Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era——Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky

"Hey, let me tell you, why did you deliberately get close to that guy Huang Haoyun?" Among the drinks next to the casino, carrying a cash check of 300,000 yuan from the casino manager, the two women refused to come forward. The man who struck up a conversation was talking in a low voice.

"Please, don't let him divert his attention, classmate Jia Ming will be in trouble tomorrow morning... I told you to get out! You can't understand human language when you come back from Mars!"

The melodious voice almost overwhelmed the singing voice amplified by the microphone on the stage. The fiery but charming girl stood up, and the face of the man who approached him turned red and pale. In the silence of the whole wine, he shook his head awkwardly. He shook his hand: "Uh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He flashed away dejectedly.

Yingying sat down, raised her calf, touched up her makeup and put on her lipstick: "Look, rejecting others has to be like this to have an effect, and it feels good in your heart. Didn't you say come down to vent? Try it next time." As for the side , pulling the colorful bead chain hanging on her chest, Yahan was already covering her stomach and laughing completely out of breath.

"You, you, you... Please, don't act like this, okay, haha, I'm going to die, my stomach hurts..."

"You don't need to put your head against my chest if you are in pain, the plastic water bag will burst."

"Hehe, I just want it to explode one, and then see what the eyes of those hungry men who look over will turn into."


Drink, laugh, dance, sing on a small stage, fight off waves of boring men. Occasionally, I go to the casino to play two hands. Since I have already collected money from the casino, of course it is not easy to win all at once. Yahan bets at will, but loses more often. At about one o'clock, the two go to the bathroom, The girl laughed softly: "If you don't feel like it, it's okay if we continue to win one by one and let them go bankrupt."

Yahan's eyes widened: "But, haven't you already collected their money? If you do this again, will you cause trouble?"

"Hehe, this matter is not troublesome, not to mention that you also have the background of the Zhang family, the casino dare not really touch us. I am just afraid that you will lose money and lose boredom."

"Where, I have won money too."

"Won't you be depressed if you win less and lose more?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Yahan smiled, "It's possible to win, or to lose. Isn't what gambling seeks is the thrill of uncertainty between gain and loss? Don't you think so, Jiaming? "

"It's understandable, but it's hard to imagine." The girl smiled sweetly, "I like the feeling that I can hold everything in my hands, and losers don't have the right to speak. Yay...why are you pulling my face... ..."

"Please don't laugh like that, please, laugh like this a few more times. I can't help but really treat you as a girl. Also, can you stop using that beautiful voice when there is no one around. You are too destructive Jiaming’s image in my heart is gone.”

"But I'm a professional..." After speaking in a girl's voice, Jia Ming waved his hands and laughed. This time it belonged to the boy's original voice, but with the current image, there is really an indescribable weird feeling : "Okay, use my own voice when no one is around, I'm afraid of you."

Yahan gave him (her) an angry look: "Hey, Jiaming. Can people really hold everything in their hands? For example... when you are facing those dangerous situations?"

"At least at that moment, life is firmly in your hands. More real than ever."

Hearing him say this, Yahan was taken aback for a moment, and then put her arms around Jiaming's neck in the corridor, and the two girls snuggled together.

"Jiaming, you are actually a child... Sorry, I am very willful today, thank you for promising me to make trouble for no reason, and playing around with me for so long. Only my mother has been with me before..."

While speaking, Yahan's voice suddenly choked up, Jiaming sighed, patted Yahan's shoulder, feeling the curious eyes cast from all around, thinking that if you want to be sad, you can find another place... Have a good time After a while, she let go of Jiaming and wiped away her tears: "Sorry, I'm a little sad..."

"It's okay, sisters, it should be."

Looking at Jiaming's appearance in women's clothing, and listening to his words, Yahan burst out laughing, then turned around and walked towards the women's bathroom, and turned her head again after entering the door: "Uh, what are you doing..."

"I need to go to the bathroom too."

"But..." Yahan waved her fingers in the air twice, and Yahan laughed out loud: "Oh, then... you are not allowed to peek."


In the bathroom, the lights are bright, and it seems that only the last cubicle is used by someone. Yahan closed the small door and sat down on the toilet. When the sound of running water sounded, she couldn't help feeling a little ashamed. Jia Ming was beside her, but she heard all her hissing voices. When there was a louder sound of water flowing next door, the blush on her face became more intense, and she thought that the girl was really at a disadvantage, no matter what the situation was, she was the one who was shy. Out of nowhere, she knocked on the wooden board next to her and said softly, "Hey, are you sitting or standing?"

"Of course it's...uh, sitting..."

"What a pervert."

Jia Ming, who was standing in the cubicle next to him, curled his lips helplessly. He heard the sound of matches being struck from the cubicle at the end. Then he pressed the flush button, opened the door and walked out.

While washing his hands, the door of the small cubicle opened quietly at the end. Jia Ming glanced out of the corner of his eye, and found that it was Xu Yiting inside. He sneaked a second look outside, probably realizing that he was not someone he knew, so he opened the door and came out.

His body trembled slightly, sniffing softly, looking like a flu patient. Xu Yiting's situation in front of her is many times worse than when she borrowed money from Jiaming four or five hours ago. I have some doubts in my heart, but I naturally don't show it at all on the surface. Walking to the sink, Xu Yiting took off her big glasses. His hands poured cold water on his face desperately, his body trembled even more, at this moment, Yahan came out from inside.

"Hey, Xu Yiting? You're here too. You look so bad. What's wrong? Is it a cold? It's serious, why don't you go to the doctor?"

"Ya, Teacher Yahan, it's nothing, I... I'm fine..." Xu Yiting picked up her glasses nervously when she suddenly caught a glimpse of an acquaintance coming, but her face was still watery, her vision was blurred, and she pulled it out of her pocket in a panic. She took out a tissue to wipe her face, and a small package of silver things fell to the ground. When she realized it, Jia Ming had already picked it up. It was silver tinfoil in a cigarette box. After opening it, there were some white of powder. .

According to Jiaming, less than a quarter of the No. 4 heroin sold by the underworld in a small package of nearly two hundred yuan is less than a quarter, and the rest has obviously been used up by Xu Yiting's father.

"Yes, I'm sorry, big sister...that's mine, can... can you return it to me?" The situation became a little weird for a while, sniffing, Xu Yiting's voice became extremely timid due to guilt, Yahan Although she acted naive and ridiculous in front of Jiaming, she actually had a lot of experience. When she saw the white powder, she roughly understood what it was, but she asked, "What... is that..." She hopes to have more experience Jia Ming gave her an unexpected answer.

Looking at Xu Yiting's ugly face, Jia Ming smiled, wrapped the thing up and put it back in her pocket, and said softly, "Why didn't you suck it up? How long have you endured it?"

This sentence undoubtedly confirmed that Yahan's opinion was correct. Xu Yiting was taken aback for a moment, and tears streamed down her cheeks after a while: "I... I want to quit, but it's so uncomfortable... I I don't want to look like this, ugh..."

Yahan and Jiaming looked at each other, then hugged Xu Yiting lightly, comforted in a low voice, amidst the sobbing, Jiaming and Yahan also knew that Xu Yiting was indeed implicated by her father, and was infected by a curiosity. drug addiction. Although Jiaming has always held other people's affairs high, at least Yahan's compassion has been aroused. After a while, the sound of commotion came from outside.

"Catch him, he actually cheated..."

"Block him! Don't let him get away!"

"I didn't—I didn't—you're cheating, cheating—"

The man's voice retorted slightly hoarse. Jiaming's eyes were fixed, and the person who spoke was obviously Xu Yiting's father, Xu Changhong. At the same time, Xu Yiting's crying body trembled slightly, and she called out, "It's my father." She ran out from the door, followed by Jiaming and Yahan.

Walking out of the toilet door, I saw that the casino was in chaos at this moment. Xu Changhong desperately overturned several gambling tables, and his spirit was in a state of extreme excitement. But seeing the security guards of the casino coming from everywhere, there are fewer and fewer places to escape. The people on the wine side and the people who were in the casino before all gathered together to watch the excitement. She didn't like Xu Yiting's father at all, and Yahan didn't intend to intervene in the past. Looking at the situation over there, Yahan said, "Jiaming. I... can we help her?"

"Send it to a drug rehab center."

"No, no." Yahan quickly retorted, "I know that, if you send it in, the environment inside is bad, and you will be bullied and abused. At Xu Yiting's age, life is basically over."

"Hehe, but if you intervene in the name of Yahan, it will be very troublesome to cure her drug addiction. Of course I know some methods, but poor people must have something to hate. You can't believe the words of drug addicts. Any one People will say that they are more pitiful than anyone else. Yahan, are you sure you want to help her?"

"She... she is my student after all." Yahan said hesitantly, "and she is also a member of your club, isn't she? When I sit in the club activity room knitting a sweater, she is often the one who quietly Reading next to her, although we don't talk much, how much can a girl like her do wrong?"

While the two were talking, Xu Changhong, who had nowhere to go, was already knocked to the ground with a baton. Then there was another burst of punching and kicking, just as Xu Yiting squeezed out from the crowd and rushed forward. This group of people stopped, not too hard, the casino manager who just sent money to Jiaming and Yahan ordered Xu Changhong to be dragged out, and then ordered to tidy up the scene. At the same time, Xu Yiting was already crying and shouting: "Dad——"

"Dad—what's the matter with you—Dad—"

Xu Changhong has never been motivated, forced his wife to remarry, and induced his daughter to take drugs. However, Xu Yiting has been dependent on his father since childhood. After checking Xu Changhong who was lying on the ground, he whispered something in the manager's ear, and the manager's expression changed immediately. Jia Ming read his lips and grabbed Yahan's shoulder: "Xu Changhong is dead."


Death is a big deal. Looking at Xu Changhong lying motionless on the ground, this rumor immediately caused a commotion in the crowd, and the manager didn't dare to hide it. Anyway, the casino has something to do with it, so he immediately called the police and the hospital. On the emergency call, he was telling everyone that this person was not only a victim, but also a drug addict. He had obviously taken drugs just now, and now this is a sudden death caused by heart failure. Security guards leave quickly. However, seeing a few people about to leave secretly, Xu Yiting rushed forward crying.

"Don't go! Murderer, don't go..."

She is a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, what can she do at this time, as soon as she rushed over, she was stopped by the rest of the security guards, and then pushed away, and sometimes fell to the ground violently while crying. There are also some relatives of the Huang family, but they are all young teenagers. No one is willing to step forward into this muddy water. They took drugs first, and later, they didn't fight for too long. Sudden death is also possible now. Land, I didn't know it very well before, it's so embarrassing to go up to recognize such relatives now.

After Xu Yiting struggled for a moment, a security guard said something in the manager's ear, and then several people searched the bag of drugs from Xu Yiting's pocket, and showed it to everyone. In fact, Xu Changhong died after being beaten up in this way. Of course, it is not all sudden death due to drugs. It is just that the casino is going to settle this matter now. They did not beat Xu Changhong too hard. It doesn't matter, as long as it is confirmed that the sudden death of drug abuse, the public opinion does not spread the casino and beat someone to death, the casino will not be too affected.

"...their father and daughter are both addicted to drugs. Put this girl under surveillance first, and wait until the police come to deal with it."

As he spoke, two security guards grabbed Xu Yiting, who was crying and struggling, and several security guards who beat people had already left the small gate next to the casino. Amidst the noise of the crowd, a wine bottle flew over a distance of more than ten meters and exploded on the forehead of one of the security guards who grabbed Xu Yiting. Under the astonished eyes of several people, the security guard staggered a few steps and fell to the ground.

"Let her go!" Among the crowd, Yahan, who saw Xu Yiting's misery in front of her, couldn't bear it, and Jia Ming, who was dressed as a woman, followed her, holding a wine bottle in his hand. Dozens of security guards had surrounded them, and the manager said, "You two ladies, what do you want to do?"

With a faint smile, Jiaming stated softly: "Small the scene.".

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