Hidden Assassin

Volume 3: The Age of Cohabitation——Volume 6: Under the Blue Sky, Section 137: The Dark Half

The sharp sound was high, the metal sparked brilliantly in the night rain, and the glass shards flew away. Two huge vehicles with a height of more than four meters collided violently, and the raised shovel almost completely tore the cab of the other forklift, and the driver jumped into the gravel pile on the other side one step ahead of time. , I don't know if I live or die for a while.

There was another roar, and it was only when the two wheels off the ground on one side of the forklift hit the ground again that the scene became calm for a moment.

"What the hell are you doing..."

Looking at this scene, more than a dozen people from the Yongsheng Gang took a step forward. Although the light in front of the forklift was bright, the cockpit was completely dark. Suddenly, a person pointed at the spot where the forklift was parked. Shouted: "The driver is there, look, isn't that..."

"Then the fuck up there..."

Before he finished speaking, the taillights of the forklift turned on dazzlingly, followed by the sound of the still powerful turbo, and the tires of the forklift were as tall as a person, and it was reversing at a high speed at this moment, and ran towards them.

At the same time, Brother Na Zhi and Liang Zai came out of a house at the other end of the street and held up their umbrellas impatiently.

"Why did the power go out suddenly? Could it be the heroes who did it?"

"Haha, maybe it is." In the past, when chasing people, he often did things like cutting wires and cutting water pipes. That Liang Zai knew his companion's style very well, so he couldn't help laughing. Brother Zhi smiled and shook his head: " Yeah, yeah, they just can't wait to eat my good meal... Well, here today, look, is that forklift coming towards us?"

On the other side of the street, a forklift with full throttle was speeding towards this side, and the four lights in front of the vehicle became the biggest highlight of the whole block. People on the streets and buildings on both sides watched the forklift whizzing by, Turn the two people at the end of the street into center stage.

"Wow, this car is quite wild. But Brother Zhi, if you sit on this big guy for a drive in the city, it will feel very good. Listening to the sound, it is much fiercer than Hummer and Cadillac... "Liang Zai said, waving his hands towards the dazzling light, with a smile on his face, impassioned.

Hundreds of people stared at this scene dumbfounded. On the nearby balcony, they could even clearly see the bright smile of the man in the light. Someone murmured: "Poor child..."

The light engulfed the man who was the first among them, and then there was a muffled sound, and the bloody body flew out. Brother Zhi was holding an umbrella with a stiff smile on his face. When he looked sideways, Liang Zai's body fell on the rainwater In the process, both legs were shoveled up to the knees, and blood was dripping all over his body. Because everything happened so fast, he almost didn't even have time to scream. The figures of the two people were frozen in the light, turning into a particularly horrified mime.

Since Brother Na Zhi was standing on the side of the road holding an umbrella, the forklift seemed to have not found a good location for a while. At this moment, he reversed the car, raised the bucket and rushed towards this side. Brother Zhi threw away the umbrella and headed to the side Then escaped into the deep alley.

Of course, it is impossible for the forklift to push down the house and chase after it. At this time, it lost its target and rushed towards the corner at the end of the street. After a while, everything on the long street calmed down, and the light of the torch flickered in front of every house. Only the car with the shoveled cockpit was still ringing with electric sparks in the rain, and then the crowd began to have their legs cut off. At this time, young people covered in blood surrounded them, and some members of the Yongsheng Gang , then chased in the direction where Brother Zhi fled.



Darkness, alleys, and rain, he was running desperately.

He didn't know who the person who wanted to kill them was, and he didn't know why what happened just now. In fact, before entering the underworld, he had heard many rumors about the death of someone in the underworld. Scared, he is an overseas student. Although he did not study in a very famous university abroad, he should have a good future and a bright road when he returns to China. However, his father owes usury, and Li Yongsheng has been in the underworld for many years. Recently, he knows honor and disgrace with enough food and clothing, and suddenly fell in love with cultural people, so he forced him to work in a construction company. He used to be scared.

I was afraid that one day I would wake up and suddenly become the target of being chased and killed. I was afraid that one day the police would suddenly knock on the door of my house and bring a pair of handcuffs. I was afraid that one day I would be forced to kill people with a machete. But over time, none of this happened. Li Yongsheng was very polite to him. He was accompanied by a group of younger brothers every day. If he got into trouble, others would help him out. He could walk sideways on the street and no one dared to provoke him. In a regular company, everything has to be done in accordance with the rules and regulations. As long as you occasionally come up with an idea and say a word, everything is a little unbelievably easy, and then he forgot his fear and fell in love with this kind of life.

But just now, when the roaring four-wheeled roar came, Liang Zai, who had been with him for a long time, changed from a living person into a corpse lying in a pool of blood in an instant, and all the fear suddenly surged up. , all kinds of rumors about life and death, someone is going to kill him, he is going to die, he is going to die, he is going to die...

In the dark, stepping on the mud and rain, running past countless houses, in such an alley, most of the things that can be seen are the back walls of the houses, with windows open, windows closed, people's voices, and no people's voices It's like stepping through countless landscapes in life in an instant, and many memories flashed through the gap of time, seeming far away, seeming to be calling him from some direction, but he couldn't do anything for a while. It is clear that this is the first time he has experienced such a scene, the first time he has experienced such fear.

Then, he saw the silhouette looming in the darkness, and wanted to turn around, but he couldn't stop his steps.

At that moment, he picked up the briefcase and threw it at the figure in front of him.

"Get out of the way!"

The next moment, the sharp edge cut through the dark rainy night, and the entire briefcase was torn in half, including documents, pens, and mobile phones. Everything was cut straight. The blade slashed on his chest, and pierced straight up along the line of his neck like lightning.

With a sound of "poof", this extremely cold and accurate knife pierced straight into his jaw. Time was frozen at this moment, something was flying in the air, and the last image that flashed in his eyes was vaguely that young man sincerely and respectfully. laugh.

"I'm the one who can't be frightened the most..."

The noise gradually came, someone found here, he knelt quietly in this dark alley, blood flowed from the torn jaw all over the ground. The rain is still falling, from the beginning of the world to the end of the world, everywhere in the world. .



When she appeared silently from the balcony, the darkness still continued, candles were lit in the room, and the two girls were writing their homework under the candlelight, with their heads leaning together, Lingjing tapped on the rustling homework with the ballpoint pen in her hand Go, explain the solution to the problem for her, and feel his presence, both of them raised their heads, Shasha smiled brightly, Lingjing just smiled and nodded, without speaking, the next moment, continue to explain the problem for Shasha Come.

I took off my raincoat, dealt with the aftermath, and then took a shower. The sirens sounded outside one by one. The previous time was probably an ambulance, and the one behind was a police car. Walking to the window sill, five or six police cars were parked in front of and behind the street. Some of the police guarded the scene, and some of them asked the people around them what happened. However, there were no clues left in the first place, and it was naturally impossible to find anything in such a rainy night.

Back in the room, Lingjing put away the three people's stationery in their schoolbags, and said softly, "You finished your homework for you, remember to hand it in tomorrow, don't keep copying Xun." Rusha looked at him, surprisingly quiet.

Not long after, a policeman routinely came to ask about the situation. In the middle of the night, the three of them lay quietly on the big bed in the master bedroom. Cling together.

"Would you think I'm cruel?" His voice came out from the darkness. The only thing he cared about in this world was the opinions of the two girls around him. Even though he had asked their opinions before, he couldn't help but Stop saying a word. He couldn't help but feel that his mother-in-law was a little ridiculous.

"Whispering...don't disturb me..." Shasha murmured, raised his head after a while, and kissed him deeply on the cheek. Lingjing seemed to be asleep, hugging his body, her long hair Rubbing the skin of his chest, like a sleeping kitten, only when Jiaming's fingers gently touched her soft lips, she opened her mouth slightly, put the hand in it, closed her eyes and fell asleep, but He never let go.

***************************************************** ***********

The next day was Monday. In the early morning, the rain gradually stopped, and the diagonally opposite side of the street was in a mess. The protective rope pulled up by the police demolished half of the building ruins, the forklift with the cockpit smashed, and the blood at the end of the street had already been washed away by the rain. Some policemen are still staying here to understand the situation. After all, this is a man-made vicious murder case, resulting in two deaths and one injury. No clues have been found yet.

When I went to school with my schoolbag on my back, I met Kaoru running over. One man and three women stood innocently watching the police busy. As Xun's martial arts teacher, Shasha vividly told the beautiful apprentice about the heinous crime process. The silent Japanese girl smiled. He glanced at Jiaming imperceptibly, and then just listened quietly, no longer having any thoughts about this case.

At least from the point of view of the process, it was still a simple day. When school was over at noon and the lunch box was ready to go to the cafeteria to meet Lingjing and Shasha, Dongfang Wan suddenly ran over and took six hundred-yuan bills in his pocket. On the table: "I've thought about it, six hundred yuan, what you said can't be counted."

After staring at the six banknotes for a long time, Jia Ming let out a sigh of relief and put his pockets back: "Well, then it's settled, we will wear a mask on stage."

"It's up to you, but..." Dongfang Wan hesitated for a while, "Actually, I still have a question to ask you today."


"Do you know...Jian Suyan?" Seeing Jiaming's complexion changed slightly, Dongfang Wan waved her hand quickly, "Don't think too much, I just asked, it was Teacher Yahan who said that you have an unusual relationship with her, she said that day I just want to express my gratitude for saving my life, I know her identity may be a little sensitive, it doesn't matter if you don't say anything."

She said so, but seeing Jiaming nodding her head and leaving the classroom, Dongfang Wan stomped her feet angrily, unable to laugh or cry: "Hey, Gu Jiaming, you have to say something."

"Oh, since you asked so..." Jia Ming turned his head and waved the lunch box in his hand, "She is my child bride."

In an instant, the expression on Dongfang Wan's face became extraordinarily exciting. .

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