Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era - Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 134 Negotiation

"You..." Hearing Jia Ming's words, Dongfang Wan's smile froze on her face, and then took a deep breath, holding back the feeling about to explode: "I'm not joking with you!"

"Actually, I didn't either..." Shrugging slightly, Jia Ming smiled and waved his hands, "Uh, stop talking, what's the matter?"

Originally, Jia Ming's tone made her want to scold someone, but who knew that she would say "don't talk anymore", and the words were all stuffed in her stomach, Dongfang Wan pursed her lips: "That's it, you know about the school celebration?"

"Well, I know."

"Can I have a show for you?"


"Yeah?" Unexpectedly, Jia Ming would agree so straightforwardly, Dongfang Wan couldn't help being slightly startled, "Uh, then...uh..."

"Six hundred yuan for a performance, wearing a mask to play."


"Uh." Looking at Dongfang Wan's expression, Jia Ming said sincerely, "Why are you looking at me like that, don't be angry, you see, I already have a very favorable price when you are classmates, usually we are in Blue Bird Performance, 3,000 yuan per month, one performance per week, an average of 750 yuan per performance, since this is a school activity, I will give you a 20% discount. If you are not good at arithmetic, you can use a computer. Look, seven eight fifty six, five eight forty, exactly six hundred, right..."

"Gu Jiaming—"

In an instant, Dongfang Wan's shouts resounded inside and outside the classroom, and some students who were still packing their things and did not leave looked over in surprise, and even the people in the corridor outside stopped subconsciously, looking at the scene inside: The domineering Dongfang Wan patted the table and stood up, while Jia Ming, who had always been timid and introverted, was frightened and leaned back in the chair, her cheeks twitching slightly.

Taking two deep breaths, Dongfang Wan remembered her original intention and suppressed her anger. It is also strange to say that she can calmly suppress her emotions to others, but only in front of Jiaming, she will always get angry again and again. In the final analysis, perhaps it was because she knew Jia Ming's outstanding qualities hidden under the ordinary appearance, so she subconsciously regarded him as different from others.

"You...do you have to talk about money?" Lowering her voice, Dongfang Wan sat down again and said with gritted teeth, "Are you really so short of money?"

"I'm just taking what I deserve." Facing Dongfang Wan who was poking her head out angrily, Jia Ming leaned back, "Shouldn't this class fee be nothing?"

"Don't even think about it." Dongfang Wan propped her hands on the desk and said in a deep voice, "I won't spend my class fee on such things. If you really want money so much, I can give you 6,000 or 60,000 yuan. , 600,000, so what if I buy you, can't you really do something for the class?"

"Selling yourself is another price." Jiaming smiled timidly, "Don't come here, everyone is watching us."

Dongfang Wan breathed heavily, and turned her head to look. Sure enough, everyone was still looking at her, and she couldn't help but blushed: "Hmph, anyway... I will definitely not pay the class fee."

"Then there's nothing to talk about."

"I don't understand." Looking at Jia Ming who started to pack up again, Dongfang Wan asked, "You are obviously not short of money, why do you always act like this, it's the same when I asked you to join the basketball club last time, if you If you don’t like it, just refuse it? Why do you have to charge by the hour, even if your game skills are better than Jordan’s, they won’t let you in anymore.”

"You know I'm not short of money again?" Jia Ming rolled his eyes at her and said casually, "I said it, I deserve it."

"Of course you are not short of money. The money the Huang family gave you is enough for you, and Ye Lingjing and Liu Huaisha don't need your money to support them. They are not that kind of people—none of them is your girlfriend. Not Ye Lingjing, nor Liu Huaisha!"

Although the voice was not high, there was definitely some shocking content in it. Looking at Jiaming's sudden stop, Dongfang Wan felt that she had grasped the point, stood up with a smile, and looked at Jiaming.

"And what do you know?"

"Hmph, look, I hit the spot. I mean, Ye Lingjing and Liu Huaisha are not your girlfriends. Although you live together, you are just a cover for them! What is the relationship between you?" Nothing."

Jia Ming nodded: "Of course we have nothing to do, we are just friends."

"Hmph, pretend! Try to pretend!" Dongfang Wan raised her chin proudly, then smiled and looked outside the classroom door, "Look, Teacher Yahan is here to look for you, have you made up your mind? Anyway, I don't pay class fees! ".

"Then there's no other way..." Carrying the schoolbag, Jiaming sighed, "Six hundred yuan a time, just do it, don't do it!"

"You..." Seeing Jiaming walking out with his schoolbag indifferently, Dongfang Wan stomped her feet resentfully, and wanted to talk, but Yahan, who had a serious face, shouted at the door: "Gu Jiaming! You Come out for me! You were late again yesterday, right!"

"I'm sorry, Teacher Yahan, I won't dare in the future."

"You are like this every time, if you don't make it clear to me this time, you don't want to take the final exam this semester!

"I'm sorry, Teacher Yahan, I won't dare in the future..."

In the drizzle, students in twos and threes looked at the situation here. Zhang Yahan was notoriously strict in school, but in fact, more of them were related to his family background. Many children from rich families who had some influence in school were not Dare not to listen to her, otherwise, if this teacher Yahan visits her house once, the other party will basically lose a deal or two. However, in the eyes of others, she has really encountered headaches this year, so she It was Gu Jiaming in front of him.

For nearly a year, most of Jiaming’s impressions in school were withdrawn, indifferent, and unscrupulous in order to win. Since the last time the basketball club invited him to join and he asked for a fee, this evaluation has been added. A money worship. However, even though everyone criticizes him a lot, there is one thing that has to be admired, that is, he is the only brown candy who can make mistakes repeatedly without taking Teacher Yahan seriously. In the past year, this scene in the corridor has been repeated many times.

Being late, absent from class, leaving early, sleeping in class... Our classmate Jiaming, whose grades are always hovering around the passing line, has always made big mistakes and kept making small mistakes, so he is often called to reprimand by Teacher Yahan. However, no matter what Teacher Yahan threatens What is it? Jiaming has always bowed his head and apologized with sincerity and apology on his face: "I'm sorry, Teacher Yahan, I won't dare in the future..."

The more times I say it, the repeated words like scriptures and mantras seem completely meaningless, and from the facts, Teacher Yahan, who has ways to deal with everything in school, has never done anything about it. Big sticky brown sugar.

Except for people like Dongfang Brothers and Sisters who have deliberately investigated and knew some inside stories about the relationship between the teacher and the student, the rest of the people naturally watched everything happen with admiration, and this time was no exception. In a place where no one was around, Yahan just whispered: "What were you doing with Dongfang Wan just now? Did the young couple quarrel?"

"Well, that's right." Jia Ming nodded with a smile, bearing it without shame, "Our young couple had a fight."

"Why?" Yahan blinked.

"I've seen a saying before and I think it's very appropriate. Look, it's raining today."

"so what?"

"It's raining. I guess it's the Jade Emperor who is crying. It must be that his marriage with the Queen Mother is unhappy. There are two possibilities for this unhappiness. One is that the Queen Mother has left, and the other is that the Queen Mother refuses to leave...you guess me The one with Dongfang Wan?"

"Fuck you." Seeing that there was no one around, Yahan kicked over, and the water splashed on Jiaming's trouser legs, "You're still playing rogue with me! Tell me!"

"Well, she wants me to be in the school performance."

"I guess you didn't say yes."

"Trouble." Jiaming said lightly, "But she seems to know some messy secrets, heh, although it's definitely not true, I think it's very interesting... Uh? It's Xu Yiting who came to intercept me so blatantly What happened over there?"

"It's not Xu Yiting, it's my family. They started to ask about Jian Suyan's identity. I followed what you taught me last time. Basically, I don't know what to ask. But I think it's better to tell you the process. By the way, every time you Come to me dressed as Jian Suyan, I told the truth, and I also confessed about Yiting. My dad said, since you are also involved, just give Yiting detoxification for the time being, and he will help with it in the future Negotiate with the Huang family."

"Well, that's fine." Nodding his head, Jia Ming smiled faintly.


Probably after discussing more details about Jian Suyan, the two who had been dating for a long time in the dark corner of the office building parted ways. Jiaming walked out holding an umbrella, and Yahan turned to the teacher-only parking lot under the office building. As soon as she went out, she saw Dongfang Wan standing beside her classic car from a distance. She saw Jia Ming in the classroom, but she didn't pay attention. At this moment, she was wearing a milky white woolen spring dress and a lavender wool skirt on her lower body. She looked slim and graceful, walked over with a smile, Dongfang Wan saluted first: "Teacher Zhang."

"Well, are you looking for classmate Gu? He has already left and is not with me."

"No, why should I look for him." Combing the hair beside her ears with her fingers, Dongfang Wan smiled, "I came here specially to find you, Mr. Zhang. I just went to the office to look for you. You were not here, so I had to wait here. .”


"Yeah, two classmates and I had an incident last week. It was a big sister named Jian Suyan who saved us. I admire Sister Suyan very much. I heard that she is your friend, Teacher Zhang, so I want to know She has more things to do."

Dongfang Wan bowed slightly, her eyes were sincere and clear, while Yahan opened her mouth slightly: "Admiration, admiration? Jian Suyan?"


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