song, okay? Even Yahan, a childish and neurotic woman, can write songs... Actually, you know me too. Whenever there is an emergency, my little universe will be on the verge of death." It will explode, I said it, someone is coveting my wife, of course I can only drive ducks to the shelves..."

"Well, I'm sorry." Ling Jing leaned her cheek against Jia Ming's back and said softly, "He said he wanted to thank me and gave me a flower. There are so many people below, I don't know what to do... And I didn't see that it was a rose..."

"Next time, no more flowers will be accepted."


"Next time he talks to you, just tell him, you are a good person, you have been a good person all your life, and your whole family is a good person... Do you know that?"

Lingjing laughed out loud, and slapped Jiaming lightly: "Okay, I'll tell him frankly that she used to be Jiaming's child bride-in-law, but now she is Jiaming's concubine, and she has to go to bed every night. I've used it many times, but it's gone, Dongfang Senior, you're a good person, I'm not good enough for you... How about this?"

"He's going to commit suicide. Remember to tell him on the rooftop, and then he jumped off. I happened to be watching from below... I haven't seen other people jumping off a building yet..."

"You bastard..."

Talking and laughing along the way, it was about 9:40 to arrive at the small villa where Yahan lived. This apartment is in a wealthy area on the side of the school, surrounded by mountains and rivers. Sacred Heart College is rich and powerful, and can use villas for temporary housing for teaching staff, but of course it is also an important employee like Yahan whose family owns shares in the college. Only then is it possible.

Beside the road, white wooden fences enclose independent small courtyards, shaded lawns, European-style buildings with red tiles and white walls—of course, they are all covered with thick snow now. Most of the foreign employees of Sacred Heart College Living here, the bicycle driving all the way is surrounded by a scene of lights and festoons, beaming. Yahan's villa was also covered with beautiful lanterns, and there were two beautiful Christmas trees on the snow in front of the door. When she opened the small door, Lingjing sighed: "It's so beautiful, sister Yahan said it was just a casual gathering, She must have spent a lot of time."

She didn't come over in the afternoon, so she sighed at the scene, but Jia Ming had already seen it, and pointed to the surrounding houses: "Look at how beautiful they are, in this area, they are either not good, but so-so will be despised ...and it wasn't Sister Yahan who did it, she was looking for a temporary worker..."

Ling Jing gave him a white look: "You always know how to arrange people." Before she finished speaking, she saw countless lights on the villa suddenly flickering a few times, making a "sizzling" sound, and then, the whole villa suddenly burst into flames. It was getting dark, and there was faint fire and panic voices coming from the kitchen window.

Holding Ling Jing's shoulder, Jia Ming had already pulled out the dagger: "I'll go in and have a look, you hide first..."

Let Lingjing hide behind the Christmas tree in a nearby yard, and Jiaming jumped in from the unlocked living room window. The dishes and chopsticks on the table were already set, and the fire and noise came from the kitchen.

At this time, although there is no light in the villa, the snow outside reflects the light of the rest of the houses. For Jia Ming, the light is still sufficient. He took a few steps on tiptoe, and suddenly there was the sound of a person falling to the ground in the bathroom beside him. , followed by a soft cry of "Ah", which was Yahan's cry.

Turning the dagger on his right hand, he had already pinched the tip of the dagger, stretched out two iron wires for unlocking the lock with his left hand, inserted them into the keyhole in the bathroom, turned suddenly, shrank his body towards the door, and then rushed Go out and want to swing a knife. Counting the reaction time, his swing speed would not be slower than the bullets of ordinary killers.

A moment later, another scream from Yahan came from the bathroom...

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