Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 128 Small Troubles

Is it two days, three days, or four days... Time seems to gradually lose its effect in the torment and tossing of drug addiction. Living in that small storage room, it is difficult to accurately measure the passage of time in the outside world. When drug addiction occurs, I am tightly tied up, uncomfortable, struggling, moaning, and finally fall into sleep. When I wake up, I cannot Feeling the change of day and night, what appeared in my eyes was always the orange light and the figure guarding the edge of the bed.

Most of the time, it is naturally Teacher Yahan who wipes the sweat from her forehead or body when she is really uncomfortable, feeds her water and takes medicine, and the rope will only be released when she needs to go to the toilet or take a bath. open. When I saw Teacher Yahan in school before, she was always very serious, and even many classmates were afraid of her, but now I know that Teacher Yahan is actually very gentle. In my previous life, no one has ever treated her like this. I feel better, she feels like my mother... It should be said that she is the image of my mother in my fantasy, because even my own mother doesn't seem to treat me so well.

From childhood to adulthood, she seems to have to grit her teeth every day. Compared with others, the family conditions are actually good. However, her father gambled and took drugs, and later she also took drugs. On the edge of such a bottomless pit, Even if it is still bird's nest and shark's fin today, maybe the father will lose her daughter at the gambling table the next morning-and he has indeed done so. Every day is spent in apprehensive worries and worries. Compared with the environment she is in now, the tenderness and care she feels, she really occasionally feels: It would be great if she was really a baby...

As for Sister Suyan—she might not admit that she called her—they only came three or four times in total. She was very strict, of course it was only for herself, except for the first time, she seemed to come to take care of Teacher Yahan when she was not free. She doesn't like herself, and she understands this.

"I don't mean anyone, but I hate people who can't control their choices."

These are the original words of Sister Suyan. In my own perception, she is very strong, very dazzling, beautiful, and knows a lot of things. She has always been so elegant and calm. Focus—Of course the "everyone" now is only myself. She may not know how much she adores and envies her. In the future, if I can have one percent of Sister Suyan's, maybe I will be satisfied.

Of course, in front of Teacher Yahan, Sister Suyan also seems to have some mischievous habits, and she often jokes. When she comes over, she often has a drug addiction, and she will be tied into a very embarrassing appearance by her. Teacher Yahan saw , she tends to get annoyed, and she often jokes that Teacher Yahan is an idiot, but it seems that Teacher Yahan is a bit like her sister.

The situation of being scared and incontinent, of course, was only the first time. Although she was still strict in the next few times, she was not so scared after all. She said she would kill herself, but every time she Gritting his teeth and struggling to support, he didn't really put it into practice. Occasionally seeing her nod, he would think like a child, if she praised him one day, he might be so happy that he would pass out.

During those times when I was tied up and my teeth were clenched, my drug addiction was gradually diminishing, and the interval between every discomfort seemed to increase. This is what Teacher Yahan would say when she encouraged herself.

Time passed in this kind of struggle, and when the drug addiction broke out, she was still cold and trembling as if she was about to die, but no matter what, at least someone would tie herself up at this time, and someone would care about her , make the decision for her.

She didn't want to think about the outside world anymore, and she didn't want to think about her father's death anymore, but she knew that her father was indeed dead, and she no longer had any family members, even one as bad as her father's. The body is tightly imprisoned, unable to move, and the distance from freedom seems to be only a few ropes and a door. However, even if we quit drug addiction, can we be redeemed? she does not know.

It seems to be struggling on the boundary between darkness and light, but no matter which side you look at, you can't see the outline of the future that can make people feel hopeful. She would rather continue this kind of struggle and never have a day when it will really produce results. Even if she is bound like this forever, it will be uncomfortable forever, and she will never be free. At least at this moment, she is dominated by others and has a real relationship. Her people are dominating her, telling her how to walk every step of the way.

I really want to cry, but... I can't be hated by others anymore, I have nothing left...

***************************************************** ************

When passing by the door, there was a faintly suppressed weeping sound coming from inside, which naturally couldn't be concealed from Jia Ming's keen hearing.

It was still a modified image of a woman, rolled his eyes slightly, and went downstairs, the smell of Chinese medicine mixed with the smell of food in the whole house, permeated, and Yahan, who had just got off work, was also coming out of the door Come in, look at Jia Ming who is going downstairs and smile slightly: "Is she better?"

"Oh, a little bit, there should be no more attacks today, and you can sleep well at night."

"Well, thank you." Still wearing a skirt at work, wearing an old maid outfit with glasses and wavy hair, when Yahan smiled at this moment, she had a professional feeling like uniform temptation, but because she was in front of Jiaming, It's still more of that pure beauty, "I'm so tired these days, I always ask you to come here dressed like this...can you stay for dinner?"

"Today..." Jia Ming shrugged his shoulders, "Another day, I told Ling Jing to go back to the martial arts hall to eat today, and I have to go to the karaoke hall after eating, and...you don't have enough food here."

"Eh? My side?" Yahan was slightly taken aback.

Jiaming smiled and said, "Anyway, I came to your house early, and knowing that you got off work late today, I steamed a bowl of rice for you with bacon, mushrooms, and carrots in your refrigerator, and fried a small bowl of vegetables by the way. Well, here." He stretched out his finger and pointed to the kitchen, "I probably know your appetite, plus what Yi Ting wants to eat, a little more, it will definitely not be enough for three people."

Looking at Jiaming's smile, Yahan took a deep breath: "It smells so good..." She was intoxicated for a moment, then frowned, and said with a smile: "Thank you, I have smelled that smell of medicine every day these days. It's about to collapse."

"My own, why bother talking about that." After taking the keys of the classic car from Yahan, she took two steps and turned around, "By the way, Xu Yiting's drug addiction has indeed subsided a little this week, but her You have a burden in your heart, you can enlighten her slowly, go back to Huang's house to apologize after you are free from drug addiction, life is not that scary, to be honest, I don't have time to spend time with her... ".

"Yeah." Yahan nodded obediently, "By the way, did you tell Lingjing and Shasha about Xu Yiting?"

"Yes, there are not many secrets between the three of us, and of course they didn't ask too much... Heh, but I haven't let them know about dressing up like this, so as not to be laughed to death by them." Replied casually with a smile In a word, Jia Ming walked out the door and waved his hand, "Bye bye, let's go in and eat."

"Well, drive carefully." Standing at the door and waving her hands, she watched Jiaming get into her small car, then reversed and moved forward skillfully, and she closed it with a smile after the car disappeared at the corner of the road. After opening the door, he happily walked to the kitchen, and twirled a light dance step in the middle. She likes the feeling with Jia Ming, just like a young couple sending their partner out.

Wearing gloves, he took out the bowl of steamed rice from the rice cooker, took a deep breath, the meat was fragrant, subconsciously held the big bowl of steamed rice in his hand for a long time, and then felt that he was getting carried away, and quickly packed it away In the mood, I took out another bowl from the cupboard and started to divide the meal into two portions...

On the other hand, driving Yahan's car and leaving the villa, Jiaming went not to the room where Lingjing and Shasha lived together, but to the house left to him by his parents after their death. He had to go there Change the dress back, today is Saturday, after going to the martial arts hall for dinner, Lingjing and Shasha have to go to the Blue Bird Wine to sing together, since the three of them formed a small "concept band", Lingjing has been I quit my job as a piano player in Nordic Fantasy. Apart from Jiaming's part-time computer job, the weekly performance is the biggest source of income for the three of them.

I don't want to let messy things interfere with the three people's normal cohabitation life too much, so Jia Ming didn't mention the matter of dressing up as a woman in front of the two girls. After all, no matter how you look at it, this kind of thing is not a normal life The bridge section that should appear in .

It was after six o'clock in the evening, and the sky was getting dark gradually. The drive there usually took about 20 minutes, but it happened to be the rush hour of off-work traffic. After leaving Shaohua District and entering the old old city, The traffic on the road became crowded, the red light came on, and the car stopped. Jia Ming looked at the sky, and it seemed that there were some signs that it was going to rain.

When he glanced at the rearview mirror, several acquaintances came into view.

On the sidewalk by the roadside, three of Jiaming's current classmates ran from behind, as if they were being chased by someone. The leader was Dongfang Wan, who was always full of energy and the king of trouble, and behind her was The two female classmates who usually get along well with her have always been the backbone of the travel club. He paused for a moment out of breath, and then began to run forward desperately.

I don't know what happened to these guys...

He curled his lips a little funny, and the green light just turned on. He drove the car and passed the intersection slowly. Dongfang Wan ran towards the car quickly. The car window in the row: "Teacher Yahan! Wait! Teacher Yahan!"

here we go again……

The windows of this old car are relatively dim. Coupled with the weather that is about to rain, it is normal that the person in the driver's seat cannot be seen clearly from outside. I checked the gap between the two cars in front and determined that it would be difficult to accelerate and overtake. After that, Jia Ming pulled over helplessly and stopped, lowered the car window, and showed a perfect female smile.

"Teacher Yahan...yeah? This...is Teacher Yahan's car..."

No matter how strict the teacher is, he is always more kind to the students who perform well. It seems that Yahan treats Dongfang Wan well in school. Looking at the decorations in the car, Dongfang Wan showed a puzzled expression on her face. The woman in the driver's seat smiled elegantly: "Are you a student of Yahan?"

"Hmm, are you a friend of Teacher Yahan?"

"Oh, yes, I just arrived here not long ago, I borrowed Yahan's car for a while, what can you do with her?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Looking back, Dongfang Wan said, "Someone is chasing us, can you let us get in the car and hide for a while, if there is something wrong, we will get down right away, okay?"

Looking indifferently at the rearview mirror, the woman in the car nodded: "... Come up."

"Great, thank you." Opening the door, Dongfang Wan sat in the passenger seat, while the other two women got into the back seat: "My name is Dongfang Wan, hello."

"Jane Suyan." In the soft voice, the two met for the first time. .

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