Hidden Assassin

Volume 3 Cohabitation Era——Volume 6 Under the Blue Sky Section 150 Dissolution

"Miss Fang, do you drink tea... no, coffee? Hmm... Jiaming, where is the coffee? Why is it full of wine here? I'm sorry, Miss Fang, wait a minute."

"Coffee... is there any here?"

"I saw a pack last time, maybe it was put on the top, I'll look for it."

"I'll come, I'll come, you go get the hot water."


Sitting in front of the small round table in the center of the room, Fang Yusi looked at the young men and women busy in front of the small table with some restraint, feeling a little embarrassed. It didn't help much to change from the confusion and confusion after recognizing Ling Jing's appearance to the current embarrassment expression. For a long time, it has continued since then. Among them, the girl sitting by the floor-to-ceiling windows may also account for a large part of the reason.

Since Fang Yusi came in, Shasha has been sitting there, looking at her without saying a word, with a gloomy expression, obviously very dissatisfied with her, and the reason for this can be understood after thinking about it deeply. Fang Yusi has been in the entertainment industry for several years Time is not an idiot. For ordinary people, one can guess the attitude of the other person by seeing the other person's face. What makes her puzzled is why Lingjing is so kind to her. As for the young man named Gu Jiaming, although he has been enthusiastic He was all over the place, but his smile was a bit ambiguous, making it impossible to see his intentions at all. It seemed to be kind, but it seemed that it was just to maintain a certain degree of politeness.

In the past few years in the music scene, she never imagined that the concept band would be such three young men and women, but the fact is in front of her eyes. But she couldn't help but not believe it. After a long time, she still hesitated and asked, "Uh, so...you are the concept band..."

"Ah, uh..." Hearing her question, Ling Jing stood where she was, turned her head and looked at Jia Ming, and then smiled to hide, "That... no, we, we just came here to do odd jobs. Several members of the concept band have already left work, hehe, hehe..."

"Oh, so that's the case, ha ha..." Fang Yusi nodded in agreement, but naturally she would not believe such a sophistry, after all, when the three of them were talking in the room. She also heard a good part.

"That...Miss Fang, do you also like conceptual songs?" Holding the water bottle, Lingjing asked pretendingly.

"Well, of course I like it, otherwise I wouldn't... Heh... To be honest, the concept music feels so good, no matter what style of music it is, you can accurately grasp it, and the person who wrote the lyrics is really a genius... "Hearing Fang Yusi say that the songwriter is a genius, Lingjing couldn't help but look at Jiaming proudly. Although the big singer's personality is not very good, singing is her profession after all, after some compliments, Lingjing is very happy. Then he just said: "Uh, but... coming in like this has caused you trouble. I'm really sorry, because..."

"It's okay. It's too late for us to be happy, Jia Ming, you say yes."

"Well, yes, yes..." Jia Ming smiled and nodded, giving Fang Yusi the feeling that it was as weird as seeing the smiling face of the bandit leader after entering a den of thieves.

The swaying rain is passing by the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the neon lights on the street are reflected in from time to time. In the room at this time, although Ling Jing looked enthusiastic. Jia Ming also seemed to be quite polite, but the atmosphere was still a bit awkward. Fang Yusi had ghosts in his heart, one of which was that Shasha kept a straight face, which made the scene even colder. She poured coffee for Fang Yusi, and when she passed by Shasha, Lingjing asked Jiaming in a low voice: "What's wrong with Shasha? Very unhappy."

"It's okay, it's okay, last time you promised her to let Fang Yusi sign for her, but it didn't matter, she must be angry because of it. You know, Shasha got angry with Tan Suyan recently, and my aunt didn't come very punctually, It must be early, haha..." Jia Ming waved his hand with a smile, although his words were kept low, Rusha had obviously heard him, and he gave Jia Ming an angry look, but Jia Ming didn't care Reaching out his hand, he patted her cheek twice affectionately. With a rustle, he turned his face away like an angry cat.

"Don't bother me..."

"Oh, that's right." Jia Ming turned around with a smile, "Miss Fang, in fact, Lingjing is going to dance for you at the Sacred Heart Academy celebration, do you remember?"

"Hmm..." Fang Yusi nodded hesitantly, thinking that the time for the showdown was finally coming, she tried her best to have a trademark gentle smile on her face, but Jiaming's next words made her a little strange.

"Uh, it's like this. In fact, we all think that Ling Jing dances very well. I don't know why, but the student union has arbitrarily removed Ling Jing as the lead dancer. It's very unreasonable, right?"

"Jia Ming..." Ling Jing called out hesitantly, as if she felt that Jia Ming shouldn't bother Fang Yusi with such things, but with Fang Yusi's slightly astonished expression, Jia Ming continued to speak.

"Anyway, I know it's impolite to bother Miss Fang with this kind of thing, but we have been good friends with Lingjing since we were young, and she is treated like this, no matter what, we can't swallow it. But the student union We can't talk over there, they have already decided, and I think only Miss Fang can help you to mention it, please." Jia Ming said, nodded respectfully, with an extremely sincere expression.

"Jia, Jiaming... this kind of thing... forget it."

Hearing these words and looking at the two people in front of him, Fang Yusi opened his mouth, but was speechless for a while.

What the hell is going on, do they really not know that Ye Lingjing is the one who asked me to withdraw? But why did the concepts put on such a posture? Could it be...they are really not concepts? Impossible, although it is true that he does not seem like someone who can write those songs, but...

No, the girl named Liu Huaisha looked at her like that, obviously she knew it, so what about the boy named Gu Jiaming and Ye Lingjing? "We have been good friends with Lingjing since childhood..." Could it be... Was he warning himself?

Looking at Jiaming's sincere eyes, Fang Yusi's body trembled for no reason.

That's right, both he and Liu Huaisha already knew the truth, and they hid it from Ye Lingjing because... because she adores herself, they didn't want to make her sad. It is said that the Sacred Heart Academy is full of rich children. This Gu Jiaming is so respected by Dongfang Road, and he can be as close as a mother and daughter with 50 million in hand. Obviously, he has also received a good education. Such a deep city....

Summarizing all this in his heart, Fang Yusi took a deep breath, and said as naturally as possible: "Well, I always thought that Lingjing's dance was very good, both beautiful and spiritual. These days haven't passed, and I didn't expect them to change people temporarily. Don't worry, I will definitely tell you."

"Actually... I'm not good at dancing, so there's no need to say..." After hearing Fang Yusi's praise, Ling Jing blushed and said, but Jia Ming immediately stood up, bowed respectfully, and expressed Thank you: "Thank you so much, Lingjing has always wanted to perform on the same stage with you, and she nagged us all day during rehearsals. Although Shasha and I find it annoying, we don't want to see Lingjing unhappy. "

"Where, it's my honor to be able to perform with a girl like Ling Jing."

Fang Yusi also quickly stood up and responded with a smile. When the matter developed to this point, there was a possibility of a preliminary reconciliation, Fang Yusi smiled naturally. Sasha next to him looked at Jia Ming's respectful expression, but stood up with a snort: "I'm going to the toilet." After finishing speaking coldly, she opened the door and went out.

Fang Yusi was taken aback for a moment, but no matter what, it was impossible for her to get angry because of this little thing. The three of them exchanged a few more pleasantries, and Jia Ming stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom too, you guys talk."

"Eh?" Ling Jing showed a stunned expression, and after sending Jia Ming to the door, she said softly, "What's the matter? You and Sha Sha are both weird."

"It's nothing to blame. It's a big star. I feel a little restrained sitting with her. Go and see Sasha first. Remember to ask for an autograph for Sasha, otherwise Sasha will still be angry. Alright. And there, "Titanic" is at 9:30, don't chat for too long, the big star must be very busy."

"Cut." Lingjing couldn't help laughing, "Usually you look like you don't care about anything, sister Yusi is very kind."

"It's a big star, it's human nature..." Jia Ming muttered, and waved to Fang Yusi, who immediately showed a bright smile, and then, Jia Ming smiled and closed the door.

Lingjing might be restrained, but it doesn't matter, since Fang Yusi understands. You will definitely notice Lingjing's emotions and make her happy. As Lingjing, being able to have such a relationship with an idol will definitely become an exceptionally good memory. With a faint smile, Jia Ming turned around the corner of the stairs and went under the wine.

In the quiet parking lot, with bright lights, Rusha sat on a concrete pier not far away, lashing the ground with rainwater-beaten branches. Jia Ming walked over slowly, and said with a smile: "Beauty, what are you depressed about?"

"Don't bother me."

"Oh, you know I'm a bull-tempered person. I like to play against others." Sitting down next to Shasha, Jiaming put his arms around her, put his other hand under the crook of her leg, and hugged her to himself On his leg, she struggled a few times symbolically, but she was no match for Jiaming. She patted Jiaming's shoulder angrily, and said aggrievedly, "I don't want to see you being so respectful to Yusi."

Reach out and stroke gently on Rusha's legs. Jia Ming smiled and said, "Why?"

"Obviously she did something wrong, why do you still ask her?"

"Then what should I do?"

"At least... let her know the mistake she made. Let her apologize and tell her the reason. Last time, those two members of the Yongsheng Gang just said a word casually, and you killed them. Why did the other party Yusi is so nice...because she is a beauty?"

"Oh, silly girl..." Jiaming squeezed Rusha's face, and laughed, "That's because the members of the Yongsheng Gang will indeed pose a threat to you, and Fang Yusi, she is just an ordinary person, ordinary people There will always be some inexplicable things for some inexplicable reasons. After the incident, maybe even she herself doesn’t remember that she did it. Didn't I kill most of them?"

Hearing Jiaming's analogy, Shasha couldn't help laughing, and hit him on the chest: "This is not the same kind of thing, Lingjing has encountered such treatment!"

"Yeah, Lingjing will be sad. If everything is true, Lingjing will be even more sad. Fang Yusi doesn't take Lingjing too seriously. The reason why she did such a thing is probably only because of some Is it meaningful to ask her to apologize and tell the reason why she wants to be disgusting because her aunt is here and she was just dumped by her boyfriend? Look at it now, isn’t it good?”

"But... I just don't want to see you and Fang Yusi so humble, as if we are begging her..."

"At least Lingjing will be very happy, so I don't care about it, and I didn't get any supercilious looks. From the beginning to the end, I was actually the one who warned her." The two looked at each other for a moment, and Jia Ming smiled, "Okay , In this way, if you are not happy, I can pull her out at any time and let you give her a good beating. It doesn’t matter if she cries and grandpa sues grandma. Do you want tonight or tomorrow night? Well, we can show our identities and let She died clearly, or you can let her not know who did it from the beginning to the end, how about it?"

Sitting on Jiaming's lap, looking at that sincere smiling face for a while, Shasha finally lowered her head and smiled, and then put her arms around his neck. There was a strange wave in her voice.

"Jiaming, if I also suffer such grievances, will you make me happy all the time like you did to Lingjing?"

"Of course, what's the matter?"

"No..." The voice was choked with sobs, and Shasha held him silently for a while, then laughed softly: "The lion never pays attention to the provocation of ants, right?"

"Heh, I'm not a lion, Fang Yusi is not an ant either, we are just ordinary people..."

"I like you very much... Jia Ming."

"Ok, I know."

"Hee, I'm so thick-skinned...".

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